PCVRC Member,
Here are three very exciting running opportunities with a Pike Creek connection. Come and run/train/party with your club!
Dirk Sweigart, President
Jim Steele and Fallen Heroes
The Fallen Heroes 5K will be held on Thursday May 24th hosted by our very own Jim Steele. The race is held at St. Peter’s School in New Castle, DE and starts at 6:30pm. It’s a nice course, voted as one of the 10 Best Scenic Courses by USA Today! Plenty of food and free beer post-race. Prizes to top overall male/female runners as well as top male/female masters overall runners. Details and registration can be found on Races2run.com. It’s just the beginning of the twilight 5k racing season so we hope to see you all there. Come out, support Jim and the Fallen Heroes and hang out with us by the Pike Creek sign!
Pike Creek’s “C25K” hosted by David Berger
Here we go again with this ever-popular event! It’s a 7-week program this spring, May 15 – June 26. Sign Up here and then meet at the Newark Reservoir next Tuesday at 6 PM.
Howard Laws Summer XC Series
This is a great event put on at Bellevue all summer long. Races begin Tuesday June 5 at 6:30 PM at Bellevue State Park. Cost is $30.00 for the series or $5.00 for each individual race. Races are held every other Tuesday. (There is a park fee, car pool or park in the Corporate Business lot and walk).
Race dates: June 5, 19, July 3, 17 (team competition – PCVRC has won the team event in the past!), 31 and Aug 14. Registration starts at 5:00 PM. Shirts to runners who pay $30.00 for the entire series while supplies last.
Team competition benefits 21st Century Fund for Delaware Children.
Links for Club Members
PCVRC Events Calendar: www.pcvrc.com/pcvrc-events-calendar/
PCVRC News Bulletins: www.pcvrc.com/pcvrc-news-bulletins-2/
PCVRC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/289855916248/