Newest & Oldest Member Hugh Campbell
Rich Szymanski and I met Hugh Campbell on Monday evening. In case you are not aware of him, Hugh is 87 years old and has only been running for a little over a year. Last summer he set the state record of 30:15 for the newly created 85-89 age group. This past Saturday at the Cherry Blossom 5K, he broke his own record with a chip time of 28:49! This time equates to an age grade of 90.75, which is considered world class. Indeed, at the National Masters Championship last year, the winner in that age group had a time of over 33 minute, which Hugh could easily attain.
Rich and I told Hugh about the club and about the USATF competition. Hugh is intrigued and may attend the send-off party this evening. We are hoping Hugh can train up to five miles in order to compete in a few of the events this year. Hugh has already joined the club.
USATF update 4/10/12 From Tom Steemkamer:
The next race in the USATF Grand Prix (road) series is the Valley Forge 5 miler, @ 8:30 on Sunday 4/22. This is a well-organized and exciting course run through historic Valley Forge park on rolling terrain. We seem to be challenged with fielding a team for this event since it occurs less than a week after Boston. Hint – we need more racers! Note that all the other clubs have this same issue and last year PCVRC came home with several age group award winners.
There is no day of registration for this race nor will there be onsite registration for the USATF. (Due park regulations regarding cash transactions.) The last day for online registration is next Monday 4/16. Check out the web site for additional details on registration.
If you are considering competing @ Valley Forge and we’d love to have more folks join us, please ensure your registration is complete and USATF membership is current.
Please contact Rich or me for any questions.
The off road series resumes on Saturday, 4/28 @ our home course with the Triple Crown 10k sponsored by the Trail Dawgs. This course is the fastest 10k in the off road series and we always manage to enjoy the home course advantage. The 1st 4 miles are mostly flat with only 2 hill climbs in the final stages of the race. Registration is now open – check here for details. I’d like to hear from anyone interested in completing a modestly paced pre run of the course next week. I’m thinking about doing the pre run on Wednesday, 4/18 or Friday 4/20. Meeting at the Carpenter Rec. area on Rt. 896 @ 5:45, run to start @ 6. Note annual park fees are now in effect.
Please RSVP with interest and preferred date for the TC pre run to Depending on interest we can head into Newark for some post run food and refreshments.
Boston Send-Off / Spring Social Party Recap
The Boston Send-Off Party at Six Paupers last evening was well attended with approximately 40 people although only four of the fourteen club members who are running the Boston Marathon were there. However, many other former Boston runners were there, as well as Doug White, who will be completing his 38th consecutive Boston Marathon. Doug gave out caps, accumulated from the various Delaware Sports Club trips, to people who had been one of those bus trips.
New club member Hugh Campbell and his wife Naomi attended their first club event. Ralph McKinney immediately got to work to increase Hugh’s endurance by treating him to a hour’s worth of running related conversation.
Dirk Sweigart noted this: Six Paupers gave me a tan fleece jacket which was left on a bar stool at the Boston send-off and if somebody wants it they should contact me at 302-545-7047 or .
This editor will be in the Boston area until next Wednesday, so the next bulletin will be later next week. I hope some of the club participants are eager to share their accounts of the event.