President’s Message
Outgoing President Stacey Haddock Schiller welcomed everyone to the April 13 Boston Send-Off party and thanked outgoing Social Chair Rachel Bleacher for setting up the party. The club congratulated the club members and the non-club members running Boston with a round of applause. The club, having received no external nominations for officers, officially ratified the Board’s nomination for 2016 club officers, who are:
Joel Schiller, President
Dirk Sweigart, VP
Jerry Herman, Secretary
Lenora Wagner, Treasurer
In addition, the following club members will be voting members of the Board in 2016:
Tom Steenkamer – USA TF
Jim Steele – DDC Race Director
Christina Xia – Membership
Ray Christensen – Emeritus/At Large
Kim Riccio – Social Chair
The club wishes to thank Stacey Haddock Schiller, Rachel Bleacher, and Darlise DiMatteo for their participation on the Board in 2015 and their continued commitment to the club. All members are reminded that board meetings are open to all club members. The next Board meeting will be Wed., May 11 at 6:30pm at Lenora Wagner’s house. If you are not a board member and wish to attend, please let Lenora or me know. I look forward to serving the club in 2016 as your President! -Joel
Boston Sendoff
We had a very nice turnout at the Boston Sendoff party at Catherine Rooney’s Trolley Square. 66 Delawareans are qualified to run Boston this year and quite a few of them were in attendance at the sendoff. It was fun seeing everyone in their BM gear and it was great to see a mix of older and younger runners talking about this year’s and past year’s events! The club wishes to offer a big congratulations to Michelle Zechman for being featured in the April 13, 2016 News Journal running article on Boston. If you haven’t read the article, check it out at Best of luck to everyone running the 120th Boston Marathon on April 18, 2016!
Delaware Marathon Call for Volunteers
Our club has been a long standing volunteer group for the Delaware Marathon and receives a nice donation from the marathon each year in recognition of our support. If you can, please help Ray Christensen by volunteering to be part of the PCVRC course marshal team on Bancroft Parkway. This year’s date is Sun., May 8 and the hours are 7:15am through 12:15pm. Even if you can only help for part of the time, your help would be greatly appreciated. Volunteers are also needed on Tues., May 3 (after work) to load the Delaware Marathon water station containers at the 1-800-PACKRAT location off Route 896 S. in Glasgow and on Sat., May 7 from 9am till 6pm (3 shifts) and Sun., May 8 from 5am to 7 am at Packet Pickup at Tubman Park.
Old New Castle “Fallen Heroes 5K” Run
Club member Jim Steele helps put on this great event at the St. Peter’s School in New Castle, which will be Thursday evening, May 26. All PCVRC members receive a $5 discount. Signup between 4/23 and 4/30 using promo code PCVRC to receive the discount. Go here to register:
Great food and beer after the race, $75 cash for overall winners and overall masters winners. For more info, Jim can be reached at 302-530-7274
Couch 2 5K
Our Spring “Couch to 5K” and “Couch to 10K” programs, under the leadership of club member Amy Temple, officially kicked off on Monday, April 11! The group will meet every Monday at 6pm at the Newark reservoir. All levels of ability, including walkers, are welcome! The group has decided to officially participate on June 5, at the 8th Blue Hen Reunion Weekend 5k. If you would like to learn more, ask to join our C210Kers Facebook group.
New Members
Welcome to our new members:
Mark Austin
Caitlin Fox
Tyler Muse
Rebecca and Tobias Rogers
Chris Warren
New Newsletter Editor
Please allow me to introduce myself: my name is Blythe Milbury-Steen and I am pleased to be your new newsletter editor! Joel and I want to publish a monthly newsletter on or around the 15th of each month (supplemented with eBlasts when there is something time-sensitive to report). We’re a little late with this first one but we are committed to getting on track beginning in May! If you’d like to submit your race results to me, to Stacey, or to Joel, they will be included in the next eBulletin. (We can’t publish unless you let us know your results, so please share your achievements!) We’re also interested in any other news you’d like to report, so feel free to update me at .
Race Results
John Schultz:
55th Annual Brandywine Trail End-to-End Hike, 36.7 miles – 12:15
Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
Amanda Pupillo: 1:36 (2nd AG)
Jen Loren: 1:43
Andrea Riley: 1:51 (3rd AG)
Nancy Welch: 1:59
John Schultz: 3:33 (3rd AG)
Valley Forge Revolutionary Five-Mile Run
Emily Zaitz: 43:19 (12th AG)
John Schultz: 1:20:54
Pike Creek Valley Running Club Membership Fee Structure and Renewal Policy
The current dues are $25 per membership, which includes family members and significant others, and covers membership for the calendar year. The renewal period runs from October 1st through March 1st. To remain a member of PCVRC, you must renew by March 1st. On March 1st, those who have not renewed are not eligible for club member benefits such as the eBulletin, member pricing at banquet, free Boston Send-off party, etc.
Any member who races for PCVRC in 4 or more USATF races a calendar year, and is a member of USATF, will receive complimentary PCVRC membership for the following calendar year.
New members who join on or after June 1st but before October 1st will pay a reduced rate of $15 to cover membership for the remainder of the current calendar year, then are subject to same renewal policy as current members stated above. Anyone who joins on or after October 1st would pay $25 that would cover them for remainder of current calendar year and the entire following calendar year.
To sign up or renew you can go to the Join/Renew page in the below links section.
If mailing, send a check or money order (payable to PCVRC) to: PCVRC, PO Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804