Three Club Challenge 5K
2012-02-19 Sunday Feb 19 at 2:00pm
Location: White Clay Creek State Park
5K trail race team competition between PCVRC, Delaware Running Club and Middletown Athletic Club will be held at White Clay Creek State Park’s 5k XC on Sunday, Feb. 19 at 2pm. There is no park entry fee nor will there be a race entry fee. Afterwards, we can all head to the Deer Park for drinks, food, etc…
If you haven’t done a trail race, this would be a good way to check it out since course is not technical. It will be age graded and all are invited to participate. Come out to run or to just support our team.
As ‘official sponsor’ of this ‘unofficial race’, NOVA will be providing chip timing (laced into shoes)! You don’t have to be “fast” to support our team. If you expect to run, please email both Rich and Tom with your age so that the age-grading will be easier:
Scoring will be as follows…
Seven runners score.
One runner under 30
Two runners over 50
Two females
An under 30 female would count as two requirements, as an example.
RSVP to Rich with your name/age as far in advance as possible:
— and thank-you to Rich for organizing!
I’m not sure whether you want to do the following run if you plan to race in the Three Club Challenge, but I’m posting it again for those who are interested:
Tower Hill Fun Run 2/18
Delaware Running Club invites PCVRC members to join them on Feb 18th for a 10 Mile marathon-paced run. Tower Hill – 7 AM. Each mile is marked for an out and back run(up to seven miles on RT. 52 for those who want to do a 14-miler).
Everyone goes off in 5 minute increments based on goal time. Starting at 85 minutes (for 10 miles) then the 80 minute group and so forth. OPEN to EVERYONE! No cost to anyone. Hot Chocolate and Coffee available at the finish (unless it is pouring rain).
Awards Banquet
The form for the banquet is attached at the bottom of this bulletin. Please that the following people have been added to the previous list of Notable Achievers: Jay Cougenour, Lori Culnane, darlise diMatteo, Carole feole, Karin Pszczola and Mark Vilardo.
Dues! Dues! Dues! We received six renewals this week, but there are more to go. You know who you are, but if you don’t, look in your check register to make sure you’ve written a check to the club in 2012. Please renew your dues or otherwise let us know your intentions about belonging to the club. $25 to PCVRC, P.O.Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804. You can add the money for your dues in with the money for banquet reservations.
Running Into Yoga: Free Yoga Sessions for members start 2/15
Club member Caitlin Reilly is getting certified as a Yoga instructor and has offered to lead free sessions for members. She’ll lead one after each of our coming Wednesday 6pm group runs, starting at 7pm at Ray’s house (short walk from Delcastle parking). 2630 Crossgates Dr., Wilmington, 19808
Additional sessions may be available…
The 1/2 hour workshop isn’t too fancy or serious — just a good cap on the run. For those with sore joints or muscles, they may prevent the “ow” with some “om!” It would include:
– stretching
– strengthening (including core work)
– a cool down
Participants should bring:
– water
– layers (preferably exercise pants or long sleeve shirts with shorts or t-shirts underneath)
– an exercise mat
– (optional) yoga blocks or stretching rope
Please RSVP to Caitlin at
Caesar Rodney Team Discount
I’ll (Ray) again arrange teams for CR (3/25) for potential discount and potential medals. Club members or non-club members, doesn�t matter.
If you have not yet signed up, current price is $60 but team competition info is below. Each member runs the entire 13.1. Team cost is $250, so cost is
5 runners = $50 ea
6 runners = $42 ea
7 runners = $36 ea (we’ve ended up with 6-7 per team every time so far)
If you can commit to a team entry, email me () just your name / sex / age by Feb 21.
Team registration is online only this year, so at that time, we�ll determine team composition(s) to try to cover as many categories as possible such as Female Open, Male Masters, etc. Then one person from each team will register and pay as team captain and the other members will complete their info online and sign a waiver. No guarantees which category you’ll be in.
So send me your info if you�re in, and pass this message to friends who wish to represent Delaware.
CR website: