PCVRC Annual Awards Banquet
Save the Date! The PCVRC annual awards banquet will be held at Hartefeld National in Avondale, PA during the evening of February 21st. Sign-up forms are now available at http://pcvrc.com/banquet.php. You can either register online or mail in your form with a check to the PO Box via snail mail.
We have a LOT to celebrate this year, so we hope you will all join us for an evening of fun, good food, and celebration of our achievements. Kevin Tresolini of The News-Journal will be our speaker. Kevin has over 30 years’ experience in journalism and will have many exciting stories to tell us!
The Annual Banquet is two weeks away from this Saturday! The registration deadline has been extended to February 12th. The form is online. You don’t want to miss it!
The USATF Awards Banquet is this Saturday, February 7th!
The INTER-Club Challenge is February 15th, just over a week away! Details below.
Tom Steenkamer is looking for more male runners for the 2015 USATF Off-Road racing team. E-mail him at if you are interested!
Tom is also looking for an assistant to help with recruitment, racing, organizing teams, etc. E-mail him at the above address if you can help!
4th Annual Delaware Inter-Club Challenge 5k – Sunday February 15th, 1PM start
From Tom Steenkamer:
Happy New Year everyone,
The date has been set for this year’s annual Inter-Club Challenge 5k. You may recall that we had to cancel last year’s event due to excessive ice covering on the Bellevue State Park course. This is a free run that attempts to solicit participation from as many of the Delaware running clubs in fun format. We hope to see a full contingent of our members out for a fun romp thru the park to be followed by a post-race celebration at Schaefer’s Canal House.
The host club this year is the Middletown Athletic Club who are anxious to entertain us with another 5k run on Sunday, February 15th at Lums Pond State Park. Start time will be 1PM. The race will be conducted on the marked 5k high school cross country course. Once again our good friends at NOVA Timing have volunteered their services and equipment for the day.
From the inception of this race we have always viewed this as a chance for all of the running clubs to come together for camaraderie and socialization. However, there is also a club scoring component.
Scoring – age-graded as in the past.
Club team scoring to be calculated:
Top 7 point scorers, MUST include:
– Two females
– Two runners over the age of 50
Advance registration is required to facilitate the club scoring.
Please use the following registration link. Registration
Couch-to-5k Spring Session
The next C25k session will start on Monday, April 6th. Darlise is looking for volunteers to help coach. Previous graduates are especially sought as they can inspire participants and show what heights can be achieved! E-mail Darlise at if you can help.
Central YMCA Indoor Triathlon/Duathlon
Joel Schiller is the race director for a very unique race. There are three stages: a 20-lap pool swim, a 15-mile SPIN bike ride and a 3-mile treadmill run. Start time slots run between 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM. You get to choose your start time and the order you do the stages in. Transition times do not count so you’re not penalized if your transitions are slower than most. If you do the duathlon you can choose from any of the three stage types!
Registration is only $20 (until January 31st, $25 afterward and day-of) and you get a tech t-shirt and a finisher’s medal! Here’s the link to sign up online. (Online registration closes on Feb. 26th. Day-of registration will be available, starting at 8 AM.)
Delaware Distance Classic Donations
The club received a nice Thank You this week from Delaware City for our donation to their Playground Fund. Your participation in the Delaware Distance Classic also benefited the Ursuline Academy, the Daughters of the British Empire, Delaware City Police, the Bear YMCA and the Mike Clark Legacy Fund! All the recipients thank you profusely!
Race Results, Reviews and Accomplishments:
Dan Feeney was one of only 13 Elite Male finishers (plus 4 DNFs) in the 2015 Punta Guilarte CAMTRI Triathlon American Cup race in Punta Guilarte Arroyo, Puerto Rico this past Sunday!!! He did a 1,500m swim, a 40k bike leg and then a 10k run, all in 2:07:24! What’s more is the elite males didn’t even start until 3 p.m. in the afternoon! No cool race, just get up and get going for these guys. They were literally the last group to race that day and Dan rocked it!
Zach Chupa won the Race on the Big Day 5k this past Sunday, finishing in 16:58:3!
(Photo Credit: Mark DeNio)
Jake Landon came in 3rd overall in the Race on the Big Day 5k, finishing in 18:27.3! I have to apologize to Jake because neither my in-race pictures or awards ceremony pictures of him came out. Guess he’s just too fast for my camera!
Dave Landon, Jake’s dad, is not too fast for my camera. He finished in 19:01.3, winning his age group! Awesome job!
Betty Olmstead finished 2nd in her age group, finishing in 43:57.3! Great job Betty!
Punta Guillarte CAMTRI Triathlon American Cup
(February 1st – Punta Guilarte Arroyo, PR)
Dan Feeney 2:07:24
2nd Race on the BIG Day 5k
(February 1st – Wilmington, DE)
Zach Chupa 16:58.3 (1st Overall)
Jake Landon 18:27.3 (3rd Overall Male)
Dave Landon 19:01.3 (1st AG)
Mike Piorkowski 22:41.3
Noel Dietrich 29:16.0
Chrissy Hower 37:31.3
Betty Olmstead 43:57.3