PCVRC Boston Marathon Send-Off
From Rachel Perkowski:
Please join us on Wednesday, April 15th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Catherine Rooney’s in Wilmington as we celebrate those participating in the 119th Boston Marathon.
This is an annual club event that allows us the opportunity to congratulate those who have worked so hard throughout the year to qualify to run the infamous Boston Marathon.
Like most club events, this event is included as part of your membership. Non-club members are more than welcome to attend; all that we ask is that a donation is made to help with the cost of the food.
Anyone that would like to join the club or renew their current membership may do so on the night of the Send-Off. We hope that you will join us as we wish those who are running the best of luck!
Any questions regarding this event can be forwarded to
USATF – From Tom Steenkamer:
PCVRC had an awesome start in the 2015 USATF Grand Prix competition this past weekend.
Adrenaline 5k
On Saturday March 21, the season kickoff with the Adrenaline 5k in Haddonfield NJ. Cool morning temps and the 4 inches of spring snow did not deter the 19 PCVRC runners.
The Adrenaline race consistently produces fast times and this year proved to be another record-producing day. Andy Weaver, 2nd overall, established a new DE State record (pending) in 14:34. Mike DiGennaro set a new DE 35 -39 age group record (pending) in 15:04. In addition, we had multiple age group award winners supporting those outstanding efforts: Dan Feeney, Mike O’Brian, Chuck Crabb, Tom Steenkamer, Sarah Rusk, Kirsten Belair, Lynn Knothe, Sheri Sweigart, Carole Feole, and Bob Callahan.
Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
Sunday, March 22, was the 52nd annual Caesar Rodney Half Marathon and PCVRC sent 14 runners to the line. Breezy conditions prevailed throughout the morning but were not a factor. CR always presents a stern test with the hills beginning after mile 6 as the course ascends up Park Drive to Rockford Park and then works its way back to the final 400m climb up Market St to Rodney Square. PCVRC age group award winners: Amy Blithe, Linda Odle, Carole Feole and Don Coats.
USATF Grand Prix
Thanks to the great turnouts and performances at both races PCVRC leads all regional clubs by 18 points in the club competition.
Couch-to-5k Spring Session
The next C25k session will start on Monday, April 6th. Darlise is looking for volunteers to help coach. Previous graduates are especially sought as they can inspire participants and show what heights can be achieved! E-mail Darlise at if you can help.
One additional note is that Joel Schiller will be coaching the walkers so let your friends know if there are any that would like to train to walk a 5k! I will be using the sessions to improve my own walking, encourage people and get encouraged.
Amy Temple came up with these wonderful pictures to serve as reminders and motivation. We’ll show one a week until the program start. Feel free to share on social media or wherever else they might help get someone there. Thanks Amy!
(Designer: Amy Temple)
Race Results, Reviews and Accomplishments:
Dan Feldstein completed the Caesar Rodney Half Marathon in 2:20:29. Dan has now finished the CR in each of five decades, from his twenties through his sixties!
Mike DiGennaro had set the Overall 5k State Record of 14:44 back in 2008. That record was broken at the Adrenaline 5k on Saturday by Andy Weaver. Andy finished in 14:34. Mike said “I’ll show him” and proceeded to set the potential DE State 35-49 Age Group Record at the Adrenaline 5k this past Saturday, finishing in 15:04! Phenomenal job Mike!
Sheri Sweigart set a 5k PR at the Adrenaline 5k. Michelle Zechman improved her CR half marathon time over last year! Great job ladies!
Adrenaline 5k
(March 21st – Haddonfield, NJ)
Mike DiGennaro 15:04 (1st AG – Pending DE State 35-39 AG Record)
Dan Feeney 15:15 (1st AG)
Mike O’Brian 15:40 (3rd AG)
Chuck Crabb 17:18 (1st AG)
Tom Steenkamer 18:07 (2nd AG)
Sarah Rusk 18:45 (1st AG)
Kirsten Belair 18:49 (1st AG)
Lynn Knothe 19:39 (2nd AG)
Dirk Sweigart 20:04
Sheri Sweigart 21:14 (1st AG and a PR!)
Carole Feole 22:52 (1st AG)
Bob Callahan 26:08 (2nd AG)
Caesar Rodney 5k (March 22nd – Wilmington, DE)
Kelly Jones 23:10 (2nd AG)
Betty Olmstead 45:11
Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
(March 22nd – Wilmington, DE)
Keith Crispin 1:25:58
Amy Blithe 1:30:51 (3rd AG)
Mike Brown 1:34:37
Linda Odle 1:37:04 (1st AG)
David Farren 1:42:34
Carole Feole 1:43:56 (1st AG)
Ray Christensen 1:46:07
Mark Holliday 1:47:42
Andrea Riley 1:52:58
Theresa Coughlan 1:54:45
Michelle Zechman 1:55:27 (Better than last year!)
Lorri Fencer 2:05:48
Dan Feldstein 2:20:29
Jerry Herman 2:44:50
John Schultz 3:23:51