2023 Officers & Board Members
Officers: Contact Us
- Ray Christensen – President, Webmaster
- Adam Shilling – VP, Newsletter
- —open– – Secretary
- Andrea Riley – Treasurer
Other Voting Members: Contact Us
- Alison McCann – DDC Race Director
- Tracey Mack – Membership
- Mike Janis – Events
- Hali Mckinley Lester – Running Events
- Lynne Knothe – USATF Team Coordinator
- Dwight Swaney – Sponsorship
Board Member Responsibilities
Overview of Board Member Responsibilities – many of these are general guidelines
- To promote the civic interest of the State of Delaware by the education of the people of this State in the physical and mental benefits to be derived from the participation in the healthful sport of running.
- A desire to help the PCVRC achieve it mission by hearing feedback from the membership.
- To assist other members in achieving their running goals.
- To tell other persons about the club.
- To volunteer.
The PCVRC board is responsible for the direction of the PCVRC. They are volunteers trying to make a difference. The responsibilities of a Board Member depends on the function and are as follows.
All Positions – Promote the club and recruit members
– Report to Board as necessary (via President or VP)
– Provide input/updates to Newsletter Coordinator and Facebook Group as appropriate
– Interact and plan with other coordinators to assist each other.
– (optional) Find an assistant to help or to take control of specific duties
President – (official description is in Bylaws)
– preside at Board and other club meetings, schedule meetings as necessary
– oversees planning and administration for the club by organizing and facilitating activities of board members / coordinators / committee chairpersons
– RRCA & USATF liason
– Review and act on (or delegate) correspondence (phone calls, emails, physical mail)
Vice President – (official description is in Bylaws)
– discharge the duties of the President in his absence
– special assignments from President
– Oversee Coordinator positions
Secretary – (official description is in Bylaws)
– take minutes at all meetings, maintain meeting agendas and minutes
– attend to club correspondence and maintain club records
– coordinate club awards (voting, placement of order, banquet booklet)
Treasurer – (official description is in Bylaws)
– report on the financial condition at the meetings of the Board
– receive all funds and contributions and maintain the club’s bank accounts
– disburse funds, pay expenses, and maintain records of all transactions
– file federal and state tax returns and other reports as requested
Membership Coordinator – Respond to inquirers of prospective members, facilitates orientation of new members and works with board members on retention programs for existing members.
– Maintain accurate member list, w/status of dues payment (online spreadsheet)
– Send welcome email (within 7 days of receipt of membership form)
– Update PCVRC Welcome Letter as necessary (group runs, coming events, USATF team, etc)
– Send bulk (and individual when necessary) renewal reminder emails/phone calls
– Direct inquiries to appropriate coordinator, club contact list or website for info.
Events Coordinator – Act as social director in planning and organizing regular and special activities
– Maintain records of vendors, including contact info and prices
– Solicit cost estimates and schedule Awards Banquet, Boston Sendoff, Summer BBQ, Holiday party
– solicits club members to schedule periodic group runs
– Work with other coordinators for specific events
DDC 15K Race Director – plan, manage, promote and coordinate annual DDC race
– works with appropriate city or state agencies in obtaining permits, develops sponsor relationships
– coordinates vendors including race timing service, portable toilets, police, ems
– update board and report administrative and financial results
– schedules and leads planning meetings of support team (sponsor coordinator, volunteer coordinator, online registration)
– coordinates race day logistics (setup, food & drink, awards, parking, announcements)
Sponsor Coordinator
– promote sponsorship opportunities with PCVRC/DDC to local businesses in exchange for cash or donated products/services
– provide sponsors/advertisers information on what we can offer such as website ads, newsletter ads, t-shirt logos
– periodic correspondence with sponsors to notify of events and publicity opportunities
Public Relations / Social Media Coordinator – (PR/Publicity//Community)
– Facebook Administrator for weekly or bi-weekly posts and comment on existing posts as appropriate.
– accept new members to Facebook Group, remove spam members
– stimulate discussion, request event recaps, promote upcoming events
– promote club membership, congratulations, welcomes, etc
– administer other potential sites such as Instagram, Meetup.com
– send press releases and notifications as needed to area publications, blogs, fitness centers, and other organizations to promote club activities.
Newsletter Editor – Send email newsletter (eBulletin) periodically to all members
– Collect/solicit content for newsletter, including upcoming events and recaps
– Request input from coordinators / board members
– Include advertising as agreed to by board
USATF Team Coordinator – (road & trail series)
– recruit members to club team and assist with their USATF membership
– provide race dates and information, arrange carpools
– confirm that a complete team will participate
– maintain record of what members ran what races to determine potential free / reduced membership fee for the following year.
– solicit race recaps for eBulletin and post info on FB page
Training Coordinator – assist new runners with basic training plans and answer questions
Coordinate potential training events (speed, hills, etc) in conjunction with group runs
Consult or direct runners to professionals for advanced advice (such as personal trainers, track coaches, physical therapists)
Charity & Walking Coordinator – Liaison with club charity partners (Nemours, B+, MCLF, etc) with minimum quarterly contact to determine ways to promote each other.
– determine and plan specific events where both groups will take part
– recruit & maintain contact with walkers + promote group walks
Webmaster – Maintain website, email addresses, hosting account and domain registration.
– Post eBulletins to online News page and ensure that events are posted well in advance
– Add/revise photos and text as appropriate
– Add/revise sponsor and advertiser links as appropriate
– Update DDC information upon receipt from race director (info, photos, results, etc)
– Assist and train others in posting events, awards & hall of fame content