Club Events
See photos of our hot 7/24 Summer BBQ hosted by Mark & Sheila Vilardo here
Next Club 5K Fun Run: Fri 8/13 at Glasgow Park
Come and bring guests to our free 6pm Friday Fun Run (the evening before Old New Castle 5 Miler). See Events page for
details and to RSVP if you’ll be running or just attending.
More participants at Wed & Thurs group runs…
If you can ever make it to Delcastle at 6pm Wed or Thurs, go for it! We expect to have additional runners (and walkers too) as participants in The Wellness Community’s “Strides for Hope” program get ready for their marathon or half marathon at Rock’n’Roll Las Vegas in December. There will be new runners who appreciate advice as well as people to train with. Visit for information.
McCorq’s Fun Run Handicap Challenge will be, as always, the Thursday before Labor Day weekend, which is September 2. This year there will be a slight and, hopefully, fun twist to the course. The idea started in my attempt to get the start and finish to occur in front of my house, rather than in front of a certain cranky neighbor’s house. Details in a later e-mail. However, as past participants know, the handicap for the race is based on your best 5K time in the past 12 months. So its not too early to start letting me know the time you are going to use.
Race Results:
Matt Cutrona was second overall in the Kid Shelleen’s 5K in 18:02.
Theresa Kauffman was the overall female winner in the Kid’s health 5K in 20:55.
Mark Vilardo was the overall winner in the Venus on the Half-Shell 5K in 15:37 and Lynn Knothe was the overall female winner in 18:41. Mark broke his own age-group state record by seven seconds.
In what was almost a family clean sweep at the Dewey Beach Liquors 5K at the Cork, Mark Vilardo was the overall winner in 16:06, while wife Sheila was second overall female in 21:09. Mark and Sheila are our hosts for the BBQ on Saturday.
View photos of our 7/9 “Running of the Judge 5K” here
Somerville Road Runners Around the Lake Marathon
Mark Lozier – 4:03:45
Dave McCorquodale – 4:21:15
Review: Mark is trying to re-qualify for Boston and is pointing toward the Mohawk-Hudson River Marathon on October 10 for his serious attempt. We went to this marathon as a training run.
It was “interesting”, but I wouldn’t do it again. With this race starting at 7 P.M> on Friday evening, there were areas that were poorly lit. The asphalt sidewalk portions were rippled and even a few curbs, so when it got dark I found myself scuffling along. I ran in the street as much as the shoulders and traffic would allow to avoid that. The first couple of laps, where there was concrete, I ran on a little single track dirt path worn in the grass for softer landing. But I noticed small rocks sticking out, so I avoided that after dark. I suspect one guy tried running there and tripped. As I went by on the sixth lap, another runner called out that the guy’s face was bleeding.
The course had an initial section of .85 miles and then eight loops of 3.17. The timing mat caught our times at the end of each loop.
Another loop course problem – lots of 50 states slowpokes and relay walkers, for the 12 or 24 hour events, who would be two or three abreast on the sidewalk. Ignorant! The weather(about 74 at start, dry and breezy) was great compared to lately, but I have read and agree that anything above 60 degrees affects your body and slows you down some.
Recommendation: Avoid this one.
Scott Hodukavich: BOMF 20 in 24
The following is an account written by club member in exile (to South Carolina) Scott Hodukovich of his participation in the 24 race in Philadelphia last weekend. Many of the names referenced on Traildawgs
A final thanks to everyone that contributed in some way, even just an
encouraging word, to the Back on My Feet 24 hour run to benefit those less fortunate. I had a goal of $500 in contributions to BOMF and ended up with $656. Don’t forget – it’s a 501c, so donations are tax-deductable!
And special thanks to everyone that came up at the race to show their
support – was very much appreciated!
I’m better (but not much) with pictures than with writing, so here are
pictures from the race. They are also posted on FB, but this photoshow has
music and you can make it full screen if you want: 3d0d0a&sb=1
I decided to run BOMF back in March when I was out in Philly for work and
running the course on my own on a rainy day. It seemed like a nice enough
course, with the rowers on the river and all. I knew Jen Erickson had run
it and I’d seen the Runners World videos of Jen Van Allen & Keith Straw.
So I was inspired by all them. I’ve never run 100 miles in 24 hours
before, so this seemed like a good place to try. It’s all flat – how hard
can it be? I did not know anyone else running it, but seemed like a good
excuse to come back for a visit.
It was a pleasant surprise to find out within the last month that 4 other
Traildawgs had also signed up. Jen Erickson was back along with Dave Resler
& Billy Oosterom. Even Jeff Englebrecht signed up again at the last
minute. They all sent out writeups to the Dawg list. I can’t add too much
more, but I will say it was a genuine pleasure to run with all of them.
Just wished I could have kept up…. Thanks to Dave for driving up and
back to Philly from Newark! If it was up to me, I would have slept all day
in the Azelia garden up there….
After I signed up & committed to raising $ for this race, was less
pleasantly surprised when I learned Laurie Reinhart was running Vermont.
Happy for Laurie, but wish I could have been there too. She crewed for me
at VT (along with Pete McLaughlin). She had a crew already lined up and
she had an amazing run. 24:37 – wow! VT is not exactly flat….. The
only one in our group who came close to that pace was Jen, who ran 11 1/2
laps or 94 miles in 24 hours. Bill, Jeff & I got in 10 loops each (84
miles). Dave did 9 loops. Jen, Jeff, Dave & Bill all beat their previous
BOMF distances. I still did not come close to 100m in 24h, but was a good
experience nevertheless.
Thanks to J-Lo for letting me hang out there all weekend! (J-Lo is getting
into exterras – Don’t tell the tabloids!)
Big, Big thanks to Roxanne & Dave Strine for driving out to Philly &
returning my cooler – filled with ice yet! You two are life savers…
Thanks to my Vegan Ironman friend Jen Clark who rode her bike out to come
lend support. Of course, all the Traildawgs too (Fred, Eva, Hunt, Steve,
and super speedy Angus). Was nice to hear from Greta overnight by phone.
Rebel Rich Symanski caught me by surprise on lap 5 when he ran up with a
cooler full of beer & gatorade – what more could you ask for? He even
cleared it with the local bike cops… As soon as I started lap 6, Rebels
Dan & Smarty show up and paced me in their van for a mile. Officially
you’re not allowed pacers on bikes, but don’t think I ever heard anyone say
cars weren’t allowed…. Smarty was back again at 5;30 am along with
Sharon for the pajama run. So was Tom Jermyn. And then Andrea came out
of nowhere too. Of course, newly married Tex was there all night working,
and I met Amy too. There were Rebels all over the place….
Columbia runners couldn’t be there, but they’ve been supportive in all kinds
of ways too. I also picked up a lot from Lisa “50 miles in 50 states”
Smith-Batchen who taught me the importance of keeping good posture and a
good stride in your walk breaks to improve you time.
Always a pleasure to see Ron & Helene Horn! Man, I miss Pretzel City
races…. There is nothing like a Half-Wit Half Marathon in South Carolina.
Hopefully I haven’t bored you all too much. Not sure what’s next. Maybe working with Greta to do her first 100! It’s just a number…..(OK it is a darn big one)
– Scott