Delaware Marathon Course Marshals still needed
If you’re not running and can spare a couple hours on Sunday morning to help keep runners safe, contact Kate at or 215-913-3449.
DE Marathon Operations Director Joel Schiller thanks the following for helping him stage water stop water into containers: Jerry Herman, Dave McCorquodale, Keith Crispin, Brad Gillan & Ray Christensen.
Club Shirts & Singlets
If you have not yet received your New Balance club shirt, come to one of our events or contact Ray () if you can attend a Wed or Thurs group run at Delcastle. Grab it soon, or your only choice may be ‘Male Large’ size! And remember that if you run four USATF events as part of our team, you’ll get a free racing singlet. Even if not doing the four events, you can buy one now at a discount price of $10 thanks to Silverside Medical.
Next Club Event: Running of the Judge 5/20 6:30pm start
Below is information posted by Dirk Sweigart if you haven’t already seen it.
What: PCVRC and Rebels “Run the Judge” Trail run of the Judge Morris 5K loop and picnic
When: Friday, May 20th, 6 PM (run), 7 pm (picnic)
Where: Sweigart’s, 108 Dewalt Road, Drummond Hill, Newark, DE (close to McGlynn’s and the Polly Drummond shopping center)
Event details: Come for the run at 6 or the picnic at 7ish (after). RSVPs requested for counting but you can surely come even if you did not reply. Event is rain or shine (run will be canceled for mud or rain but picnic still on). Kids and spouses are welcome. Bring a side dish, dessert or weird beverage. We will have burgers (yes Theresa, and turkey burgers!), hotdogs, cole slaw and macaroni salad, beer and wine, water and sports drink. And what people bring.
Run details: Run starts from the open space at the corner of Dewalt and Old Coach road (side entrance) at 6. Park at Dirk�s house and walk up to the start. There will be water and sports drink there. Timing (and direction of run) is up to you. For those wanting to clean up, we will have towels and washcloths at the house after.
Course Details: this portion of the White Clay preserve is the former estate of Judge Hugh M. Morris, a Delaware native, respected attorney and distinguished federal judge. The property also belonged to the University of Delaware for some time and contained a course for the UD cross-country team. The loop will be well-marked with a �cutoff� for anyone wishing to shorten the debated length of 3.1 miles ( bring your Garmin and tell us what you think the distance is). This is a mixed use trail so you need to beware of mountain bikers (like Josh) and hikers. You also need to be aware of the usual trail run hazards such as tripping over roots or rocks (Jerry, Dirk). Immediately when you enter the woods, you will need to decide whether to go left or right around the loop. There is no right answer! But if you miss the entrance/exit (or if you just want to), you will run the loop twice (or more).
From Kirkwood Highway � go north on Polly Drummond Hill Road. Take a right at the first light onto Old Coach Road. Take first left onto Dewalt Road. 2nd house on the left after the stop sign.
From New Linden Hill Road � Turn off of New Linden Hill Road onto Chadd Road directly across from Polly Drummond shopping center (Zingo�s). Take right at first stop sign on Dewalt. House is on the right, just before next stop sign.
Run4Fun 5K
I always like to give a plug to this race put on by Chip & Doris Bixler at Elkton H.S. in Elkton, Md. on June 5.
Newer club members may not know that about the time I joined the club in 1995, they were finishing up a stint of a couple of years where they were keeping the club going. Additionally, for many years they put on a race at Glasgow H.S. where the emphasis was always on the achievements of the kids who ran. The Run4Fun is basically that race – moved over to Elkton. For a number of groups who train young children to run, this is the culmination of their training – completing this 5K. Always great to see the stampede of young feet at the start and the almost immediate exhaustion of a few who start out like it’s a sprint. Prizes galore, but be patient because the kids come first. Race app attached.