General Information
To foster greater participation in the club, and to reach out to prospective members, PCVRC will hold weekend group runs at various locations throughout the northern Delaware area. The club will rely on interested members to volunteer to select a date and act as host for that particular run.
You may choose a location at or near your home that would include a suitable (safe) course and possible socializing before and after. So if it starts and ends in a parking lot, there should be plans to go somewhere else afterward.
How to be a host
Volunteers to host runs should first select a date from list (at right) and follow these guidelines. Contact Claire, our
“Weekend Run Coordinator”, who is the central point of contact for each run host. She will confirm date and pass along details you provide for posting on our website and eBulletin.
- Host should first select a date and check availability
- Once approved, select meeting location, provide directions and other pertinent info and submit with your
email address, (phone optional). - Course should be suitable for both long and short run options. Distances to various landmarks should be known. Online distance calculator tools are available, such as the route creator on the USATF website or mapmyrun.
- Parking should not be difficult.
- Club will provide the following to have on hand: membership forms, club brochures, waivers for
non-members to sign, t-shirts for brand new members. Weekend Run Coordinator or at least one Board
Member will attend. - Anyone who might attend should RSVP directly to host. Host should provide water and hopefully other
drinks/bagels/donuts/food items for social time after people run. They can also keep track of items that others may volunteer to bring. - All are encouraged to attend: familymembers, neighbors, new runners, etc. We’d welcome new members, but
especially want to just make it easier for people to run with a group. - Hosts should help coordinate carpooling if parking is an issue or if held at state parks (with fee).
- It would be best to plan on event being held “rain or shine” to prevent confusion.
- Host should send one email reminder message a couple days before their run, to those who expressed
interest. You might advise on the number of people expected and what food or plans will be available.
With any luck, one of these locations may turn into a regularly scheduled group run (weekly, monthly, or whatever). We also hope to stimulate more interest in our Sunday group run and USATF team participation.
Any suggestions are appreciated!