PCVRC Annual Summer Barbecue
WHEN: August 10th @ 3:00 p.m.
WHERE: White Clay Creek State Park
From Rachel:
Well summer has officially started, which means it’s time to mark your calendars for PCVRC’s Annual Summer BBQ on Sunday, August 10th @ 3:00 pm. This year I’d like to ask for RSVPs by Wednesday, August 6th, to so that I can ensure we have a enough food for everyone. Along with your RSVP please provide what side dish/dessert you are going to bring. Last year we had a ton of cookies, so I thought getting an idea of what people plan to bring will cut down on having too much of one food item.
As always the club will be providing the hamburgers, hotdogs, beer, soda and water for all club members, but we ask that non-club members who would like to attend contribute a small donation toward the club.
You can visit this website for directions and information about the park – Remember there is a fee for entering the park, so feel free to carpool!
I know summer can be busy, but I hope that you’ll be able to join us!
Becky Yencharis’ Birthday Party
Becky Yencharis, a PCVRC Hall-of-Famer and our oldest member, is 96 years young and will be 97 on July 20th. You’re all invited to her birthday party that day. Details below.
Becky did her first 5k in 1982 at the St. Anthony’s Italian Festival 5k. She enjoyed it so much she made sure to attend every running since! This year was her 32nd consecutive appearance. She has been there for 32 of the race’s 35 years.
Please come to the Iron Hill Brewery on the Wilmington Riverfront on July 20th. Stop by for a drink or join in a full meal. Your choice but your presence is welcome! (Guests purchase their own food and drink please.) RSVP is not necessary but appreciated so the organizers know what size room they’ll need. See you there!
WHEN: July 20th @ 6:30 pm
WHERE: Iron Hill at the Wilmington Riverfront
RSVP: Ralph McKinney @ (302) 652-8323
Howard M. Laws Summer Cross-Country Series
The next race is on July 29th
It’s time once again for the low-cost, high-adventure Summer Cross-Country Series, sponsored by H. & S. Caterers.
WHEN: Every other Tuesday for 6 races (June 3rd, June 17th, July 1st, July 15th, July 29th and August 12th)
WHERE: Bellevue State Park (on Carr Road just N of Marsh and I-95)
COST: $25 for the series of 6 races or $5.00 for each race. This pays for entries, prizes, charitable contributions, loads of fun and meeting friends both old and new.
QUESTIONS: Contact Howard Laws @ 302-588-6119 or Terry Mance @ 302-379-4811. You can also e-mail .
Registration will be from 5:30 to 6:15 for each race. Races start at 6:30. Anyone who signs up for the entire series receives a T-shirt!
DISCLAIMER: As with all activities, runners’ participation will be at their own risk. The sponsors and organizers are not responsible for any injuries incurred.
PCVRC’s Delaware Distance Classic 15k/5k
We hope you will join us on October 12th for the 32nd Annual Delaware Distance Classic 15k/5k. The race is in Delaware City this year.
To register (and for more information) please visit http://ddc15k.org/.
PCVRC / Delaware Distance Classic Sponsors Needed
Do you know of a local business who’d consider our awesome sponsorship opportunity?
Help our club continue programs for our members and the community in general, including educational member meetings, “Couch to 5K” program, group runs, social events & more for both runners and walkers. Benefits include logo/link on every page of pcvrc.com, 500+ race shirts, and a lot more. Info and sponsor levels can be found at www.pcvrc.com/sponsor.php.
PCVRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit through our membership with Road Runners Club of America so sponsorship/donations are tax-deductible.
Our club continues to grow and our website generates over 3,000 page views per month (1,800+ unique visitors). Contact Ray at (302) 633-1482 or
Race Results, Reviews and Accomplishments:
Nothing was sent in this week… Break time’s over. Get out there and race!
USATF Off-Road results – Chabot Challenge
On Sunday July 13th the PCVRC trail team headed north to the Chabot Challenge trail race at Rustic Park in Birdsboro, PA. The course was advertised as providing 7.75 miles of fun and adventure with 3 water crossings, a few long hills and even a few runnable sections. This year marks the first time this location has been used in the USATF trail series. (It replaced the Double Trouble 15k).
8 PCVRC ladies were accompanied by 3 men on this warm and humid morning. After crossing to the other side of the Hay Creek using the wire bridge (balancing act) or by just getting your feet wet in the stream we gathered to hear the typical course instructions from race director Ron Horn. (e.g. The course is marked on your right but sometimes on your left.)
At the start we made our sprint down 200 feet of road to a sharp right and onto the trail. The race course began with an uphill mile, a couple of almost level sections, a few rocks and was just wide enough to allow for passing along the way. The rolling terrain continued another 1.5 miles to the 1st stream, crossing across an old cement dam with water deep enough to get your ankles wet. A few more miles of rolling trail in a loop, returning to the dam followed by another long hill climb from mile 5 to 6. Thankfully the last portion of the race was downhill to the final stream crossing followed by a flat section to the finish.
Once again the PCVRC ladies came out to compete and took home a number of AG prizes. Congratulations to Sarah Antonaitas – 1st overall female in her debut trail race, as well as age group awards to Lisa Jalot (1st), Carol Giampietro (1st), Meg Hain (1st), Carole Feole (3rd) and Anne Hessel (1st).
In the highly competitive men’s 50-plus age group Greg Cauller (11th overall) and Tom Steenkamer (15th overall) were denied the podium as 4 of the top 10 finishers came from this AG. Lori Culnane, Lorri Fencer and John Schultz also joined in the fun.
Club age graded results will be finalized later this week on the USATF web site. The preliminary results have PCVRC finishing in 2nd place for the day just behind Greater Philly Track Club and ahead of Rosemont and Pineland Striders.
The next off road race is the Radnor 5k Steeplechase on Sunday August 17th. Come out and get in on the fun & post-race tailgate.
Calling all XC runners:
Looking ahead on the 2014 USATF calendar we have a unique opportunity to participate in the USATF Club National Cross Country Championships this fall. This is an annual event that rotates locations around the US. This year the XC championships will be hosted by our local Mid Atlantic USATF organization at the Lehigh University cross country course on 12/13/14. The scoring is standard cross country format (order of finish) counting the finish place of the top 5 runners from each club. Races will be scored in 10 year age groups. I hope to build upon the fun and success our men’s 50 yr. old team had last year at the USATF Masters XC championships. We want to support men’s and women’s teams in the 40 and 50 year old competitions. We need a minimum of 5 in each age group to participate as a team. (I would love to field open teams (under 40) as well!)
Looking to hear from all the harriers out there soon!
Races/results for the Grand Prix Circuit can be found at
Races/results for the Off-Road Series can be found at
Pike Creek Valley Running Club Membership Fee Structure and Renewal Policy
The current dues are $25 per membership, which includes family members and significant others, and covers membership for the calendar year. The renewal period runs from October 1st through March 1st. If you are planning to remain a member of PCVRC, you must renew by March 1st. On March 1st, those who have not renewed are not eligible for club member benefits such as e-bulletin, member pricing at banquet, free Boston Send-off party, etc.
Any member who races for PCVRC in 4 or more USATF races, and is a member of USATF, will receive complimentary membership for the following calendar year.
New members who join on or after June 1st but before October 1st will pay a reduced rate of $15 to cover membership for the remainder of the current calendar year, then are subject to same renewal policy as current members stated above. Anyone who joins on or after October 1st would pay $25 that would cover them for remainder of current calendar year and the entire following calendar year.