Summer is upon us and PCVRC hopes you have the opportunity enjoy the little things and spend more quality time with friends and family. If you haven’t been paying attention, the club is out and about running races and participating in social activities so check out our website and Facebook page to see what’s happening. PCVRC is a social club and very supportive of all our member’s running goals. Most importantly, we have a great time running and welcome runners and walkers of all backgrounds regardless of race, nationality, religion, sexual preference and of all levels of ability from beginner joggers to the highly competitive road racer to marathoners.
Membership benefits
Only $25 per year for the entire family ($15 for the remainder of 2021) includes free T-shirt for new members, race discounts, discounted Delaware State Park Pass, weekly group runs, track workouts with Coach Fischer, fun runs, Club social events including Holiday Party, Spring Social, Delaware Distance Classic (our signature event), 20% discount at New Balance Stores in Brandywine and Christiana, 10% discount at Delaware Running Company, 20% discount at Tifosi Optics on all orders over $30, eligible to participate as a member of our team in USATF events and more!
Did you get your green PCVRC cotton shirt?
If you joined or renewed for 2021 and did not yet get your shirt, click HERE to pick up at Ray’s house or at an upcoming group run or social.
Discount$ for Club Members!
Noxgear – 35% off with code PCVRC:
Tifosi – 20% off $30 or more with code PIKECREEKVALLEY:
Picky Bars – PCVRC-TRIDAWGS-2021 30% one purchase or first month of Picky Club
Road ID – 20% off through June with code JX0QT0JVKXRD:
Social Activities
Spring social at Dew Point Brewery on May 21 – We had a great club turnout and enjoyed the fantastic weather, food, music and conversation. Plus, the Club picked up the first drink for all members and we raised a glass to our departed runner, William Lee Kauffman. Please see below and check out the website for more social events expected in the near future.
Summer Social at Grain H2O on Friday July 9 – The last social was so much fun, we could barely wait until summer to do it again. The next social is on July 9 at 5pm at Grain H2O (3006 Summit Harbour Pl, Bear, DE), near the C&D Canal. We look forward to seeing you there!
Summer picnic on August 15 at Bellevue State Park – The Club has reserved a pavilion at Bellevue State Park for Sunday August 15, starting at 4:00pm. The Club will provide food and drink for this fun and social event. There will be an online sign-up for those who would like to bring a side or dessert.
Check the website for updates on these and other upcoming events: PCVRC Events Calendar
Group Runs continue every Sunday & Thursday and track workouts every Tuesday
Sundays 8:00am – meet in the parking lot behind the former Panera Bread on Main St., Newark (free parking); run in White Creek Park and back anywhere from 1-14 miles or more round trip. There are always folks hanging around afterwards to catch up over takeout coffee and breakfast.
Thursdays 6:00 pm – meet at start/finish of Delcastle Rec Area; Run 1 or more laps of the 1.75 mile loop
Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm – track workouts with a Delaware Hall of Fame running coach, Jim Fischer, are (usually) at St. Marks High School.
For Your Information
Having just experienced some uncomfortable heat the past few days, the higher effort needed to run is not in your head. Since very few of us stop or even slow down during the summer, especially those training for early fall marathons, see articles on what heat and humidity do and considerations when running HERE, HERE and HERE.
Another peril of summer is getting caught in a surprise thunderstorm because your run was a little longer than expected (maybe you got lost) or forgot to check the weather beforehand. For guidance if (when) this happens to you, click HERE.
Congratulations to our C25K Program Graduates!
Lee and Michelle Dresser graciously led a very successful spring edition of the Couch to 5K program at Paper Mill Park on Wednesday evenings for the past 2 months, which culminated with a major achievement for participants, completion of the Humble but Hungry 5K. Special thanks to Lee and Michele, several PCVRC club members who helped make this a fun and rewarding activity and one of our sponsors, Omega Project PT, who led a dynamic stretching session for attendees. Please check the website for more details HERE.
USATF Race Series – Great job PCVRC Team!
Several members of the racing team traveled to Yardley, PA on Memorial Day to participate in the Yardley Memorial Main Street Mile. Following the race, most of enjoyed getting some more miles in along the scenic towpath along the Delaware Canal. Special congratulations to Allison Emmons as the overall female champion, as well as age group winners Abby Dean, Mark Hannagan, and Angelina Spacaccini. Five days later, and about 20 degrees warmer, many team members raced in the Scott Coffee Moorestown 8k. The ladies of PCVRC were not slowed by the unseasonably hot and humid conditions with Abby Dean, Allison Emmons, Carole Feole, and Elizabeth Swierzbinski being the top 4 scorers for the club. The Mid-Atlantic USATF website has been having difficulties, but PCVRC is currently in second place in the road series. The road series will take a break for the summer and will resume with the Main Line 5k in Wayne in September.
On the off-road side of the series, members raced at the always rocky and hilly Coventry Woods 10k. The next race in the off-road series is the Double Trouble 15k at French Creek State Park.
Matthew Cutrona, Abby Dean, and Greg Cauller participated in the Mid-Atlantic Master’s track championships at Millersville University on June 27. Matthew won the 1500 meters and 5000 meters for men 50-59, Abby won the women’s 45-49 5000 meters, and Greg won the 5000 meters, 10000 meters, steeplechase, and javelin throw for men 60-64. With only 3 members participating in the track meet, PCVRC placed 3rd!
Grand Prix Road schedule –
Off Road schedule –
Delaware Distance Classic is Back for 2021!
The DDC is tentatively scheduled for October 24, 2021 so mark your calendars! Course will likely be at the Riverfront again. More details expected in the coming weeks so please check the website for information and race updates at
Your PCVRC Board needs you!
Please consider joining the board to help our club become more beneficial and enjoyable to current and prospective members with group runs, socials and other activities. Board meetings are typically every other month. You’ll have plenty of support and get to help shape the club. For more details, click HERE.
Contact Us!
President: Wes Stafford
Vice President: Adam Shilling
Secretary: Alison McCann
Treasurer: Andrea Riley
Membership coordinator: Christina Xia
Events coordinator: Dirk Sweigart
USATF Team coordinator: Lynn Knothe
Sponsorship coordinator: Open
Webmaster: Ray Christensen
C25K coordinator: Lee Dresser
DDC Race Director: Alison McCann
Social Media: Alison McCann
Communications/marketing: Open