St. Peter’s 5K Run/Walk, Thursday, May 30th
Please join Jim Steele next week for a nice run through Old New Castle, with pizza and beer after the race! Thursday, May 30th ~ 6:30PM, registration starts at 5pm. Benefits the Elizabeth A. Loncki Scholarship Fund
Visit for details and to register.
Yes, the Crabowitz, June 13th (Rich Szymanski)
Please mark June 13th on your calendars to join us for the 5th annual “Crabowitz” 5K fun run and crabs/pizza/beer/etc.! We will be supplying crabs and pizza and our own Brewmaster, Tony BBQ, will once again be making the “Rebel Electrolyte Ale”! Due to popularity, I believe he’s brewing up two kegs.
Arriving any time after 6:00 is good but we’ll likely start the 5K run around 6:15/6:30 so if you want to run 3.1 hilly miles first, be sure and arrive in time for the start. Running is not required, but cheering is!
Please bring your drink of choice and let us know if you can attend (443-309-5138 or ) so we can have a head count. This is a family/dogs friendly event, so bring everyone. Could you please let us know if you are a pizza person, crab person, or both.
As we have done in the past two years, we will again be collecting money for The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation. We hope to surpass last year’s VERY generous donations of over $2,000!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 13th!!
Szymanski House, North Point, 709 Haddon Rd, Wilmington, Delaware 19808
Run with the Summer Concert Series at White Clay
During the summer months, please plan on attending fun runs in White Clay State Park (Carpenter Recreation Area) followed by some relaxation listening to live music while enjoying the company of other PCVRC members. We plan on attending four of the summer concert series:
Wed June 26: Tropical Soul (beach music, original and covers)
Wed July 03: OH BOY! A Tribute to Rockabilly (Buddy Holly, Johnn Cash, Elvis)
Wed July 24: The Vel Crows (Surf rock and good time music)
Wed Aug 14: Almost Fab (Beatles tribute)
We will go for a short run in the park before each concert, more details to follow. For more information on the series please see
Jim Fischer’s Track Workouts
Because of construction on the University of Delaware outdoor track, starting this next Tuesday, Jim will be moving track workouts to St. Mark’s High School located off Kirkwood Highway until further notice. The workouts will be held at 6:00pm.
Jim Fischer, Personal Running Coach
USATF Level III Endurance
Race Results, Reviews and accomplishments:
Here’s what’s been sent in…
Dave Wiechecki, ran Valley Forge …30:22, first in 50-54, 15th overall.
John Schultz, New Jersey Marathon – Long Branch, NJ – time 6:52:13
Denise Boyle, Broad Street 10-miler, 1:27:44 (PR)
Jim Steele, DE Marathon 3:41:41
Mark DeNio, first half-marathon, 4:04:10.6 and PR at the Freedom from Seizures 5k, 48:59
Rachel Bleacher, Mom’s on a Mission 5k, 26:20 (PR) and 2nd in age group
Congratulations to the Women’s New Balance Angels Racing team on breaking the women’s relay record in the Delaware Marathon Relay, 2:54:36 including Pike Creekers Kirsten Belair, Lisa Jalot and Kelly Horowitz!
Delaware Marathon Running Festival
There is so much that can be said about how terrific this event was this year. In the 10th year, it just keeps getting better! Joel, Wayne, Stacey and the entire team do such a great job of organizing the race Rich organized another fine Rebel encampment, and so many Pike creek runners ran in the full, the half or the relays that there is way too many to mention. Thanks to all the many volunteers who make this race such a great success and such a shining example of how Delaware knows how to run and party!
Off-road Series
The Triple Crown trail race (April 27th) results are final. In the club competition, Greater Philly maintained their lead after the 3rd race of the season followed by Rosemont Running and Pike Creek Valley.
PCVRC had several Age Group winners in the 10K: Andy Jakubawitch 1st, Paul Randolph 3rd, John Costello 2nd, Tom Steenkamer 3rd, Meggan Hain 2nd, Lisa Jalot 2nd and Connie Montana 3rd.
Current Standings
Greater Phila TC – 1007.68
Rosemont – 987.03
Pike Creek Valley – 924.52
Pineland Striders – 894.43
The next trail race is the Wissahickon 10K on Saturday, June 8th, at Forbidden Drive in Philadelphia.
Grand Prix Series
Last Sunday, 12 PCVRC USATF team members joined 40,000 other friends for the 34th annual running of the…
Broad St. 10 miler – From Claire Neilan
A good number of PCVRC members ran the Broad Street 10-miler in Philadelphia last Sunday. Despite a super early start (Lori repeatedly grumbled that she was never listening to me again when I told her she had to enter a race!) the weather was absolutely perfect for racing and we got parked in a great spot right next to the subway. Once we got up to Broad Street, we ran into fellow PCVRC runners Matt and Mike. We met some interesting locals (ask Denise!). Jordan and I started in the same corral, and after about an hour of sitting and standing around, we were off. Lots of Boston red socks to be seen – very nice touch. For those of you who have never run Broad Street before, it is a no-brainer race and is a straight shot all the way down Broad Street, and overall is slightly downhill. It is a large race (38,000 this year) but there is still plenty of room for everyone. It finishes in the shipyard, you get a nice medal, and a bag filled with plenty of post-race munchies. I ended up having my best race ever – I had a huge PR, I felt great throughout, and had negative splits. I couldn’t believe it when I looked at my watch at Mile 7 and realized that I don’t usually run this fast in a 5K! So I felt elated when I finished (1:14:59).
I met Matt and Mike afterwards at the petting zoo (yes, really). They also had great runs, and Matt PR’d. Then it was back to the ‘R’ sign to meet the rest of the Rebel Runners/PCVRC members. Met Jordan, Sheri, Dirk, Denise, Kurt, ….and then John C and Kelly J were supporting. Denise also had a big PR. Tailgating time! So all in all, a great day, and hopefully the members that we did not manage to meet that morning also had great runs. It was certainly a good day for a PR.
Current USATF results are located at the Mid Atlantic USATF Long Distance running page –
PCVRC Events Calendar
Our “Events Calendar” page on the website includes all club-related activities including weekly group runs, USATF Series races (noted with blue stars), social events, and club meetings. We’ll also note events where PCVRC is affiliated in some way such as Delaware Marathon. The calendar is updated regularly.