Couch 2 5K program starting again
Due to the popularity of our first Couch 2 5k program, PCVRC, in collaboration with New Balance, is once again offering the program to members and non-members – so tell your family and friends. If your goal is to run a 5k, we have the group for you. Come meet Paula Jermyn, Darlise DiMatteo and Claire Neilan on Mondays at 6pm beginning August 5th at the Newark Reservoir. We will start with general introductions and a brief discussion of that night’s workout. You will also receive that week’s training plan for you to follow on your schedule, although we would love to see you at any of the other group runs/walks.
There is no cost for this program. Incentives include discounts at the New Balance Brandywine and Christiana stores for those who complete at least 6 weeks of the running program and a discount to our 5k race- the DDC 5k. Spread the word!
Run with the Summer Concert Series at White Clay – last one, Wed Aug 14.
During the summer months, please plan on attending fun runs in White Clay State Park (Carpenter Recreation Area) followed by some relaxation listening to live music while enjoying the company of other PCVRC members. The last one is Wed Aug 14: Almost Fab (Beatles tribute)
We will go for a short run in the park before each concert, more details to follow. For more information on the series please see
Race Results, Reviews and accomplishments:
Green-Fields Duathlon, West Deptford, NJ, July 28 (Run 2, Bike 12, Run 3)
John Schultz – 2:11:21 (awards, 1st in age and “Most seasoned veteran”/Oldest finisher
Sunset Challenge Duathlon, Parvin State Park, NJ, July 27 (Run 2, Bike 13, Run 3.1)
Tom Jermyn, 1:08:39 (2nd in age)
Dan Simmons, 1:16:08 (1st in age)
John Schultz, 2:06:08 (1st in age)
From the editor – I publish any results sent to me at or at . So please continue to send me results “of note” and I will put them in the newsletter. Occasionally, I may be moved to publish a list of all PCVRC runners from a big local race. USATF racers running for the club will have their results published as they are sent to me.
I am particularly interested in acknowledging significant other accomplishments that may not get noticed otherwise – someone who ran a “first” (5K to a marathon, a tri, etc.) or ran in a “destination” race (like a Ragnar, Big Sur Marathon, etc.) So please, tell on your friends! And I am always in need of race reviews!
PCVRC Events Calendar
Our “Events Calendar” page on the website includes all club-related activities including weekly group runs, USATF Series races (noted with blue stars), social events, and club meetings. We’ll also note events where PCVRC is affiliated in some way such as Delaware Marathon. The calendar is updated regularly.
Links for Club Members
PCVRC Events Calendar:
PCVRC News Bulletins:
Please patronize our sponsors!
New Balance Brandywine & Christiana stores offer a 20% discount to current club members.
M&T Bank offers personal & business banking, credit cards, mortgages, investments.
Foot Care Group provides comprehensive care and treatment of the foot and ankle.
Harvest Market provides organic and natural foods, nutritional supplements, and natural health care products.
Cheskin Chiropractic – Dr. Jeff Cheskin is a club member & long-time sponsor w/20+ years experience.
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