Mark your calendars! Boston sendoff location is locked in – April 10th – Kid Sheleen’s – 6:00pm -9:00pm. Heavy hors de ‘oeuvres will be provided. This event is free to PCVRC members, suggested $10 for guests. All Boston runners and friends are welcome!
The PCVRC 2019 Annual Meeting was held March12 at Klondike Kate’s. A recap of upcoming events was given (see below) and then a vote was held for the 2019 officers. Unanimously elected were President – Wes Stafford, VP – Adam Shilling, Treasurer – Andrea Ladany and Secretary – Alison McCann. Welcome to the new officers. The rest of the board is listed below.
The following awards were given:
Runner of the Year – Robert Mason (outstanding running/athletic abilities)
Rookie of the Year – Michelle Brangan (new person on the running scene)
Volunteer of the Year – Christina Xia (person we count on to “be there)”
The night closed with the induction of Tom Steenkamer into the PCVRC Hall of Fame.
See the web site for a full write up on their accomplishments. Congratulations all!
After finishing first at the Frostbite 5-miler in the opening event of the 2019 Grand Prix series, PCVRC finished 3rd at the intensely competitive Adrenaline 5K last weekend, leaving us 3rd overall. Fantastic running by Mike DiGennaro, Bill Farquhar, Zach Chupa, Greg Cauller, Tom Steenkamer, Bob Mason, Dave Wiechecki, Sarah Rusk, Matt Cutrona and Betty Olmstead!
Next up on the road – Valley Forge, April 28th. Tyler Arboretum 10K is next on the trails, April 6th. We are always looking for folks to join our team(party!) and run for (with) us!
2019 marks the return of the USATF Club National XC Championship races to the Lehigh University campus on the first weekend in December. Clubs from all over the country compete as teams running cross country courses with distances of 6k for women, and 10k for men. In 2014 the club chartered a coach bus to take over 60 club members to this event. We are hoping that we can bring another large group of runners to this famous XC venue and have a great day of running and socializing!
Yes, we are starting already. Mark your calendars for October 13th. This year we are coming back to the Wilmington Riverfront, at the DuPont Environmental Education Center and partnering with the Delaware Nature Society. If you have any interest in serving on the race committee let Dirk or Dan Suher () know.
Our weekly running meet-ups continue: Thursdays at 6PM at Delcastle Recreation; and Sundays 8AM at Panera on Main Street Newark. We get routine requests from potential club members and out-of-state runners if we are still having these, the answer is “YES.”
Time to Renew for 2019!
Membership can be renewed by sending a $25 check to PCVRC, PO Box PO Box 3259 Wilmington, DE 19804 or online at We will be sending out reminder shortly.
Membership is only $25 and is good for your entire family. As a 501c(3), PCVRC membership is also tax deductible. Also, any member who races for PCVRC in 4 or more USATF races within a calendar year, and remains a member of USATF, will receive a complimentary PCVRC membership for the following calendar year. We will notify members in January if they are eligible for a free PCVRC membership.
New members who join on or after June 1 but before October 1 pay a reduced rate of $15 to cover their membership for the remainder of the current calendar year. All members who join or renew before October 1 are subject to our standard renewal policy. Anyone who joins on or after October 1st pays $25 that includes the remainder of the current calendar year plus the following calendar year. Membership Renewals are due by March 31.
Current and all past News Bulletins are online:
2018 PCVRC Board
Wes Stafford, President
Adam Shilling, VP
Andrea Riley, Treasurer
Alison McCann, Secretary
Other Voting Members:
Tom Steenkamer – USATF
Dirk Sweigart – DDC Race Co-Director
Dan Suher – DDC Race Co-Director
Christina Xia – Membership
Ray Christensen – Webmaster
Grace Carr – Communications/Marketing
Keith Crispin – Social
Jerry Herman – At Large
Running Study – participants needed
From: Patrick Corrigan [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 10:13 PM
We are currently recruiting for a study at the University of Delaware that evaluates the effect of Achilles tendon injury on running performance. For this study we are looking for runners who either currently have Achilles tendon pain or have had pain within the past year. Based on your past participation in one of our studies, I thought you might be interested. I’ve provided a general description and outlined the eligibility criteria below. If you’re interested, you can either reply to this email or fill out our interest survey ( Also, if you know someone else who may be interested, feel free to pass it along.
The study includes two sessions that are separated by 2 weeks. The first session takes about 1.5 hours and includes questionnaires, ultrasound imaging of your Achilles tendons, and a clinical evaluation performed by a licensed physical therapist. The second visit takes about 3 hours and includes imaging techniques that measure how stiff your Achilles tendons are and a 30-minute run on a treadmill while your running mechanics are analyzed with a 3D motion capture system. For your participation, you will receive a $50 Amazon gift card, a Zwift RunPod (~$30 value), and a detailed report of your running mechanics.
Eligibility Criteria:
· At least 18 years old
· If female, not currently pregnant
· No history of Achilles tendon rupture
· Achilles tendon symptoms (e.g. pain and stiffness) currently or within the past year
· Able to run for at least 30 minutes 2 times per week without stopping or walking
· No history of orthopedic surgery to your lower body (e.g. total hip/knee replacement, meniscus surgery)
· No other injuries to the lower body within the past year (e.g. plantar fasciitis, IT band syndrome, Runner’s Knee) that stopped you from running for more than 1 month
Pat Corrigan, PT, DPT
PhD Candidate
University of Delaware
Biomechanics and Movement Science Program
Tendon Lab