Banquet reservations and 2010 dues requested
AWARDS BANQUET, February 27 at the Dupont Country Club. See here for details: Don’t delay.
If you haven’t paid your 2010 dues yet, it can be done when you sign up for the banquet. Or you may send dues separately care of PCVRC, P.O. box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804.
Not yet signed up for Caesar Rodney?
Anyone not yet signed up for Caesar Rodney Half (3/21) is welcome to join our teams (consisting of club members, Rebel Runners, and possibly others) to represent Delaware in the Team competition. You don’t have to be speedy! This can give you discounted registration fee of $35-40 instead of the $50 fee as of 3/1. If interested or questions, contact Ray asap at . Info is at
Facebook group grows…Administrator needed
For those who haven?t received an invite, we?ve created a ?Group? on Facebook. Facebook members should visit to join. A link will be on the home page of This group will complement our website by allowing people to interact with each other about races, carpooling to events, finding running partners, sharing photos and sharing comments on our running activities. Hopefully new people will want to join the club. If you?d like to be one of our administrators for the page, contact Webmaster Ray at . Already 93 people have signed on.
Ralph McKinney daily running streak
Joe DeRosa shares some calculations about Ralph McKinney’s running streak. while some of us may question the wisdom of it, there is no doubt that it is remarkable:
At age 65, my fellow runner, Ralph McKinney, of Wilmington, De. will be closing in on running at least 5 miles every day for 24 years. Yes, that means:
24 years
8,766 days
43,830 miles
83,758,000 steps
93 pairs of running shoes
Imagine, this is only his minimal daily running accomplishment. Ralph ” squeezes in ” 5K’s through marathons . This is done regardless of being sore, sick, tired, having business or family obligations, and inclement weather.
Ralph is listed 72nd in the informal ranking of runners running at least one mile every day. As of now, there is no official listing of runners running at least 5 miles every day. I would imagine it would be a very short list.
New member welcome
The club welcomes new member Joanne Hennessy Slawter, owner of ?Massage For Athletes? in Zingo?s shopping center. She offers a 10% discount on her services to all club members. See Joanne and her husband live in Bear.