It’s almost time for the PCVRC Annual Summer BBQ.
This year we will hold the BBQ on Saturday, August 3rd at 4:00pm at the White Clay Creek State Park.
As always the club will provide the hotdogs, hamburgers and refreshments including beer and water. All we ask is for anyone attending that they bring a side or dessert to share.
RSVP’s are not required but it would be greatly appreciated so we can ensure we have enough food for everyone. Any questions about this event can be directed to Rachel at .
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 3rd!
Couch 2 5K program
It’s back! Due to the popularity of our first Couch 2 5k program, PCVRC, in collaboration with New Balance, is once again offering the program to members and non-members – so tell your family and friends. If your goal is to run a 5k, we have the group for you. Come meet Paula Jermyn, Darlise DiMatteo and Claire Neilan on Mondays at 6pm beginning August 5th at the Newark Reservoir. We will start with general introductions and a brief discussion of that night’s workout. You will also receive that week’s training plan for you to follow on your schedule, although we would love to see you at any of the other group runs/walks. There is no cost for this program. Incentives include discounts at the New Balance Brandywine and Christiana stores for those who complete at least 6 weeks of the running program and a discount to our 5k race- the DDC 5k. Spread the word!
Run with the Summer Concert Series at White Clay – next July 24th
During the summer months, please plan on attending fun runs in White Clay State Park (Carpenter Recreation Area) followed by some relaxation listening to live music while enjoying the company of other PCVRC members. We plan on attending four of the summer concert series:
Wed July 24: The Vel Crows (Surf rock and good time music)
Wed Aug 14: Almost Fab (Beatles tribute)
We will go for a short run in the park before each concert, more details to follow. For more information on the series please see is putting together a collection of the region’s best places to run, and we were hoping you and your running club would help us in this endeavor. We will be creating a Running section on the site that houses recommended trails and running club profiles to let readers know a bit more about your club and how they can join.
The routes are not limited to those the club runs regularly; we welcome personal favorites of your members, too! If you or any of your members would like to share your favorite routes with us, please send:
– The route: Turn-by-turn directions and (ideally) a link to the route mapped on MapMyRun.
– Suggestions for shortening/extending the route
– Terrain: Road/sidewalk, path, trail, etc.
– Setting: Waterfront, residential, woods, downtown, etc.
– Any amenities nearby: Water fountains, bathrooms, parking, bike racks, etc.
– What makes the route special
If possible, please send your recommendations to by Sunday, July 28.
Thank you for your time. We hope to hear from you soon!
Amanda Baker, Managing Producer, Health & Classifieds,
801 Market Street, Suite 300, Philadelphia, PA 19107
O: 215.854.2277
Race Results, Reviews and accomplishments:
Laws Summer Running Series – PCVRC 3rd Place!
The Howard M. Laws Summer Cross-country Series holds a 5K at 6:30 PM every other Tuesday evening at Bellevue State Park (next one is July 30). Cost is $5 per runner. This week, Jerry Herman bravely ponied up the $10 “team” fee (seven runners) and PCVRC finished 3rd! Scoring for PCVRC were Tom Jermyn, Dirk Sweigart, Sheri Herrmann, Carol Giampietro, Jerry Herman, and Dave Farren plus recruited “ringer” Seth Bale. Pike Creekers John Schultz, Ralph McKinney and DJ Farren also ran the Bellevue course.
Double Trouble trail race (from Tom Steenkamer)
The clubs USATF off-road team took to the trails of French Creek State Park on a hot and humid Sunday morning two weeks ago. Seven club members took up the challenge of the Double Trouble trail race. The hills and rocks at French Creek seem to grow bigger and more prevalent each year for this race or perhaps I am just getting slower.
The Double Trouble provides runners the option to complete the 15K loop and then decide if they want to challenge the course a 2nd time for the 30K. Enos Benbow made the loop twice finishing 2nd overall on the first lap and then 1st overall for the 30K.
The USATF club scoring was led by John Costello, 5th overall and 2nd in the Grand Master age group. Also on board for the fun were Paul Randolph (2nd Masters), Meg Hain (2nd Open), Lori Fencer, “Shirtless” John Schultz, myself (Tom Steenkamer) and “Harvest Bob” Klezsics who managed to survive a crash and burn along the way.
Come out and join the team for the next trail race at the Radnor Hunt Club on Sunday, August 18th. We will be running the 5K “steeplechase” course around the grounds of the hunt club. Pike Creek Valley remains in 3rd place after five events, with the Pineland Striders dangerously close behind us.
Results for the Off-Road Series can be found here
PCVRC is narrowly holding on to second place in the Grand Prix (road) circuit, closely trailed by Greater Philadelphia Track Club and the South Jersey Athletic Club.