Club Membership Status
Good News! In last then three months, 93 memberships have been paid. That’s way ahead of the pace we’ve gotten dues in the past. However, there are still 20 members who either need to renew or tell us they are no longer interested. You know who you are! Here’s a good idea. Come to the send off party, pay your dues, and immediately start reaping the rewards with the finger foods that the club will provide.
Boston Send-off Party & Spring Social
2011-04-13 Wednesday, 6:30-9:00pm
Location: Six Paupers – Hockessin DE
Join us as we wish our fellow PCVRC Boston marathoners a safe and successful marathon. Various appetizers/finger food will be served, compliments of the club. Drinks will be available from the bar.
Not yet a club member?
This is a great time to join the club and meet fellow members. Pick up your shirt on the spot and enjoy free food at events throughout 2011!
Non-members are encouraged to donate a few bucks towards food.
After a board meeting last evening we definitely want to try to get an accurate count to help us in ordering food. Please RSVP to Rachel.
Contact: Rachel Bleacher
Delaware Marathon Volunteers needed
The club is looking for more volunteers to help out in the Delaware Marathon, mostly to do course marshalling. This is your opportunity to give back to other runners. If you are in a relay, maybe you have to some to spare before or after your portion of the race.
Contact Ray Christensen at
The club offers its condolences to Karin Pszczola on the passing of her grandmother.
Adrenaline 5K in Haddonfield, N.J.
Pike Creek Valley Running Club had nineteen members participate in the Adrenaline 5K in Haddonfield, N.J. on Saturday. It was the first event of the 2011 Grand Prix series of MA-USATF. The club had a great showing in the team competition with 413.296 point. Any individual score of 80 or more is considered national class. So for the top five scorers to average over 82.6 is outstanding. However, the bad news is that six teams scored over 400 with many quality runners showing up for this fast course. (As an aside, the overall male winner of the race ran 14:27!)
The team scores break down thusly: Bryn Mawr Running Club, which is associated with a store, was first. In the past this team has not devoted itself to sending out a full complement for each race. Close behind is the Athena Running Team, which is composed of all females, including local celebrity, weather forecaster Cecily Tynan and newly added member, Doreen McCoubrie. At 49, McCoubrie is scoring in the 90s, which is considered world class. If this team sends a full complement of runners to each runner, it will be tough to match. After those two teams, the other four over 400 point were all in the 416 to 413 range, with PCVRC being last. Three other teams scored below 400. So as it stands, PCVRC could compete for any team position from first to fifth.
Newly joining club member, Vic Zwolak, continues his assault on the men’s 70-74 state records by running 21:36 (chip time), breaking the record he set last year by several seconds. Individually, the following won age group places in the race: Dan Suher, 2nd 20-24; Mark Vilardo, 2nd 35-39; Josh Loren, 2nd 30-34; tom Steenkamer, 3rd 50-54; Epi Camacho, 2nd 55-59; Vic Zwolak, 1st 70-74; Bob Taggart, 2nd 70-74; and Deborah Compton, 2nd 60-64.
Name – – – – – – – – – – – – Time Age grade
Vilardo Mark Bear DE 19
15-53 84.05 35 37 M 25
Steenkamer Thomas Rising Sun MD 92
17-55 83.628 50 52 M 25
Zwolak Victor Wilmington DE 275
21-41 83.397 70 72 M 25
Suher Daniel Wilmington DE 13
15-33 82.958 20 24 M 25
Loren Josh Wilmington DE 23
16-2 80.665 30 30 M 25
Camacho Epi Wilmington DE 140
19-9 80.244 55 55 M 25
Compton Deborah Newark DE 449
24-50 79.262 60 62 F 25
Kauffman William Lee Wilmington DE 159
19-37 77.06 50 53 M 25
Gee Austin Philadelphia PA 51
16-59 75.957 25 25 M 25
Sweigart Dirk Newark DE 187
20-9 73.78 50 51 M 25
Taggart Robert Newark DE 393
23-57 73.626 70 70 M 25
Kauffman Theresa Wilmington DE 336
22-43 72.047 45 48 F 25
Durkin James Ardmore PA 586
27-25 66.93 70 73 M 25
Szymanski Richard Wilmington DE 269
21-31 66.383 45 46 M 25
Montana Connie Landenberg PA 465
24-53 65.104 45 47 F 25
Herman Gerald Wilmington DE 656
29-11 58.538 65 67 M 25
McKinney Ralph Wilmington DE 726
31-17 54.129 65 66 M 25
Schultz John Wilmington DE 812
37-32 53.508 75 78 M 25
MuQaribu Madhillum Newark DE 119 18-31 70.027 30 31 M
Congratulations to Chris James on his PR at the New York City Half-Marathon in 1:25:39.
Kelly Horowitz was the overall female winner of the McGlynn’s 5K at People’s Plaza on Saturday in a time of 20:37. She along with all the over runners had to deal with an unexpected wind which arose shortly before the start of the race. During the last mile, there was a long section during which runners had to go directly into it. The National Weather Service reported a steady wind of 20 mph with 25 mph gusts.