President’s Message
DDC planning is in full swing and we hope everyone will be able to participate in this year’s Delaware Distance Classic. In honor of our new partnership with Fusion Racing, this year’s theme is 100% Inclusion. As such, we are asking every single club member to either run or volunteer at the Sunday October 8, 2017 DDC in Delaware City. It’s our 35th year and there are so many ways you can help either before, during, or after the event. Most importantly, we want you to make copies of our 2017 entry form and brochure (they can be combined into a color two-sided tri-fold) and hand them out to every runner and walker you know! Please personally ask 10 or more people to participate! Our 15K course is beautiful and will utilize both the Biddles Point and the new Delaware City connector to the Michael Castle C&D canal path and our 5K will be revamped to run from Delaware City into Fort DuPont and back. The post race party will begin this year at 10:15 am and we want a raucous good time on the outdoor bar/deck at Crabby Dick’s!!
The next DDC planning meeting is Thursday August 17, 2017 at 6:30 at Jim Steele’s house. We really do need more help, so please let us know if you can attend.
In other news, I want to thank Blythe Milbury-Steen for her help as Communications/Marketing Director. New responsibilities require Blythe to step down from the Board; so we are looking for a new Communications/Marketing person.
I hope everyone is having a terrific Summer. Best wishes and continued happy running!
We had a great membership month and the club currently stands at 139 family memberships with 247 club members. Please welcome the following new members: The Adams family: Ryan, Jacob, Erik, and Megan Flanagan; Todd Grove; Enjolokee Kukulo Jones and Albertha Carter; The McCann family: Alison, Jon, Jack, and Alyssa; The Sticinski family: Virginia, Leo, Stosh, and Matt; Margo Stitz and Brian Urion; the Wesley family: Sheronda, Steven, Hunter, and Jaeger; and a 2017 membership renewal from Thomas Fort.
Membership is only $25 and is good for your entire family. PCVRC membership is also tax deductible. Any member who races for PCVRC in 4 or more USATF races a calendar year, and is a member of USATF, will receive complimentary PCVRC membership for the following calendar year. We will notify these members in January.
New members who join on or after June 1st but before October 1st will pay a reduced rate of $15 to cover membership for the remainder of the current calendar year, then are subject to same renewal policy as current members stated above. Anyone who joins on or after October 1st would pay $25 that would cover them for remainder of current calendar year plus the entire following calendar year.
To renew your dues: or send a $25 check or money order (payable to PCVRC) to: PCVRC, PO Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804
Treasurer’s Report
Lenora reports that as of the end of July, the club maintained total cash of $24,912 with $16,360 of this amount in the DDC account.
Social Activities
Unfortunately, the combination bike ride and BBQ at the Dischler’s on Saturday, July 29th had to be postponed due to weather. A replacement date will be announced soon.
In other news, our running meet-ups continue: Tuesdays at the Newark Reservoir at 6PM; Thursdays at 6PM at Delcastle Recreation; and Sundays 8AMat Panera on Main Street Newark. Please come on out and join us!
USATF Report
The USATF spring road race season concluded with the Moorestown 8k. A tough day of competition between the top 4 regional clubs resulted in a 4th place finish for the PCVRC team. Individual highlights included age group winners – Sarah Rusk, Zach Chupa, and Betty Olmstead. The club retained its hold on 3rd place in the season long competition. The Grand Prix series returns in October with the Delaware Distance Classic 15K.
In the off-road series, the club competed in the Wissahickon Trail Classic and finished 2nd in the team competition. Individual highlights included overall race winner Bill Steele and Allison Emmons as 4th place female. The PCVRC team is currently in 2nd place in the off road series heading into the next event at the Radnor Hunt Club 5k Steeplechase on August 20th.
Race Results & Recognition
Summer temperatures make racing challenging, but our members love a good challenge! Let us know what you’ve been up to– race results, PRs, conquering a new distance or other milestones (accomplished in extreme humidity, no less!) If you’d like your race result in the next newsletter, please send to .