Coach Fischer’s Next Success!
Jim Fischer has been tapped to create a co-ed cross country team at Del Tech’s Stanton campus. How can we sign up? Congratulations, coach!
Details at
Crabowitz Re-scheduled – July 18th (Rich Szymanski)
Please mark July 18th on your calendars to join us for the 5th annual “Crabowitz” 5K fun run and crabs/pizza/beer/etc. etc……!
Jim Steele is donating a case of wine, so if you are a wine drinker – no need to bring your own. Also, Between Darlise and Wes providing cases of beer (I think a total of 5 cases of Yuengling and Yuengling Light) and Tony’s 2 kegs – no need to bring your own beer.
We will be supplying crabs and pizza and our own Brewmaster, Tony BBQ , will once again be making the “Rebel Electrolyte Ale”! Due to popularity, I believe he’s brewing up two kegs.
Anytime after 6:00 is good but we’ll likely start the 5K run around 6:15/6:30 so if you want to run 3.1 hilly miles first, be sure and arrive in time for the start. Running is not required, but cheering is!!!
Please bring your drink of choice if you do not want Yuengling or Tony’s Electrolyte Ale. This is a family/dogs friendly event, so bring everyone.
As we have done in the past two years, we will again be collecting money for The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation. We hope to surpass last year’s VERY generous donations of over $2,000!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 13th!!
Szymanski House, North Point, 709 Haddon Rd, Wilmington, Delaware 19808
Last Minute Opportunity – Big Elk Xterra Saturday!
From the race organizer – We’re still in desperate need of more staff/volunteers for the event since the total number of participants has shot up to 300 and the forecast is hot and humid.
For each volunteer from PCVRC we’d be happy to give
-A free race entry (for whoever volunteers)
-$35 to the club (per each volunteer)
-Swag and other race-day vendor goodies
-Plenty of PCVRC promo at the event.
Just let me know if there are any who are interested to in coming out this Saturday, June 22nd, and if so, they can just follow this link/ email me…
There’s a link to volunteer for Big Elk on the right of the page.
Adam McCaffrey, Race Coordinator
Run with the Summer Concert Series at White Clay
During the summer months, please plan on attending fun runs in White Clay State Park (Carpenter Recreation Area) followed by some relaxation listening to live music while enjoying the company of other PCVRC members. We plan on attending four of the summer concert series:
Wed June 26: Tropical Soul (beach music, original and covers)
Wed July 03: OH BOY! A Tribute to Rockabilly (Buddy Holly, Johnn Cash, Elvis)
Wed July 24: The Vel Crows (Surf rock and good time music)
Wed Aug 14: Almost Fab (Beatles tribute)
We will go for a short run in the park before each concert, more details to follow. For more information on the series please see
Race Results, Reviews and accomplishments:
Here’s what’s been sent in…
Baltimore 10 Miler (6/15/13 ):
Kristen Stump 1:12:20 (1st in Age Group)