We will hold a 10 week Couch To 5K program in Spring 2025, so contact us if interested in participating.
- Training schedule: March 27, 2025 – May 29th, 2025, 10 sessions total
- Training location: Delcastle Recreation Park, Thursdays 6PM (see map below)
- Target Race: We train for the “Freedom from Seizures” Race at Glasgow Park on June 7, 2025. Race Details/Registration Here
We will plan for meetings to take place 6-7 PM at Delcastle Recreation Area on McKennan’s Church Road (use Tennis parking entrance). We plan on having 10 meetings. There is no cost for the program. Please spread the word & see below to register. It is optional to enjoy full club membership benefits for $25/yr!
Please contact us with any questions. We look forward to seeing everyone! Walk and run safely.
Did you ever want to try running, but didn’t know where to start?
Are you looking for a healthy way to make new friends and keep active?
Then lace up your shoes and join us for a fun, social way to get healthy and into great shape as our team of experienced runners help you get off the couch and running or walking a 5k!
PCVRC periodically offers a training program to make it easier than ever to prepare you to run or walk a 5k event. We are ready to coach you to fitness, gradually allowing you to individually determine when you are ready to move on to the next level and with a zero intimidation factor. No experience necessary!

Experienced runners from the PCVRC will be on hand to get you started at each weekly workout and answer any questions. We’ll even join you on your weekly runs to help you keep pace if you desire.
- If your goal is to run your first 5k, join us on Thursday evenings 6pm.
- Sessions are 1 x per week, but other PCVRC meet-ups are available to help keep you motivated!
- Wear appropriate running or walking shoes (we can even help direct you with that also!)
- Join us any time; we can always accommodate new participants!
- Additional details and workout schedule will be provided at each session
So lace up your shoes and come and join us!
If you would like more information about Pike Creek Valley Running Club, see membership details here.
Thursday Training Location
Thursday 6pm Meet at Delcastle Rec. Area on McKennan’s Church Rd. in Mill Creek/Pike Creek area. Park at north (Tennis parking) entrance and look for yellow sign at exercise area. Paved, lighted 1.75 mile loop course.
Sunday Group Runs: Come out anytime!
Beginner runners are totally welcome to come out to our 8am Sunday group run to walk or walk/run or jog and then enjoy coffee with us afterwards.
We meet in Newark in parking lot behind Brew Ha! Ha! on Main Street every Sunday at 8am. It is an out and back course along Creek Road, so you can turn at any time for any mileage. Some of our regulars do a run/walk, so just contact us if you expect to come out.