Happy New Year to all our club members and their families! We hope you were able to enjoy the holidays and share the time with family and friends in safe manner. We had our first snow in December, but the weather has been generally pleasant so far from a winter standpoint for exercising outside.
Besides the physical benefits, running and walking continues to provide relief to some of the mental and emotional stress that these turbulent times can evoke. We are a social club and very supportive of all our member’s running goals. Most importantly, we have a great time running and welcome runners and walkers of all backgrounds regardless of race, nationality, religion, sexual preference and of all levels of ability from beginner joggers to the highly competitive road racer to marathoners.
Renew Your membership for 2021
Please visit https://pcvrc.com/join-our-running-club/ to renew online or mail check. Only new members need to submit a member form.
Only $25 per year for the entire family includes free T-shirt for new members, race discounts, discounted Delaware State Parks Pass, weekly group runs, track workouts with Coach Fischer, fun runs, Club social events including Holiday Party, upcoming Fun Run on the Riverfront, Spring Social, Delaware Distance Classic (our signature event), 20% discount at New Balance Stores in Brandywine and Christiana, 10% discount at Delaware Running Company, Couch to 5k program this spring, 6amRun discount, eligible to participate as a member of our team in USATF events and more!
Order your Discounted Delaware State Park Passes
Another great benefit for club members is being able to purchase discounted Delaware State Park passes. They are $30 per car for the year for both Delaware residents and non-residents (normally $35 for residents and $70 for non-residents). For more information, Click Here
Social Activities
Lights run in December – Club members had a great time on our “lights run” through a local neighborhood to enjoy the holiday decorations while getting exercise at the same time.
Cupid’s Scavenger Hunt – February 6
Join the PCVRC team in this fun event to support Cupid’s Charity, a great cause to find a cure for neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1), a genetic disorder of the peripheral nervous system that causes tumors to grow on the nerves anywhere in the body at any time. Club members meet at Maker’s Alley (804 N. Orange St, Wilmington) at 12:45pm for a 0.5 mile run and then participate in a fun scavenger hunt starting at 1:00pm. Maker’s Alley opens at 11:30am so participants are welcome to hang out at Maker’s Alley beforehand as well as after the scavenger hunt for food, drink and socially distanced conversation until 4:30pm. There’s a costume contest for individuals and teams so we encourage you to dress in a Valentine’s/Cupid/ Underwear theme. Keep in mind the weather since the event is all outside.
Please use the code for 50% off registration!!!! Guaranteed to be a fun time!!
To register, click: https://cupids.org/register/
1. Select Wilmington
2. Email needs to be lower case.
3. Fill out all necessary address fields and sizes for swag
4. Select Pike Creek Valley Running Club team on drop down menu
5. Click the waiver form box at the bottom before continuing to next step. 6. Use code 50pk for 50% off registration.
Group Run at the Wilmington Riverfront – February 20
PCVRC members welcome to join us for a fun run and then lunch and drinks at Constitution Yards. Run starts at noon at the old smoke stack in front of Planet Fitness and the Shipyard Shops and our “cool down” at Constitution Yards begins at 1:00pm. Club will buy your first drink (must be an active paid 2021 member). This is primarily an outdoor activity so dress appropriately. For venue details, click HERE.
Summer picnic tentatively planned for August – Club will reserve a pavilion at a local state park. More details to follow later in the spring.
Spring will allow us to hold more outdoor fun runs and social events. Check the website for updates on events and planned virtual seminars on training, fitness and health – PCVRC Events Calendar
Group Runs continue every Sunday & Thursday and track workouts every Tuesday
Socially distanced runs have resumed at their usual places and times so relearn how to interact with people face to face while shaking off that quarantine rust.
Sundays 8:00am – meet in the parking lot behind of Panera on Main St., Newark (free parking); run in White Creek Park and back up to 14 miles or more round trip. There are always folks hanging around afterwards to catch up over takeout coffee and breakfast.
Thursdays 6:00 pm – meet at start/finish of Delcastle Rec Area; Run 1 or more laps of the 1.75 mile loop
Tuesday evening track workouts with a Delaware Hall of Fame running coach, Jim Fischer, at St. Marks High School are back for you to get up to speed!
For Your Information
With in-person races starting up in the absence of widespread vaccinations, you may be curious about wearing a mask while running. For considerations, checkout an article HERE as well as the differences between mask types HERE
Since it’s January, some tips on winter running, particularly new runners or those relocating from warmer climates, are HERE
C25K Program to Restart in the Spring
Lee and Michelle Dresser conducted 8-9 weekly C25K meetings during the fall. Covid had an obvious effect on attendance, but still had up to 5 people attend meetings. Lee and Michelle commented that it was a nice group and they had fun runs together.
Another session is planned to restart the Couch to 5K program at Paper Mill Park in the spring. The approximately 10-week program is free and culminates with a goal 5K race in May or June. Please bring a mask to wear before and after running and walking and stay 6 feet away from anyone not in your immediate family at all times. As demonstrated in the fall session, following these recommendations, we can run safely. Please check the website for updates HERE.
USATF Race Series Update
Unfortunately, the 2020 season was cut short, but we expect races to start up for the 2021 season. Please check out the website for updates HERE
Delaware Distance Classic is Back for 2021!
The DDC is tentatively scheduled for October with an exact date to be set in the near future. Please check the website for more information and race updates at https://ddc15k.org/
Your PCVRC Board needs you!
Nominations for officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) are now open. Please submit candidate nominations by early February. Voting will be conducted in February.
Please consider joining the board and helping our club become more beneficial and enjoyable to current and prospective members with group runs, socials and other activities. Board meetings are typically every other month. You’ll have plenty of support and get to help shape the club. For more details, click HERE.
Contact Us!
President: Wes Stafford
Vice President: Adam Shilling
Secretary: Alison McCann
Treasurer: Andrea Riley
Membership coordinator: Christina Xia
Events coordinator: Dirk Sweigart and Sherri Sweigart
USATF Team coordinator: Lynn Knothe
Sponsorship coordinator: OPEN
Webmaster: Ray Christensen
C25K coordinator: Lee Dresser
DDC Race Director: OPEN
Social Media: Alison McCann
Communications/marketing: OPEN