Boston Send-off Party & Spring Social
2012-04-11 Wednesday, 6:30-9:00pm
Location: Six Paupers – Hockessin DE
Meet your fellow members!
Join us as we wish our fellow PCVRC Boston marathoners a safe and successful marathon. Various appetizers/finger food will be served, compliments of the club. Drinks will be available from the bar.
Although an RSVP is not necessary for this event it is always helpful if you can us know if you plan to attend to ensure that we have enough food for everyone.
Contact: Rachel Bleacher
Host a Fun Run! From Dirk Sweigart:
You should host a “group run! The PCVRC doesn’t just run; we also like to socialize! So we are always looking for new people to meet and new places to run (or old friends at old places)! Consider hosting a “group run” where we all meet, run (maybe) and then partake. We can meet to run anywhere and then socialize after at the park, a local restaurant or house. In the past we have run/partied at: Delcastle/Ruby Tuesdays; Newark Reservoir/ Timothy’s; Lums Pond/Jim’s; Judge Morris/Dirk’s; Delcastle/Dave and Carolyn’s (McCorq’s)[see Editor’s Note below]; Weatherhill/Rich and Trish’s (Crabowitz); Greenway Trail/Kid Shelleen’s.
This is easy to do and we’ll help you. Take a look at, consider some potential dates and locations and then give Dirk a call on 302-545-7047 or e-mail at so we can fill up our summer and fall calendar.
Also, watch for “water Wednesday” nights at Delcastle and come out, make a few loops and help us hand out water and promote our club
R & R National Marathon
From Dave Baca, who ran a Boston qualifying time at the R & R National Marathon in Washington, D.C. on March 17:
The R&R race in D.C. was excellent. There were 24 thousand participants on the inaugural run. About 21 of the 24 were for the 1/2 marathon which made the first 13 miles a bit crowded. The spectator support was good, but paled compared to Philly. The course was not very difficult. I’d say it is on par will Philly, fairly fast. There were a couple areas of good incline, but that was in the first half of the race. I ran under 1:36min for the half, but slowed during the last half finishing with a BQ time of 3:26. I did not do any long runs training (over 15 miles) for this race. Most of my long runs were 12miles, so I knew the last half might be problematic. I compensated for the lack of long runs by dropping 12lbs over 8 weeks before the race. I have recovered well and will probably run a couple marathons in 2012.
The weather was warm from the start and just got warmer throughout the day. I think it was in the upper 70’s by the time I finished.
Tyler Arboretum 10k 3/31/12 From Tom Steenkamer:
It’s been a while since the trail racing shoes came out for some exercise. Still encased in mud from the 3 club challenge at White Clay I knew they would get a good cleaning at the Tyler Arboretum 10k. Tyler is great venue for introductory trail racing with double track trails throughout the course and terrain that is not too technical. (The hills are modest and the roots and rocks are minimal). However, there are those four minor stream crossing which require at least one foot to get damp unless you choose to queue up and use the hiker rocks to stay dry. See below.
With Captain Rich at the helm of one car and Lorri Fencer gathering the balance of the local crew we car pooled up to Media on a cool, overcast Saturday morning. We were greeted with a damp course from the overnight rain and with temps in the low 40’s; the humidity still hung in the air. PCVRC was represented by Josh Loren, Tom Steenkamer, Epi Camacho, Bob Klezsics, Lisa Jalot, Ray Christensen, Lori Fencer, Mike Piorkowski, hall of famer, John Schultz.
The start of the race is typical for the off road series- a 200 meter sprint on old farm road before the runners squeeze through a gate in the Jurassic park like deer fence that surrounds the Arboretum grounds. Josh broke out hard early followed by Epi and myself. The runners quickly spread out over the wide trail and I lost sight of the leaders after about 800 meters of rolling terrain. The first creek crossing comes after a short, fast downhill section just before the first mile. Runners need to choose between jumping from the stream bank and landing a large rock to stay dry or land mid-stream in ankle deep water. With the overnight rains the water is bit deeper today and Josh is in the lead heading to stream, He chooses to push off from the bank and land in the water only to land awkwardly and roll his left ankle. Still plenty of racing to go and Josh pushes on to lead the team finishing 3rd overall. My crossing is uneventful, but the photographer misses my splash.
The second stream crossing is bit wider around mile two, somehow deeper than usual. It takes two steps to cross and the water is up to mid-calf. I finish 12th overall with Epi and Harvest Bob not far behind. I look at the clock and see that my finish time is almost a minute slower than last year and decide to chalk it up to my current training limitations. I head back out onto the race course for a cool down and to cheer on the rest of the team. The Arboretum grounds are not as manicured as Longwood, but I still enjoy a short run through the Pinetum (a collection of various rare and not so rare conifers) and a stop by the Giant Sequoias. Planted sometime around 1830 one of them is the largest specimen in PA.
Post-race we gather for the awards and head over to Mike P’s house for food and hydration. We’re warmly greeted by Mike’s wife Terri and Madame Currie (Mike’s German shepherd) and not one but two beer fridges! Relaxing with couple of cold beverages, and ice packs for Josh’s ankle and my plantar fasciitis, the group enjoys a light lunch. Thanks Mike and Terri!
PCVR – Team score 349.01
25 LISA JALOT WILMINGTON DE F 41 48:01 65.69
323 JOHN SCHULTZ WILMINGTON DE M 79 1: 24:51 50.35
MA-USATF has not yet posted the overall results of this competition.
Editor’s post:
Events within the club in the past few weeks led me to the realization that a shake-up was due. So I’ve made some decisions, which I post below. I’ve also created my own blog, The paragraphs below are the end of the first article I’m posting ( about how I became involved in the club and editor of its communications. Since the rest of the article is about me, it’s not necessary to read it in order to get the gist of what I post below. But anyone who is a “fan” of my writing might want to bookmark the site.
The recent awards banquet to which the club founders were invited and where some other former club members attended suddenly made it clear to me that those people were of my generation. The thing is I just happened to get into running later in life and joined the club late. But I realized that my generation represents the past of the club.
I’ve put in 16 years as an editor, first just helping to keep the club afloat, and later reporting on the increased participation. I’ve made some mistakes, not in intention, but in style – responding in a curt manner, which is subject to misunderstanding over e-mail; or projecting an abrasive or negative tone. I’m sorry for that. I hope at times people understood that some of these things were attempts at humor.
However, while someone with a lot of experience can have knowledge which makes things easier, becoming comfortable with that person holding a position for a long time can stifle the growth of others and, thus, possibly hold back the growth of the club. While I’ve long pondered why more people don’t participate in actively growing the club, part of the answer may be that having an old-timer staying in a position for too long may be holding others back from using their talents.
So I’ll be stepping down as editor of the E-Bulletins. Here’s the deal, If anyone has the time and the inclination to be editor, I’ll be glad to provide all the help I can to get you up to speed. I won’t stop doing bulletins until you think you can do them without my help. If no one comes forward, I’ll keep being editor until the end of 2012, but will definitely resign at that point.
I’m also ending the hosting of McCorq’s Fun Run at my house. However, I’ve got a measuring wheel that Tony Chelpaty gave me. I’ll pass it on for the measuring of a new 5K challenge course if anyone wants to continue this tradition for late August. I’ve also got the start for prizes, consisting mostly of what wasn’t grabbed the last time when Ray hosted the run because of a death in our family.
Race Results:
Caesar Rodney Half-Marathon:
1:50:39 Ryan Cummingham
1:55:09 Ron Kwasnieski
Two new club members, who both completed their first half-marathon and whose names I missed previously.
Up On Your Feet 5K:
17:23 Matt Cutrona, Overall Winner
19:18 Sarah Rusk, Female winner and second overall