Hi PCVRC runners and members,
In the interest of keeping this short and sweet, here’s what’s happening with your club!
Congratulations to all of our marathon runners – Laura Berger, Matt Cutrona, Carol Giampietro, Brenda Hodge, Kelly Horowitz, Lee Kauffman, Greg Cauller, Leah Kate Lounsbury, Sarah Rusk, Wes Stafford, Brian Welch! Tough conditions out there! Our marathon send-off party was a success but failed to secure good weather for the run!
Delaware Marathon Course Marshals 4/29 – please volunteer
Happy Spring! PCVRC is again asked to provide volunteers willing to be course marshals on Sunday 4/29 from 715am-noon or any portion of that possible. Last year, they donated $500 to our club to thank us! If you can, here’s how to sign up. It’s thru RunSignUp, so you should log in using that account…
Course Marshal instructions:
We’ve got all of Bancroft Pkwy (9 intersections). To sign up:
1. Go to volunteer link
2. Click “Course Marshals” under “Find Your Category”
3. At “Course Marshal @ Bancroft Pkwy” check box for “645am EDT – 1230pm EDT” and click “Volunteer” button (our actual meet time will be 715am)
4. Enter Task Password drf18 then select “Myself” or other option and enter info or log in with your RunSignUp login if you have one.
5. Complete form (contact info, shirt size, etc) and click “Continue”
I’ll be notified (Ray) and will send specific location assignments and other instructions before race day. If volunteers need to change anything or cancel, they should contact me directly at . Or call me with questions anytime at 302-633-1482.
Forward to anyone else who might consider, since each person needs to complete the form themselves. Thanks, Ray
Howard Laws Summer XC Series
This is a great event put on at Bellevue all summer long. Races begin Tuesday June 5 at 6:30 PM at Bellevue State Park. Cost is $30.00 for the series or $5.00 for each individual race. Races are held every other Tuesday. (There is a park fee, car pool or park in the Corporate Business lot and walk).
Race dates: June 5, 19, July 3, 17 (team competition – PCVRC has won the team event in the past!), 31 and Aug 14. Registration starts at 5:00 PM. Shirts to runners who pay $30.00 for the entire series while supplies last.
Team competition benefits 21st Century Fund for Delaware Children.
Social Activities – recap
Congratulations to our award winners for 2016: Runner of the Year Zach Chupa; Member of the Year Jim Steele; Outstanding Achievement Award Winners Stacey Schiller, Lee Dresser, DJ Farren and Brenda Hodge.
Special congratulations to our newest members to the Hall of Fame – Theresa Coughlan and Greg Cauller! Check out their bios here: http://pcvrc.com/pcvrc-hall-of-fame/
Our weekly running meet-ups continue: Tuesdays at the Newark Reservoir at 6PM; Thursdays at 6PM at Delcastle Recreation; and Sundays 8AM at Panera on Main Street Newark. Now that the weather has begin to warm, please come on out and join us for a group run!
Our Boston send-off party was a success but failed to secure good weather for the marathon!
Delaware Distance Classic
The 36th edition of the Delaware Distance Classic 15K & 5K, our club’s signature event, is scheduled for Sunday October 7, 2018 in Delaware City. The DDC Planning Committee is already hard at work and hopes you will actively help us market the event. Follow us on Instagram and use the #DDC15K on Instagram whenever you post anything about running. We already have a number of posts and a number of followers, the more the better!
April 1 was the kick-off date for this event. Watch for our social media promotion. The DDC website is www.ddc15k.org.
We are looking for six people to be ambassadors for the event in exchange for a free entry!
The club currently stands at 140 family memberships with 237 club members. Thanks to Christina Xia for handling our membership so well!
Membership is only $25 and is good for your entire family. As a 501c(3), PCVRC membership is also tax deductible. Also, any member who races for PCVRC in 4 or more USATF races within a calendar year, and remains a member of USATF, will receive a complimentary PCVRC membership for the following calendar year. We will notify members in January if they are eligible for a free PCVRC membership.
New members who join on or after June 1 but before October 1 pay a reduced rate of $15 to cover their membership for the remainder of the current calendar year. All members who join or renew before October 1 are subject to our standard renewal policy. Anyone who joins on or after October 1st pays $25 that includes the remainder of the current calendar year plus the following calendar year. Membership Renewals will be accepted beginning at the December holiday party and are due by March 31.
To renew your dues online, go to: www.pcvrc.com/join.php.
Or you may send a $25 check or money order (payable to PCVRC) to: PCVRC, PO Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804
Race Results & Recognition
From Jerry Herman, Caesar Rodney 5K recap: Because my mileage has been way down, I made the decision to not run the half at CR and dropped back to the 5K
Somewhere between miles one and two, a tall guy passes me and I think he looks a little older. He got about 150 yards ahead of me. Then I noticed that slowly I was catching up to him. At the water stop near the hospital he was a lot closer. As we made the turn to go up Market St. we were shoulder to shoulder. I beat him up the hill by over 20 seconds. When he finished I said, “I know this is rude, but how old are you?” He told me he was 70. So I beat somebody in my age group (70 – 99). When the results were posted I found out I was first in my age group! In over 30 years of running and running races I finally won first place in my age group!
First place was worth a trophy and (thanks to Frank’s Wine) a bottle of champagne and a growler with a certificate to have it filled. I can’t remember being this happy with a race finish since I finished my first marathon!
Please let us know what you’ve been up to!! For inclusion in the next newsletter, send your race results, PRs, and running related stories by replying to this message or by sending a separate email to: .
Current and all past News Bulletins are online: http://pcvrc.com/pcvrc-news-bulletins-2/
2018 Nominees – PCVRC Board
Dirk Sweigart, President
Wes Stafford, VP
Adam Shilling, Secretary
Lenora Wagner, Treasurer
Other Voting Members:
Tom Steenkamer – USATF
Joel Schiller – DDC Race Director
Christina Xia – Membership
Ray Christensen – Emeritus
Open – Communications/Marketing
Sheri Sweigart – Social
Jerry Herman – At Large
Links for Club Members
PCVRC Events Calendar: www.pcvrc.com/pcvrc-events-calendar/
PCVRC News Bulletins: www.pcvrc.com/pcvrc-news-bulletins-2/
PCVRC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/289855916248/