Last week’s results:
In the Race for Time 5K, held at 8:30 a.m., Saturday on the Wilmington riverfront, Mark Vilardo was the overall winner in 15:47. Lynn Knothe was the female winner in 20:00. Carole Feole was first female master in 22:22. Others who ran under 18 minutes were Greg Cauller, Matt Cutrona and Tom Jermyn. Apparently not satisfied with his 4th place finish in that race, Greg Cauller was the overall winner in 18:49 in the 5K for Education which started and hour and 15 minutes after the other race also at the riverfront.
Kelly Horowitz was the female winner of the Green Turtle 5K in Ocean City, MD in 20:28.
From Jack Horowitz: Paul Schweitzer has re-started the “Pump and Run” competition which is an event that combines weight lifting and running. The more “reps” you lift, the more time is deducted from your run. We swept the event at the Green Turtle with the Lovensheimer women dominating:
Kelly- 1st place 35-39 with adjusted time of 17:12
Kristen Stump (niece) 1st place 19-24, 20:33
June Lovensheimer (mother) 1st place 70+ 41:00
Jack doesn’t mention it, but he won the men’s competition.
From Theresa Kauffman: I ran the Baltimore Women’s Classic on Sunday. It was a great event with over 2500 women , a great course on the Inner Harbor and wonderful venue. I was 15th overall and 1st in my age-group in a 21.39.
Double Trouble 15K
Here is what Rich Szymanski gathered:
On a very hot and humid day PCVRC trail team had a great day. Besides the heat, humidity, millions of rocks, roots and whatever nature could throw at us, we all came out alive and well.
Of course some of us did not come out unscathed. I took a head first dive and completed a full rotation flip. The guy behind me let out a scream of support by saying “that was F*#@^* awesome” and jumped over me and kept on going. Tom Steenkamer took a face plant and required 4 stitches to his chin,he also suffered scrapes on his knees and elbows. Tom has been a great asset to our team and I enjoy seeing him at the races. I also heard Epi went down but can not confirm this (forgot to ask). After the race was over, I could see multiple casualties. This is definitely the bloodiest race of the trail series.
1: 11:46 316 TOM JERMYN NEWARK DE M 47 4TH M40-49
1: 15:29 296 EPI CAMACHO WILMINGTON DE M 54 3RD M50-59
1: 16:26 223 TOM STEENKAMER RISING SUN MD M 51 4TH M50-59
Results are in from USATYF on the Double Trouble 15K Trail race. Overall, Pike Creek Valley Running Club has increased it’s hold on second place. (Unfortunately, the Philadelphia Track Club, an ironic name for people excelling at trail running, has strengthened its hold on first.
In the individual age groups, Josh Loren has a one point lead in the Open Male, Tom Jermyn trails by one point in the Masters Male, and Fred Shufflebarger has a six point lead in the Senior Male category.
Time – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Age Grade Club USATF #
156 1: 45:28 306 LORRI FENCER WILMINGTON DE F 49 49.020 025
1 1: 04:40 339 JOSH LOREN WILMINGTON DE M 30 63.634
57 1: 25:03 116 CHRISTOPHER JAMES WILMINGTON DE M 35 49.049
117 1: 37:25 318 RICHARD SZYMANSKI WILMINGTON DE M 45 46.107
13 1: 11:46 316 TOM JERMYN NEWARK DE M 47 63.585
25 1: 16:26 223 TOM STEENKAMER RISING SUN MD M 51 61.709
21 1: 15:29 296 EPI CAMACHO WILMINGTON DE M 54 64.098
281 2: 38:46 202 JOHN SCHULTZ WILMINGTON DE M 78 40.142 302.046
Summer Solstice 10 Miler in Northville, MI
This editor was in Detroit last week and I had found a 10 Mile race to run before going out there – the Summer Solstice 10 Miler in Northville, Michigan. It was a new event, added to an existing 10K and 5K. The last mile went through the main street of Northville, where a lot of tents were set up for a festival, which would occur later in the day. In all three events there were over 2,400 runners. I found it annoying that the 10 miler did not have age group awards because “it’s a new event”, while the 10K and 5K did. I wrote the director that usually the most serious runners do the longest races. Sure enough! While I ran 1:31:47 in this quite hilly course and finished third in my age group, my per mile pace was only one second slower than the single man in my age group who ran and “won” in the 10K. I noticed comments online from veteran runners who had participated in these event before. They were not pleased that the 10K, which started 45 minutes after the 10 miler, joined together at mile seven for the ten milers (about mile three for the 10Kers). This meant fast 10K people had to weave through slower 10 mile runners. Conversely, it was a bit deflating to be passed by so many runners that late in a race. Another comment mentioned the common finishing line for all events with entailed such problems as competitive 5K runners having to weave around back of the pack 10K runners who were holding hands as they approached the finish, just happy to be completing such a distance.
Doug Kurtis, 58, wore #2 and ran 1:04 in the event. This is a summary of his running achievements: Doug Kurtis the former Race Director for the Detroit Free Press/Flagstar Bank International Marathon is the world record holder for most career sub 2:20 marathons (76) and most marathon victories (39). Doug is a five time Olympic Trial Qualifier 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996. He was voted into the RRCA Hall of Fame in 1998 and Michigan Runner of the Year – 1985 and 1990. Doug coached two 2000 Olympic Trial Marathon Qualifiers.
Friday 7/9 6pm Fun Run
Dirk Sweigart is hosting a Fri fun run at his house near Judge Morris Estate 7/9 6pm. I may run course with him this weekend. He is supplying burgers & dogs and participants will only be asked to bring drinks for post race BBQ.
From Dirk:
You are all invited to my place for a “Running of the Judge” on Friday July 9th. Plan to arrive by 6..anyone who is so inclined can run the “Judge Morris” 5K (approx) loop in the White Clay Creek State Park. Timed start at 6:15 or on run on your own if you prefer. Non-members welcome.
Time: Friday July 9th. Arrival 6 PM or later. Timed start at 6:15.
Location: Sweigart house, 108 Dewalt Road, Drummond Hill, Newark, DE. This is very close to the Polly Drummond shopping center. Directions below.
Run location: Judge Morris loop – enter at marked side entrance off of Old Coach Road directly across from Dewalt Rd. 30 foot entrance trail leads to loop where you can go either way (I prefer to turn left). There is a large field where we can set up a table with water, snacks, etc. This is approximately 200 yards up Dewalt Road from my house.
Course: Some hills, mostly long and sloping. One or two steeper “ups.” I occasionally encounter hikers or mountain bikers. All of the trail is shaded. We will time the start at 6:15, I will mark the course with white chalk so there are no wrong turns.
After Party: Hamburgers, hot dogs provided. Participants encouraged to bring either beer, wine, salads, side dishes.
Other: I could use…
1. A few people who are not running to help with timing and logistics, keep the beer cold at the house, direct stragglers to the course, etc.
2. A couple of those canopy tents (like 2 or 3) for shade.
3. Chairs (bring a couple lawn chairs if handy)
RSVP: to Dirk Sweigart at or call 302-545-7047.
This is for food and drink estimating and not required, you can just come.
From New Linden Hill Road and/or Polly Drummond shopping center: Enter Chadd Road directly across from Zingo’s store and just before Polly Drummond Hill Road intersection. Take Chadd Road to 1st stop sign. Turn right onto Dewalt Road and proceed down the hill, around the curve to 4th house on the right (108 Dewalt Road). This is the last driveway on the right before the stop sign.
From Kirkwood Highway: Take Polly Drummond Hill Road north from Kirkwood (past Judge Morris official entrance!) to 1st light. Make a right onto Old Coach Road and then take 1st left (100 yards) onto Dewalt Road. Go to first stop sign (Forge Road). 2nd house on the left (1st driveway) past stop sign is 108 Dewalt.
From elsewhere: Get a GPS.
Park along the street. House is yellow with brown shutters, steep driveway and brown mailbox with stone border and plant growing up it. Come around the back.
Club Summer BBQ is 7/24 in Bear
New club member Mark Vilardo is hosting Club Summer BBQ on Saturday afternoon 7/24 at his home in Bear. Details will soon appear on website and in next eBulletin.
As always, club will supply burgers, hot dogs and beer. Members will be asked to RSVP and bring a side dish. Mark your calendar.