Boston Marathon Registration Dates
Monday, September 12 Qualifiers 20 min, 00 sec or faster
Wednesday, September 14 Qualifiers 10 min, 00 sec or faster, (if space remains)
Friday, September 16 Qualifiers 5 min, 00 sec or faster, (if space remains)
Monday, September 19 All qualifiers, (if space remains)
Friday, September 23 Registration closes
Registration is open according to new procedures. It closes entirely on 9/23 so if qualified, see details at
Nun Run 5K – Sat 9/17 – from Ray
As race director, I invite you to run or be the lead bike! As club Prez I invite you to volunteer since we�ll have a table to recruit for club and DDC 15K.
Several members are helping, but I just need a couple more. Choice of our table, serving beer, directing traffic, course marshal. Great weather expected. Just down the street from Octoberfest. We have volunteer shirts, DJ music, beer, pizza, chocolate milk, more. Call me 302-633-1482 or see
Main Street Mile – Sat 10/1
Club sponsor New Balance is involved in Main Street Mile in Newark on October 1st. The run supports the Newark K-9 unit. Breakfast at Deer Park Tavern. See
Delaware Distance Classic 15K – Sun 10/9
75 registered already. We’re shooting for 400. If not running, please contact Jim Steele at to assist on race day (registration, course marshal, set-up, refreshment tables). Mark your calendar for our race! See optional race jacket at
DDC 15K or Club Race Jacket
Members, did you know that you too can order the DDC race jacket even if you’re not running the race? The jacket is available in Black from New Balance with your choice of DDC Race Logo or PCVRC Club Logo embroidered on front. It is a lightweight, moisture-wicking, and breathable, the Gazelle Jacket is seriously versatile. For more information and to see a picture of the jacket please go to If you are interested in ordering please contact Ray() or Jim().
Volunteers Needed for Delaware Distance Classic 15K
Volunteers will be needed for the DDC 15K on Sunday, October 9th. Jim Steele will be coordinating all volunteer efforts. We will need help with registration, course marshals, traffic, water stops, finish line and food tables. Please email Jim at to volunteer! We’re looking for about 20 club members to help out. Thanks for your support!
Wine Dinner From: Social Director Rachel
If you haven’t RSVP’d to the wine dinner on September 27th @ 7:30, Please email me to reserve your spot! – Hope to see you there!
From Secretary Jerry (through Editor Dave):
Jerry Herman had to go out of town on short notice. However, he is registered for the Rock “N” Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon this Sunday. He mailed me the registration confirmation, but I won’t be using it. So, claim it if you want to run. The only stipulation is that you can’t finish fast enough to place in the 65-69 male age-group. Last year the third place male 65-69 ran slightly over an eight minute pace in 1:46++. E-mail me if you want to come by and pick up the confirmation.
Info on women’s cross-country meets, received from the University of Delaware: Unfortunately these meets are women-only as the U. of DE no longer has an official men’s team, which was sacrificed on the altar of the political correctness of Title IX and the fact that men’s teams had to be axed to balance out the high number of men’s athletic scholarships that go to the football team, for which there is no women’s equivalent.
Delaware Cross Country would like to invite you and your running clubs to attend their two exciting home meets this season! The Delaware Invitational takes place this Saturday, September 17th. The Blue & Gold Invitational is scheduled for Saturday, October 15th. Both meets will be hosted at White Clay Creek State Park [Carpenter Park on 896] in Newark, DE.
For more information about this year’s Cross Country team, as well as to find out more information about the upcoming meets, please click here to visit
“Healthy Kids Running Series” for Children Coming to Wilmington:
Sunday, Sept. 25 and October 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2011 from 5:30PM � 6:30PM. The Healthy Kids Running Series will kick-off its inaugural season at Pointe Lookout Farm(3201 Montchanin Rd.) Sunday afternoons beginning Sept. 25, 2011! The Healthy Kids Running Series is a five week running program for kids Pre-K to 8th grade. Each Race Series takes place once a week and offers age appropriate running distances. Kids will compete each week of the Series for a chance to earn points, and at the end of the Series the top boy and girl with the most points in their respective age division receive a trophy. All participants receive a medal and gift bag for their achievements!
Kids from Pre-K to 8th grade are invited to come and participate in a fun five-week running series. Distances: Pre-K 50 Yard Dash, K & 1st 1/4 Mile, 2nd & 3rd 1/2 Mile, 4th & 5th 1 Mile, & 6th � 8th 1 Mile.
Trophies will be awarded based on points accumulated to the top boy and girl in each age group after the final race of each Series. Each Participant will receive a medal after the last race. The first 400 registered participants across all Series will receive a New Balance T-Shirt. The Series provides participants with a fun learning experience about living an active lifestyle, dedication and setting goals.
To register for the Healthy Kids Running Series visit:
Lehigh River Valley Marathon: It wasn’t like I remembered it
Two years ago I ran the initial staging of this event and did fairly well, finishing in 4:09. If I could accomplish that again, it would give me an extra five minutes of qualifying for Boston, meaning I could register earlier and have a better chance at entering than with the other BQ time I have. Additionally, club member David Baca was attempting to BQ at the event.
Unfortunately, events conspired against us.
1. Recall all the rain we had just a week ago and then recheck the name of the race. We were supposed to be running mostly on a bike path along the river from Allentown, thorugh Bethlehem, to Easton, PA. But it had flooded during the rains and the course had to be altered in several areas. So, instead of running on the gentle downhill of the path, we had to run five extra miles in the beginning of the race on hilly roads and then three more hilly miles at the end.
2. While the temperature didn’t get above 68 by the time I finished, the dew point was almost the same as the temperature. This created a deceptive feel as it didn’t seem so bad at the start of the race, but by half way through, I felt like I was cooking. I took fluids at every stop and was taking walking breaks (a la the Galloway method), but it wasn’t helping.
3. The parts of the trail that weren’t paved were either damp and slick or stone gravel had been added. Either way I slowed down on both surfaces.
By twelve miles, I had an irritated tendon near my right knee and I knew I was going to have a rough day. At one point, about eighteen miles in, even though I was just slogging along, I was sucking wind like I was sprinting. When I took a walking break, I decided to keep walking until my breathing was more normal. I took me almost a half mile of walking for my breathing to slow down. I ended up finishing over 35 minutes slower than in 2009. David Baca missed his BQ time by over 21 minutes.
On a brighter note, Carolyn and I intended to go to an alehouse near the finish line for some food and beverages, but we weren’t sure where it was. Then she pointed out all the guys standing around in RED DRESSES. They were hashers, known as “the drinking club with a running problem”, and had participated as teams of relayers in the red dresses. Showing up in public in red dresses is something of a yearly tradition for most hash house harrier groups- done with the intention to shock those of a more prim and proper outlook. At any rate, I approached them, figuring if anyone would know where to find a beer, they would. Sure enough they pointed it out and we went off to relax.
Race Results:
Ocean City, N.J. Triathlon
1:16:11 Theresa Kauffman, 1st 45-49
Bottle and Cork 10 Miler
55:54 Mark Vilardo, Overall Winner
Lehigh River Valley Marathon
3:51:44 David Baca
4:44:31 Dave McCorquodale