PCVRC Annual Summer Barbecue
WHEN: August 10th @ 3:00 p.m.
WHERE: White Clay Creek State Park
From Rachel:
Well summer has officially started, which means it’s time to mark your calendars for PCVRC’s Annual Summer BBQ on Sunday, August 10th @ 3:00 pm. This year I’d like to ask for RSVPs by Wednesday, August 6th, to so that I can ensure we have a enough food for everyone. Along with your RSVP please provide what side dish/dessert you are going to bring. Last year we had a ton of cookies, so I thought getting an idea of what people plan to bring will cut down on having too much of one food item.
As always the club will be providing the hamburgers, hotdogs, beer, soda and water for all club members, but we ask that non-club members who would like to attend contribute a small donation toward the club.
You can visit this website for directions and information about the park – Remember there is a fee for entering the park, so feel free to carpool!
I know summer can be busy, but I hope that you’ll be able to join us!
Congratulations to Bill Funk and Linda Roberts on their engagement!
Howard M. Laws Summer Cross-Country Series
The next race is on July 29th
The team race was postponed from July 15th due to rain. The team race will now take place on the last night, August 12th. Please come out and support the 21st Century Fund for Delaware’s Children. It only costs $10 per team that night regardless of the number of members!
It’s time once again for the low-cost, high-adventure Summer Cross-Country Series, sponsored by H. & S. Caterers.
WHEN: Every other Tuesday for 6 races (June 3rd, June 17th, July 1st, July 15th, July 29th and August 12th)
WHERE: Bellevue State Park (on Carr Road just N of Marsh and I-95)
COST: $25 for the series of 6 races or $5.00 for each race. This pays for entries, prizes, charitable contributions, loads of fun and meeting friends both old and new.
QUESTIONS: Contact Howard Laws @ 302-588-6119 or Terry Mance @ 302-379-4811. You can also e-mail .
Registration will be from 5:30 to 6:15 for each race. Races start at 6:30. Anyone who signs up for the entire series receives a T-shirt!
DISCLAIMER: As with all activities, runners’ participation will be at their own risk. The sponsors and organizers are not responsible for any injuries incurred.
PCVRC’s Delaware Distance Classic 15k/5k
We hope you will join us on October 12th for the 32nd Annual Delaware Distance Classic 15k/5k. The race is in Delaware City this year.
To register (and for more information) please visit http://ddc15k.org/.
Race Results, Reviews and Accomplishments:
Had some good results this week. Saw lots of people at the Buffalo Stampede.
The Steenkamer Family (Tom, Chris and Katrina) put on a running clinic at the Running with the Pigs 5k on Sunday, July 20th. Chris and Katrina were the overall male and female winners and Tom was the third overall male! Way to go!
Andy Jakubowitch finished the New Jersey Olympic-distance triathlon on Sunday, July 20th. He swam 1500m, biked 25.5 miles and ran a 10k in 2:16:08!
Gelsomina Paolini also competed in the NJ Olympic Triathlon, finishing in 3:24:56. Well done!
Andy Jakubowitch was the overall male winner in the Buffalo Stampede 5k on Saturday, finishing in 18:10.4! He did a 5k on Saturday and an Olympic-distance triathlon on Sunday. If this keeps up we MIGHT have to stop calling him Slowpokawitch!
John Costello was the overall Masters winner at the Buffalo Stampede 5k, finishing in 18:26.6
Greg Cauller led the 50-54 Male age group at the Buffalo Stampede 5k, finishing in 18:39.8.
Lynn Knothe was the 2nd overall female in the Buffalo Stampede 5k, finishing in 20:39.3.
Erin Graves won the 30-34 Female age group at the Buffalo Stampede 5k, finishing in 22:01.4
Mark DeNio (your humble editor) had a personal best at the Buffalo Stampede 10k, finishing in 1:47:01. It only took me two years and 6 or so races to top my time from my first-ever 10k.
Buffalo Stampede 5k
(July 19th – Wyoming, DE)
Andy Jakubowitch 18:10.4 (Overall Male winner)
John Costello 18:26.6 (Overall Master, 2nd male)
Greg Cauller 18:39.8 (1st AG)
Lynn Knothe 20:39.3 (2nd overall female)
Erin Graves 22:01.4 (1st AG)
Buffalo Stampede 10k
(July 19th – Wyoming, DE)
David Baca 50:26.8
Rudy Antonini 1:03:39.1
Mark DeNio 1:47:01.1
Running with the Pigs 5k
(July 20th – Elkton, MD)
Chris Steenkamer 17:42.9 (Overall male winner)
Tom Steenkamer 18:51.8 (3rd overall male)
John Costello 19:23.3 (2nd AG)
Katrina Steenkamer 20:11.3 (Overall female winner)
New Jersey Olympic Triathlon
(July 20th – West Windsor, NJ)
Andy Jakubowitch 02:16:08
Gelsomina Paolini 03:24:56
The next off road race is the Radnor 5k Steeplechase on Sunday August 17th. Come out and get in on the fun & post-race tailgate.
Calling all XC runners:
Looking ahead on the 2014 USATF calendar we have a unique opportunity to participate in the USATF Club National Cross Country Championships this fall. This is an annual event that rotates locations around the US. This year the XC championships will be hosted by our local Mid Atlantic USATF organization at the Lehigh University cross country course on 12/13/14. The scoring is standard cross country format (order of finish) counting the finish place of the top 5 runners from each club. Races will be scored in 10 year age groups. I hope to build upon the fun and success our men’s 50 yr. old team had last year at the USATF Masters XC championships. We want to support men’s and women’s teams in the 40 and 50 year old competitions. We need a minimum of 5 in each age group to participate as a team. (I would love to field open teams (under 40) as well!)
Looking to hear from all the harriers out there soon!
Planning ahead? Think Philly and Rothman
Registration for the Philadelphia Marathon, Half Marathon and Rothman Institute 8K is currently open. Race organizers have set up a discount code (Grand Prix $2 discount) only for current USATF Mid-Atlantic members. To use this code click the “Yes” selection next to the question “Are you a USATF member”, fill in your 10 digit current USATF membership number in the next box and later in the registration process use “PMsave2” (without quotes) in the Discount Code box. NOTE: the discount code is not for the “Invitation Code” on the first registration page.
Races/results for the Grand Prix Circuit can be found at
Races/results for the Off-Road Series can be found at