We’re on Meetup!
PCVRC has a new MeetUp site (www.meetup.com) with group runs already posted. If you haven’t already been on MeetUp, try it out and search for Pike Creek Valley Running Club. You don’t have to pay anything to register as a member.
Run or Volunteer at Nun Run Sept 14 (Ray Christensen)
I hope to see many of you at www.NunRun5k.org Sat. 9/14 in Newark. If you like music, pizza, Chic-fil-A, beer, chocolate milk, random prizes, goodie bags, etc., then register now. Miss New Castle County will be singing the National Anthem. PCVRC will have a table there as always — in exchange for our assistance, so…
If not running, please let me know in advance if you can volunteer (course marshal, traffic control). We will have 400+ participants. Check out plenty of photos of last year’s event at the site. Once again, it’s the RRCA 5K Delaware State Championship (open, 40+, 50+, 60+). This year, we’re raising money for upgraded security cameras for the needy seniors cared for by the Little Sisters of the Poor. Run safely!
— Ray Christensen 302-633-1482
Delaware Distance Classic!
The Delaware Distance Classic (DDC) 15K and 5K is fast approaching. The date is Sunday October 6th, at Frawley Stadium, with a 9am start time. This is the Club’s signature event, and the ONLY annual event that we raise funds for both local charities and our Club. If you are not planning on running either of the races, please consider volunteering. It is extremely important that you all participate in some form, be it running or volunteering!! There is a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available and you can view these and sign up for specific tasks at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D49ADAB2DA64-delaware. Even if you can only spare a short chunk of time, every little bit helps. And remember, more volunteers = greater success = more club funds generated = a better club for you!
Race Results, Reviews and accomplishments:
Top of Delaware Sprint Triathlon, Newark Reservoir, Aug 18 (Swim ¼, Bike 10, Run 2.6). Congrats to Lisa, Ryan, Sheri and Dan – 1st Tri ever!
Lisa Jalot, 1:20:10 (1st in AG)
Theresa Kauffman, 1:21:18
Ryan German, 1:22:20
Dan Simmons, 1:22:57 (1st in AG)
Sheri Herrmann, 1:24:32 (3rd in AG)
Bruce Hubbard, 1:37:50
Jennifer Acord, 2:25:01
From the editor – I publish any results sent to me at or at . So please continue to send me results “of note” and I will put them in the newsletter. Occasionally, I may be moved to publish a list of all PCVRC runners from a big local race. USATF racers running for the club will have their results published as they are sent to me.
I am particularly interested in acknowledging significant other accomplishments that may not get noticed otherwise – someone who ran a “first” (5K to a marathon, a tri, etc.) or ran in a “destination” race (like a Ragnar, Big Sur Marathon, etc.) So please, tell on your friends! And I am always in need of race reviews!
PCVRC Events Calendar
Our “Events Calendar” page on the website includes all club-related activities including weekly group runs, USATF Series races (noted with blue stars), social events, and club meetings. We’ll also note events where PCVRC is affiliated in some way such as Delaware Marathon. The calendar is updated regularly.