Radnor Red Run Results
PCVRC fielded 10 runners for Sunday’s Radnor Steeplechase 5k. See the bulletin I sent this morning for details and pictures. (Pictures provided by Sheri Sweigart.)
From Tom Steenkamer:
This past Sunday, 8/17, the PCVRC USATF off-road team competed in the Radnor 5k Steeplechase. 10 club members answered the call for team support at the race held on the grounds of the Radnor Hunt Club in nearby Malvern, PA.
The rolling grounds of the Radnor Hunt Club present a unique challenge to competitors. The 5k grass course is routed around the pastures, over wooden jumps and through water pits that are used for horse events.
The course routing, number and types of obstacles vary from year to year. This year’s opening ¾-mile was obstacle free, letting the field stretch out and then the horse jumps began. The wooden obstacles varied in height from 1 to 3 feet.
Also included in the fun are a number of water pits. This year the first pit was more mud than water and the second pit was used twice. The first time through Water Pit #2 you entered from the shallow end and had to jump out. A few obstacles later you reentered the pit with a plunge into the deep end.
Led out by the strong start by Dan Suher (5th overall) the club had a record point scoring and awards day! Collecting the famed Horse Bobble-Butt Age Group awards: Meg Hain 2nd, Lynn Knothe 2nd, Sheri Sweigart 2nd, Dan Suher 1st, Greg Cauller 2nd, Tom Steenkamer 2nd, Bob Klezsics 3rd and John Schultz 1st. Special thanks go to Dirk Sweigart and Jim Durkin for contributing.
In the USATF competition PCVRC was the 1st Place team for the day. PCVRC retains 3rd-place position in the season long club competition.
Post-race festivities were hosted by our friends from the South Jersey-based Pineland Striders who once again put on a fabulous spread. Good times could not be dampened by the slight sprinkle that fell over the parking lot or perhaps it was the extensive supply of fresh craft beers . Don’t turn down a sample of Southern Tier’s Crème Brulee Stout if you ever get the chance.
The trail series resumes on October 19th in Collegeville PA @ the Evansburg Challenge. Thanks your continued support of the USATF series.
Race Results, Reviews and Accomplishments
Here are everyone’s results from the Radnor Red Run!
Radnor Red Run Steeplechase 5k
(August 17th – Malvern, PA)
Dan Suher 19:02 (1st AG)
Greg Cauller 20:30 (2nd AG)
Tom Steenkamer 21:29 (2nd AG)
Bob Kleszics 22:49 (3rd AG)
Dirk Sweigart 23:32
Lynn Knothe 25:12 (2nd AG)
Meggan Hain 26:02 (2nd AG)
Jim Durkin 36:24
John Schultz 44:40 (1st AG)
It is very unlikely the Howard M. Laws Team Night race will be rescheduled. We should have heard by now and kids are returning to school. Hope to see you at a race next year!
I had fun racing in Saturday’s Inaugural Breast Fest 5k and then course-marshaling at Sunday’s Greene Turtle 5k/10k in Lewes. The poor 10k racers had to see me four times since I was posted at a key intersection. Great job everyone!
The HAC Plunge & Run is this Sunday morning. See the item below and help out if you can!
Happy Birthday Hugh!
Our own Hugh Campbell just turned 90 years old! Congratulations!
HAC Plunge & Run
WHEN: August 24th @ 7:30 a.m.
WHERE: Hockessin Athletic Club
Kelly Jones is coordinating the Plunge & Run at the Hockessin Athletic Club (HAC). The Plunge & Run is a swim/run event benefiting the Mike Clark Legacy Foundation. There is a kids’ run added this year! For more information click here.
Volunteers are needed from 7:30 to no later than 10:30. Please RSVP to Kelly at the above e-mail address if you can help. Thanks!
Thursday Group Run + Pizza & Beer
WHEN: Thursday, 8/28.
TIME: Run at 6 PM then Eat & Drink at 7
WHERE: Delcastle Recreation Area and Ray Christensen’s House (addresses below)
RSVP: Ray @ 302-633-1482 or
WHY: A social get-together and event to introduce prospective members to the club!
PCVRC hosts group run/walks at Delcastle every Wednesday and Thursday evening at 6 p.m. On August 28th Ray Christensen is hosting the walk and then a pizza/beer/soft drinks party at his house just steps from the park. (No word on whether he can see Russia from his house.) Pike Creek will provide beer/soda/water & pizza. Members and prospective members are welcome to run, eat & drink. We’ve held this event for the past ten years on the Thursday before Labor Day Weekend.
You are not required to bring anything, but bring a couple lawn chairs if handy. Sides, cookies and/or wine won’t be turned away.
Ray’s Yard is located at 2630 Crossgates Dr. Wilmington, DE 19808 (see location info at http://www.pcvrc.com/eventlistitem.php?id=70). The Delcastle group runs are held at the entrance just south of Duncan Road, right near the tennis courts.
Please RSVP to Ray at 302-633-1482 or . If you’re not running, let Ray know if you can help (picking up/ordering pizza, arrive at 550pm to stay in yard).
PCVRC’s Delaware Distance Classic 15k/5k
We hope you will join us on October 12th for the 32nd Annual Delaware Distance Classic 15k/5k. The race is in Delaware City this year.
To register (and for more information) please visit http://ddc15k.org/.
PCVRC / Delaware Distance Classic Sponsors Needed
Do you know of a local business who’d consider our awesome sponsorship opportunity?
Help our club continue programs for our members and the community in general, including educational member meetings, “Couch to 5K” program, group runs, social events & more for both runners and walkers. Benefits include logo/link on every page of pcvrc.com, 500+ race shirts, and a lot more. Info and sponsor levels can be found at www.pcvrc.com/sponsor.php.
PCVRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit through our membership with Road Runners Club of America so sponsorship/donations are tax-deductible.
Our club continues to grow and our website generates over 3,000 page views per month (1,800+ unique visitors). Contact Ray at (302) 633-1482 or
Race Results, Reviews and Accomplishments
Pike Creek continues to field competitive athletes. Let’s see how we did!
Andy Jakubowitch won the Greene Turtle 5k on Sunday, finishing in a blazing-fast 17:45.5! I’m sure he can put the wooden flip-flop award to good use.
Erin Graves won the women’s division at the Greene Turtle 5k, finishing in 21:30.3. Both results are more impressive in that they had to race in a larger crowd, since the 10k was going on at the same time. It’s hard to make sure you’re only competing with people in the same race you are.
Lee Kaufman won his age group at the Greene Turtle 10k AND was the 7th overall finisher, finishing in 44:55.9!
Mike Piorkowski
was literally right behind Lee, coming in 2nd in his age group and 8th overall finisher. Mike finished in 45:19.4!
Inaugural Breast Fest
(August 16th – Dewey Beach, DE)
Mark DeNio 53:18.9
Greene Turtle 5k
(August 17th – Lewes, DE)
Andy Jakubowitch 17:45.5 (1st Overall Male)
Erin Graves 21:30.3 (1st Overall Female)
Greene Turtle 10k
(August 17th – Lewes, DE)
Lee Kaufman 44:55.9 (1st AG)
Mike Piorkowski 45:19.4 (2nd AG)
Calling all XC runners:
Looking ahead on the 2014 USATF calendar we have a unique opportunity to participate in the USATF Club National Cross Country Championships this fall. This is an annual event that rotates locations around the US. This year the XC championships will be hosted by our local Mid Atlantic USATF organization at the Lehigh University cross country course on 12/13/14. The scoring is standard cross country format (order of finish) counting the finish place of the top 5 runners from each club. Races will be scored in 10 year age groups. I hope to build upon the fun and success our men’s 50 yr. old team had last year at the USATF Masters XC championships. We want to support men’s and women’s teams in the 40 and 50 year old competitions. We need a minimum of 5 in each age group to participate as a team. (I would love to field open teams (under 40) as well!)
Looking to hear from all the harriers out there soon!
Races/results for the Grand Prix Circuit can be found at
Races/results for the Off-Road Series can be found at
Links for Club Members
Please patronize our sponsors!
New Balance Brandywine & Christiana stores offer a 20% discount to current club members.
M&T Bank offers personal & business banking, credit cards, mortgages, investments.
Foot Care Group provides comprehensive care and treatment of the foot and ankle.
Harvest Market provides organic and natural foods, nutritional supplements, and natural health care products.
Cheskin Chiropractic
Dr. Jeff Cheskin is a club member & long-time sponsor w/20+ years experience.