Radnor Run Steeplechase 5K results
Pike Creek Valley Running Club had a great individual showing at the Radnor Run Steeplechase 5K on Aug. 22, the sixth event in the MA-USATF Off-Road Series. Josh Loren won the race and Austin Gee was third overall. The club had the second highest age-grade total and maintains its second place overall in the series. The final event in this series is the Delaware Cross Country Championships on November 27 at Brandywine Creek State Park. In the individual standings, Josh Loren leads the Open Male category by one point, Tom Jermyn is second male master behind by one point and Fred Shufflebarger leads the Senior Male category by three points.
Place Time Name Age Grade
1 18:09 Josh Loren 71.258
3 19:10 Austin Gee 67.304
21 20:57 Tom Jermyn 68.275
22 21:02 Tom Steenkamer 70.681
27 21:40 Chris James 60.846
38 22:38 Bob Kleszics 66.200
102 26:11 Rich Syzmanski 54.169
142 28:43 Lorri Fencer 57.690
224 32:43 Jim Durkin 55.272
333 42:18 John Schultz 47.478
Ray is race director for http://www.NunRun5K.org. The race is Saturday 9/18 (day before RNR Philly Half). In return for providing volunteers, we’ll have a PCVRC table and our banner. If you won’t be running, please contact to volunteer – probably for traffic control or serving Twin Lakes beer from a keg! Any help is appreciated.
Northern Delaware Greenway Trail completed
For those who haven’t seen the article in last week’s News Journal:
Race Results:
Congrats to Andy Jakubowitch, who completed Ironman Louisville in a total time of 10:20:43 (including a 3:38:40 marathon).
Tom Jermyn was second overall and first master in the Glasgow Fiasco 5K on Aug. 21 in a time of 18:04.
Pike Creekers comprised four of the top twelve finishers in the sparsely attended Judy Johnson 5K on Aug. 25. Chris James was second overall in 18:57.
In the Tim Russell Memorial 5K, an event timed by Races2Run in Hershey, PA, Lynn Knothe ran 18:42, a time which would win her many races around here. However, this event had money prizes five deep and drew a strong field. The female winner ran 16:43 and the male winner ran 14:37.
McCorq’s Fun Run is this Thursday.
McCorq’s Fun Run is rapidly approaching. Details are available at: http://www.pcvrc.com/eventlistitem.php?id=20. The more people who are here at six, the easier it will be to handicap the race and have a count for ordering food. Please park in the parking lot off of Milltown Road, in back of our house. There will be a sign near the entrance and more signs directing you to the back gate of our property. Do not park on Ipswich Drive because that’s where we will be running.
ONE LAST THING: We are in the midst of one more summer heat wave. It’s forecast to be 92 on Thursday and it won’t be far off the high of the day at 6:30 p.m. Be sure to drink plenty of water leading up to the run. Although this is a competitive event, it’s more important to have fun and have everyone finish the run safely. Everyone is a winner at McCorq’s. You don’t have to race if the heat is too much.
PCVRC Seeks Sponsors
To help put the club in a better financial position to offer more to members and prospective members, our Board has approved a Sponsorship program. As you’ll read on the website “Sponsor” page, there are multiple levels to allow businesses to select their degree of support. We feel that we provide valuable recognition, including the new “sponsor area” on most pages of our website. Please read through it and contact Ray or another board member if
you know of a business which may be interested (especially if operated by a club member or related to running or fitness).
Feel free to forward the sponsorship info. Any sponsor who commits to Gold or Silver levels within the next 2 weeks can have their logo included on this year’s DDC high quality race shirt.
Can your business (or one you know of) become a club sponsor?