Annual Club BBQ – Saturday 7/24
The PCVRC is hosting it’s annual Summer BBQ on Saturday, July 24.
Where: Mark Vilardo’s House – 222 Cornell Drive –
Bear, DE 19701
Time: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
As usual the club will provide hotdogs, hamburgers, beer, soda and water. We ask that each club member/family bring a side dish or dessert to share. Please also bring a lawn chair.
Please RSVP by 7/22 through the PCVRC facebook page or to so that we make sure we have enough food for everyone. Hope to see you there!
You can get directions using this
Mapquest location
Input needed for PCVRC club t-shirt
New club tee-shirt coming! The club needs your input on the design. At the last board meeting, it was decided that the club would design a new tee-shirt. It will be a gray shirt with green lettering and/or logo. The logo will be smaller and placed over the heart area. However, we would like to know members opinions on a couple of questions. Attached is a word document which has two drawings of the logo we have been using and a small version of the older club logo.
1. Do you prefer the logo we have been using, the older logo or something new?
2. If you prefer a new logo, do you have a design for it. Don’t worry. We will consult a graphic designer a new design is preferred and if no club member submits anything.
3. Is it OK if the club tee shirt has the name and website of the club on the back of the shirt? Or would you prefer the shirt have nothing on the back
The running of “The Judge 5K”.
About 15 runners and a couple of walkers gathered at Dirk Sweigart’s house in Drummond Hill last Friday evening to run an easy loop around the Judge Morris State Park grounds. For those who haven’t done it before, the loop is a bit over three miles long. Leaving from access near the development, the first half is mostly downhill and the second half is mostly uphill, whether one initially goes clockwise or counter-clockwise. Since it was in the 80s and humid, it was a bit tough although Theresa Kauffman had no trouble doing the thing twice. Club Secretary Jerry Herman got the “bloody-well-done” award after catching his foot on a root and skinning his right knee.
Dirk was a wonderful host, serving up burgers, dogs and beer along with a few side dishes people brought. Prez Ray treated us to an improved retelling on “The Great Pennsylvania Pot Bust”, which will soon be recorded by Arlo Guthrie for his Alice’s Restaurant Revisited album. And a splendid time was had by all. Most hope Dirk can host another get-together although we are also hoping that a huge bulldozer flattens out the terrain.
Race Results:
Epi Camacho was second overall in the Prevent Child Abuse 5K at Rockford Park in 19:16.
Mark Vilardo was second overall in Catherine Rooney’s 5K for Ulster Project in 15:33. Lynn Knothe was first overall female in 19:46.
Theresa Kauffman was first female runner in Mimi’s Run in 21:36 (after two loops of Judge Morris the evening before).
Mark Vilardo was the winner of the North Beach 5K in 15:54. Lynn Knothe was the female winner in 19:20.