President’s Message
With the Olympics here and the weather turning exceedingly hot, I encourage everyone to hydrate! A great way to do this is by attending our upcoming Club Pool Party and Fun Run on Thursday, August 25 at Delaware Vets Post 1 – off Naamans Road in Wilmington. The Fun Run will start at 6:30 pm and Jerry Herman has designed a fun course for us to run. The Pool Party will follow and will continue until 9pm. Del Vets has a large outdoor pool, a grassy picnic area, a bar, a clubhouse, and food service. Outside food may be brought in; however, we must purchase the alcohol though the club. Your admittance, as well as food and drink will be provided by the club. Please RSVP to Kim Riccio at so that we know how many members and guests plan to attend.
Enjoy that summer of running!
We currently stand at 168 memberships; 212 members. Please welcome our newest club members: Jennifer MacDonald, Marisa Leva and Jingkun Li.
Membership is only $25 and is good for your entire family. Any member who races for PCVRC in 4 or more USATF races a calendar year, and is a member of USATF, will receive complimentary PCVRC membership for the following calendar year. New members who join on or after June 1st but before October 1st will pay a reduced rate of $15 to cover membership for the remainder of the current calendar year, then are subject to same renewal policy as current members stated above. Anyone who joins on or after October 1st would pay $25 that would cover them for remainder of current calendar year plus the entire following calendar year. PCVRC Join/Renew: or send a check or money order (payable to PCVRC) to: PCVRC, PO Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804
Delaware Distance Classic
Our club’s signature event, the 34th Annual Delaware Distance Classic 15K/5K races will be held on October 9th at 9:00 am in Delaware City. This race is the largest fundraiser for our club and we want you to ask your family, friends, and coworkers to participate. Only $35 through Sept 1 for the 15K and only $25 for the 5K. Please contact Jim Steele (302) 530-7274 or or Joel Schiller (302-884-6566) or for more information. Registration forms and the online registration link can be found at The next DDC Planning meeting will be August 23 at Joel Schiller’s house and participation is open to anyone who wants to help! Click Here for details on the sponsorship opportunities.
Couch 2 5K
The Fall 2016 Couch to 5K and Couch to 10K programs began August 1 and continue every Monday at 6pm at the Newark reservoir. It’s not too late to get started and all levels of ability, including run/walkers and walkers, are welcome. We’ve been off to a great start with loads of new participants, courtesy of Barclay’s Bank and Siemens. The ten week program concludes with our capstone event: the Delaware Distance Classic 5K or 15K on Oct 9. To learn more, please ask to join our C210Kers Facebook group or email Amy Temple at
Next USATF trail race is next Sunday, August 21. Radnor Red Run 5k steeple chase. NOT YOUR ORDINARY 5K RACE! Horse Jumps, Water Pits, Cross Country Trails & Fun! YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS IT!! Great after party, too. If you’ve ever thought about participating on the PCVRC team, this is a great opportunity. Contact Tom Steenkamer for more info at
Race Results
14th Annual Green-Fields Swim Club Duathlon (Thorofare, NJ)
John Schultz: 2:49:39 (Most Experienced Athlete)
(Race details: run 2.2 miles, bike 13.4 miles, run 5K)
Chobot Challenge Trail Race (Birdsboro, PA)
John Schultz: 2:41:27
(Race details: 8.4 miles with 6 stream crossings)
Wilmington Games, Baynard Stadium (4 separate dates)
John Schultz:
100m 22.1, 22.7, 22.1
200m 48.1, 53.9
400m 2:12.0, 2:13.5
800m 5:06.2 (2nd 17+), 5:28.9
Would you like your race results (or those of a fellow club member who you are proud of) included in the next eBulletin? If so, please send them to Blythe (). We can only print what you send us, so please share your achievements!
2016 PCVRC Board
The 2016 Club Officers are:
Joel Schiller, President
Dirk Sweigart, VP
Jerry Herman, Secretary
Lenora Wagner, Treasurer
The following club members are voting members of the Board in 2016:
Tom Steenkamer – USA TF
Jim Steele – DDC Race Director
Christina Xia – Membership
Ray Christensen – Emeritus/At Large
Kim Riccio – Social Chair