Race or volunteer at Nun Run 5K
(This is not a club event, but it is receiving the special “dispensation” of a mention in the bulletin because President Ray is the race director.)
This Saturday: Runners get Twin Lakes beer, Pat’s Pizza, Chic-fil-A, chocolate milk, bananas, bagels, DJ music, goodie bag, raffle, & more!!! Race day registration starts 730am for the 9am race. Call Ray at 302-633-1482 for race details or to volunteer to help with traffic control, serving beer, and manning a PCVRC table to hand out brochures. We need help.
Register for DDC 15K
October 10, the date of the Delaware Distance Classic 15K, the signature race of Pike Creek Valley Running Club, is rapidly approaching. For years this race has been an important part of the USATF Mid-Atlantic Road Race Series because it is virtually the only 15K run in the region. Event and registration information can be found here: http://pcvrc.com/ddc.php.
If you don’t plan on running this event, but will be around that morning, please consider volunteering. It’s important to have plenty of course marshals. To volunteer, contact Dave Farren at or call 798-4179.
Make reservations for Wine Dinner
On Thursday, October 21 the club is holding a wine dinner at Caffe Gelato, 90 E. Main St., Newark. $22 of each persons costs will be directly to the club. In addition, for each person who signs up for the Waffle Cone 10 Miler, which will be on Sunday, October 24, at the dinner, the club will receive an additional $5.00. To reserve your spot(s), RSVP Rachel Bleacher at . Do not make reservations for this event through the Caffe Gelato website.
Additional information about all the events mentioned above are available at: http://pcvrc.com/eventlist.php.
Race results
Editor’s Note: From time to time I mention for newer members my informal guidelines for printing race results. Years ago it got to be too much to print the results of every club finisher in every 5K. So, in general, the mention of results in shorter races in confined to top three male and female finishers and the top masters finisher (male and female). I do try to cover all the club results in USATF races and the bigger events in the area. I try to cover all half and full marathon results. But I will always mention the result of any race that is important to a particular runner – a new PR or 34th consecutive running of a race, for instance. Just let me know. The results on the Bottle and Corks races are covered in full because they have a history for Delaware runners.)
2nd Cindy Foundation 5k for Ovarian Cancer
Matt Cutrona, 2nd Overall, 19:10
Bottle & Cork Ten Miler
:55:22 Mark Vilardo, Overall Winner
:59:35 Austin Gee, 3rd 25-29
1:07:40 Epi Camacho, 2nd 50-54
1:09:26 Kelly Horowitz, 1st 35-39
1:10:15 Ivan Avendano, 1st 60-64
1:12:49 Dan Simmons, 2nd 60-64
1:13:15 Sheila Vilardo, 2nd 35-39
1:13:50 Carole Feole, 1st 50-54, PR!
1:14:00 Kristin Stump, 1st 19-29. PR
1:14:20 Michael Peyton
J1:16:00 Jack Horowitz
1:21:55 Paul Schweitzer
1:30:36 Rich Szymanski
1:32:44 Jen Epler
1:48:19 Rachel Bleacher
1:48:58 Rudy Antonini
1:50:56 Tricia Szymanski
Bottle & Cork 5K
June Lovensheimer, 46:42, 1st 70+ Mother of Kelly Horowitz