Boston Send-off / Spring Party
Not sure how many club members actually are signed up for Boston this year after the early close-out last November. But this get-together is more a welcoming of the spring running season and a good reason to get together to swap running tales and future racing goals. We will again be meeting at the Hunter’s Den, 3517 Old Capitol trail, Wilmington, DE 19808. As always we have this of the last Wednesday evening before the Boston Marathon, this year April 14, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
If you’re not yet a member, join and meet us!
Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail Run – MAUSATF results
Last Saturday Pike Creek Valley Running Club had a team which did well in the Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail Run. It scored 346+ points to finish second among the five teams in the race and it’s currently second overall after two events, trailing Greater Philadelphia Track Club by 20 points. However, the next two teams are close, so this will be an exciting competition this year. The next event in the series will be the Triple Crown 10K Run in Carpenter State Park, Newark. Club member John Mackenzie is the Race Director of this event. So let’s have a great turn-out.
The following club members age-group standings after to events are: Tara Huang, Tied for 1st, open Female; Josh Loren, T4th, Open Male; Tom Jermyn, T1st Masters Male; Tom Steenkamer, 3rd, Grandmasters Male; and fred Shufflebarger, 1st, Seniors Male.
Ray Christensen’s Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail Run recap:
Weather for Saturday’s 10K in Media was a far cry from the warmth of CR weekend. It must have been under 30 degrees for the 9am start, but 360 runners enjoyed a fairly non-technical course through the beautiful park, highlighted by four stream crossings where we had the option of tip-toeing across on stones or splashing through for wet feet. With tech tees, tree seedlings and great food for all runners, it would have been a satisfying morning already. But with Josh, Tom J, Tom S and Fred all placing in their 10 year age groups, our team scored well. Lorri Fencer had a nice run as our all-important lone female runner. We always carpool, so if you’d like so check out some pretty places to run outside of Wilmington, join USATF and become part of our road or trail teams (see Don’t worry about speed. That’s what the fast guys are for.
133 56:26 LORRI FENCER 49 60.129
28 44:47 EPI CAMACHO 54 70.822
85 52:02 RAYMOND CHRISTENSEN 48 58.071
13 41:36 TOM JERMYN 47 72.035
4 38:26 JOSH LOREN E M 29 69.904
41 47:25 FRED SHUFFLEBARGER 61 71.036
19 42:54 TOM STEENKAMER 51 72.144