PCVRC Boston Marathon Send-Off
From Rachel Perkowski:
Please join us on Wednesday, April 15th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Catherine Rooney’s in Wilmington as we celebrate those participating in the 119th Boston Marathon.
This is an annual club event that allows us the opportunity to congratulate those who have worked so hard throughout the year to qualify to run the infamous Boston Marathon.
Like most club events, this event is included as part of your membership. Non-club members are more than welcome to attend; all that we ask is that a donation is made to help with the cost of the food.
Anyone that would like to join the club or renew their current membership may do so on the night of the Send-Off. We hope that you will join us as we wish those who are running the best of luck!
Any questions regarding this event can be forwarded to
Ray Christensen’s 11th Annual CR Carb-Loading Dinner 3/21 @ 6 p.m.
Ray Christensen is hosting his 11th annual Pre-Caesar Rodney pasta dinner in the Beer Room.
RSVP by Friday to if interested.
(Photo Credit: Ray Christensen)
Delaware 87ers Runners Night
The Delaware 87ers basketball team is promoting their 2014-15 Runners Night on Friday, March 20. This will be their first ever Runners Night and they will be hosting a Free Run! prior to the game at 7:00pm. The games are held at the University of Delaware field house.
Their special package consists of : A Free Run! – 5:20pm – 6:00pm; a free Reybold Water Bottle and 87ers Hat; Group Recognition & Block Seating; an autograph session with Sevens Players after the game; and a Kids Post-Game Free Throws. The package is only $12.00 with ticket only at $8.00. Details can be found on the attached flyer.
Caesar Rodney Half-Marathon on 3/22
The Caesar Rodney Half-Marathon really needs volunteers for this weekend’s race. The race has a hard time limit of 3 hours so you won’t be out all day if you help. There is also a 5k beforehand.
Please contact Jon Clifton @ if you can help!
Scott Coffee Moorestown Rotary 8k on June 6th
From Jerry Herman:
When you register remember to join the PCVRC Caffeine Challenge team for this race. The more runners on PCVRC team the more swag we can receive. (The link goes to the PCVRC registration page.)
USATF Championships
Ray Christensen created a section on the club website dedicated to the USATF Championships.
From Ray:
> Dec 13 National Club XC Championships photos/recap
> Photos, results, videos and recap of our bus trip to the race in Lehigh are now gathered together on a page of our website. See http://pcvrc.com/xc-championships14.php and share with any runners who may be interested – especially if they’d consider joining our club or USATF team.
USATF Newsletter
Pike Creek got a great mention in the USATF Mid-Atlantic newsletter for winning the Club Challenge!
Here are some useful links for USATF members
Member Renewal: https://www.usatf.org/membership/application/index.asp
Number Lookup: https://www.usatf.org/membership/help/number.asp
2015 Competition Schedules
Grand Prix: http://www.mausatf.org/htmlldr/grandprix.htm
Off-Road: http://www.mausatf.org/htmlldr/offroad.htm
In order to contribute to the PCVRC team in these races club members must have a current USATF membership for 2015. Simply register as an individual and the USATF takes care of all the team scoring. (Note – There is no team registration for these events.)
The 2015 Grand Prix kicks off Saturday with the Adrenaline 5k in Haddonfield, NJ (sold out). On Sunday the 52nd annual Caesar Rodney Half Marathon still has open registration up until race day.
Couch-to-5k Spring Session
The next C25k session will start on Monday, April 6th. Darlise is looking for volunteers to help coach. Previous graduates are especially sought as they can inspire participants and show what heights can be achieved! E-mail Darlise at if you can help.
One additional note is that Joel Schiller will be coaching the walkers so let your friends know if there are any that would like to train to walk a 5k! I will be using the sessions to improve my own walking, encourage people and get encouraged.
Amy Temple came up with these wonderful pictures to serve as reminders and motivation. We’ll show one a week until the program start. Feel free to share on social media or wherever else they might help get someone there. Thanks Amy!
(Designer: Amy Temple)
Delaware Sports Hall of Fame Banquet
The Delaware Sports Museum and Hall of Fame is having their annual banquet on Tuesday, May 5, at the Chase Center on the Wilmington Riverfront. Details attached to this e-mail.
Race Results, Reviews and Accomplishments:
Barbara Chelpaty took 2nd place in her age group at the Asheville Marathon, finishing in 4:23:09.5! Awesome job Barbara!
(Photo Credit: Barbara Chelpaty)
Dave Landon was the 2nd overall finisher in a very wet Shamrock n Roll 5k on Saturday, finishing in 18:56:2! Way to go Dave!
(Photo Credit: Races2Run)
John Schultz did both 5k races this weekend, winning 2nd in his age group at each race! He finished in 38:57.9 (2nd AG) on Saturday, following that up with a 39:55.9 on Sunday! Impressive John!
(Photo Credit: Races2Run)
Traci Melvin took 2nd in her age group at the John D. Kelly Memorial 5k on Sunday, finishing in 23:07.9!!! Excellent work Traci!
(Photo Credit: Races2Run)
Betty Olmstead won her age group at Sunday’s 5k, finishing in 44:13.5! Outstanding Betty!
(Photo Credit: Races2Run)
Chuck Hall won his age group at Sunday’s 5k, finishing in 23:11:7!
(Photo Credit: Jamie Graham)
3rd Shamrock n Roll 5k
(March 14th – Newark, DE)
Dave Landon 18:56.2 (2nd Overall)
John Schultz 38:57.9 (2nd AG)
Asheville Marathon
(March 15th – Asheville, NC)
Barbara Chelpaty 4:23:09.5 (2nd AG)
16th John D. Kelly Memorial 5k
(March 15th – Wilmington, DE)
Mike Piorkowski 22:33.0
Traci Melvin 23:07.9 (2nd AG)
Chuck Hall 23:11.7 (1st AG)
John Schultz 39:55.9 (2nd AG)
Betty Olmstead 44:13.5 (1st AG)
Amy Temple 1:04:02.8