It has been a difficult stretch those of us who thrive on group runs and socialization, but hopefully you have been staying safe. Whether you have been keeping up with your routine and itching to run with live people again or your fitness has suffered and you’re looking to get back on track, the nicer weather and easing of social restrictions serves as an excellent remedy. Remember that our club welcomes runners of all backgrounds regardless of race, nationality, religion, sexual preference and of all levels of ability from beginner joggers to the highly competitive road racer to marathoners. PCVRC currently has over 130 families and individual members. We are a social club and very supportive of all our member’s running goals. Most importantly, we have a great time running.
Loss of Club Member
Our dear friend and club member, Lenora Wagner, passed away peacefully on July 17, 2020 after a courageous battle with brain cancer at the age of 65. A visitation will be held on Thursday, June 25 from 9:00-10:30am at Krienen Funeral Home, 101 West 6th St, New Castle, DE 19720. The club is donating $100 to the National Brain Tumor Society in Lenora’s name. Please click HERE to view her obituary and make a donation in lieu of flowers.

C25K program to resume soon
With some of the restrictions lifted, the couch to 5K program will be back soon for anyone wanting to start or re-start running in a fun, low stress and supportive environment. The program will have weekly training sessions over a 2-3 month period on the 0.64 mile loop at the Paper Mill Park at the corner of Paper Mill and Polly Drummond Roads. Target 5K would be in the October timeframe.
CLICK HERE for details.
Group Runs are back every Sunday & Thursday and track workouts every Tuesday
Socially distanced runs have resumed at their usual places and times so relearn how to interact with people face to face while shaking off that quarantine rust.
Sundays 8:00am – meet in front of Panera on Main St., Newark (free parking); run in White Creek Park
and back up to 14 miles or more round trip.
Thursdays 6:00 pm – meet at start/finish of Delcastle Rec Area; Run 1 or more laps of the 1.75 mile loop
Click here for details
Tuesday evening track workouts with a Delaware Hall of Fame running coach, Jim Fischer, at St. Mark’s High School are back for you up to speed! Please read the following message from Coach Fischer:
We are going to go with a two-hour block of time for your workout starting at 5:30pm and ending at 7:30pm. We will not have our usual meeting at the beginning of the workout. I have attached the workout page, so you have an idea what the possibilities are. We will not do the two-person five-mile, but you can simulate it if you’d like. People will show up and get on with their workout. Masks are not required while working out. We will try to social distance as much as possible.
Click Here for details
Social Activities
Unfortunately, our social calendar has been a wasteland of missed events, but PCVRC is assessing the feasibility of an outdoor social event in late summer/early fall for our club members to interact and have fun.
Check the website for updates on other events as well as planned virtual seminars on training, fitness and health – PCVRC Events Calendar
For Your Information
It can be difficult to stay motivated when the date of your next race is unknown. Some tips HERE and HERE
With the hot summer months upon us, a good article on heat training and acclimation HERE
USATF Race Series Update
Currently there are no definitive plans for the remainder of the 2020 season.
Please check out the website for updates HERE
The full 2020 road race calendar is available HERE
The full 2020 off-road (trail) race calendar is available HERE
Delaware Distance Classic (October 11, 2020)
Given the current restrictions in holding a sanctioned USATF event the size of DDC, the official 15K race has been cancelled. However, the club will hold another event on that date. Your board is working hard to plan a safe and fun event that allows you to run and see some of your fellow club members. Please check the website in the coming weeks for updates at
Your PCVRC Board is here from you!
Contact Us!
President: Wes Stafford
Vice President: Adam Shilling
Secretary: Alison McCann
Treasurer: Andrea Riley
Membership coordinator: Christina Xia
Events coordinator: Keith Crispin
USATF Team coordinator: Lynn Knothe
Sponsorship coordinator: Dirk Sweigart
Webmaster: Ray Christensen
C25K coordinator: Lee Dresser
DDC Race Director: Dan Suher
Social Media: Mike Leva
Communications/marketing: Open
Check out our awesome sponsors:
Wilmington Trust –
Harvest Market –
Cheskin Chiropractic –
Liquid Alchemy Beverages –
Essential Balance Massage –
Performance Physical Therapy and Fitness –
Hockessin Athletic Club –
Omega Project –
M&T Bank –