PCVRC Newsletter – February 2024
Happy New Year to all club members and families! We hope you had a pleasant and relaxing holiday season. With the calendar turning, many resolve to try something new, break a bad habit or improve something in their lives. Whatever it is or if it is nothing at all, the PCVRC community is here for support and comradery. The local race schedule is light as is typical for winter, but club continues to hold groups runs on Thursdays and Sundays as well as Tuesday track workouts with Coach Fischer. PCVRC is also planning social events in the coming months so check out our website and Facebook page to see what’s happening. PCVRC is a social club and very supportive of all our member’s running goals. Most importantly, we have a great time running and welcome runners and walkers of all backgrounds regardless of race, nationality, religion, sexual or gender identity and of all levels of ability from beginner walkers to the highly competitive road racer to marathoners.
Renew your PCVRC membership for 2024 and encourage interested folks to join
Please visit https://pcvrc.com/renew-membership/ to renew for 2024. $26 online (or $25 by mailed check) includes all family members at your address. Club membership includes free T-shirt for new members, race discounts, weekly group runs, discounted Delaware Park passes (sold out for 2024), track workouts with Coach Fischer, fun runs, Club social events including Holiday Party, Spring Social, Delaware Distance Classic (our signature event), 10% discount at Delaware Running Company, eligibility to participate as a member of our team in USATF events and more!
Open Board Positions – we need you!
The board has open positions for Vice President and Secretary. Board meetings are typically every other month. You’ll have plenty of support and get to help shape the club such as being involved in deciding the types of group runs, socials and other activities that are put on by the club. Please email if you would consider becoming a board member.
Discount$ for Club Members!
StretchPlex is offering a 10% discount off any service at StretchPlex using the code: PCVRC10.
Delaware Running Company – all PCVRC members get 10% off anything in store EXCEPT electronics.
Running coach – Alison McCann is part of Speed Sherpa Nation as a run coach and is taking on new clients https://www.speedsherpa.com/coaches or https://www.trainingpeaks.com/coach/alisonmccann
Omius headbands – 20% off with code PCVRC24 at Omius Inc.
Zealios – 25% off all Zealios products with code ZupPIKECREEK and can be used at https://teamzealios.com/collections and at any event where Zealios is vending.
LEVERMovement – https://levermovement.com/ Use code PikeCreekRC20 to get 20%.
Couch to 5K scheduled to start in April
The popular Couch to 5K program will return this spring, with the first session planned for Thursday April 11. Caitlin Reilly will be coordinating the program will assistance from other club members. The Couch to 5K program is approximately 10 weeks and will meet at Delcastle Park in conjunction with our Thursday 6:00pm group runs. The program is free and culminates with participating in a goal 5K race at the end of the program in June (Kick off to Summer 5K). This is a great community service of motivating and reinvigorating new and existing runners!
Check the PCVRC website for updates and details on the next session HERE.
PCVRC Racing Team updates
The PCVRC racing team wrapped up a strong 2023 season in November. The team finished third in the road Grand Prix and second in the Off-road series. Schedules have been finalized for the 2024 season. The road events can be found at https://mausatf.org/grad-prix-events/. The Broad Street Ten Miler returns to its traditional first Sunday in May date with a new, earlier, start time. The Off-Road events can be found at https://mausatf.org/off-road-events/.
The Philadelphia Marathon weekend is the traditional finale to the Grand Prix. Most of the PCVRC crew opts to run the Rothman 8k. With an 11:00 start, it offers a rare chance to sleep in on race day! J.R. Creekmore continued his outstanding fall racing season, placing 4th in the 30-34 age group. Allison Emmons led the ladies, placing 2nd in 40-44. John Costello (2nd, 60-64), Carol Giampietro (2nd, 65-69), Greg Cauller (3rd, 60-64), Keith Cripsin (4th, 55-59), and Dave Wiechecki (4th 60-64) all also received awards for placing in the top five of their respective age groups. In the accompanying half marathon, Jeff Painter placed 3rd in the 60-64 age group. At the marathon on Sunday, John Brown placed 5th in the 65-69 age group.
The Off-Road series wrapped up the Saturday after Thanksgiving with the Delaware Open Cross Country Championship at nearby Brandywine Creek State Park. J. R. Creekmore and Allison Emmons both used their experience from coaching high school teams on the course to take the overall win and first female master. Other strong performances were turned in by Pete Lobianco (1st male master), Laura Brenner (3rd female), Mark Hannagan (5th), John Costello (2nd 60-69), and Dave Wiechecki (3rd 60-69).
In addition to the club winning cash prizes for overall placement in the team Grand Prix and Off-Road series, individuals can win awards for top 10 overall and age groups based on participation through the year. Congratulations are in order for Rob Mason (5th), Elizabeth Swierzbinski (6th), and Greg Cauller (9th) for earning top 10 in the overall Grand Prix. Elizabeth Swierzbinski (1st 30-34), Allison Emmons (1st 40-44), Betty Olmstead (1st 75-79), J.R. Creekmore (1st 30-34), Rob Mason (1st 65-69), Anthony Swierzbinski (2nd 35-39), Greg Cauller (2nd 60-64), Angelina Hannagan (3rd 25-29), Sarah Rusk (3rd 40-44), Mark Hannagan (3rd 30-34), Keith Crispin (3rd 55-59), and Jeff Painter (3rd 60-64) all placed top three in their respective age groups for the series. Pete LoBianco (1st 40-49), John Costello (1st 60-69), Laura Brenner (2nd 30-39), Andrea Rubinoff (2nd 60-69), Greg Cauller (3rd 60-69), and Lynn Knothe (3rd 40-49) all earned awards for placing top three in their respective age groups. Awards will be available in the gymnasium at Wissahickon High School prior to the start of the Fireside Frostbite 5 Miler on February 17, 2024.
PCVRC put together two teams to compete at the USATF Cross Country National Championships held at Pole Green Park in Richmond, VA on January 20, 2024. All harriers braved sub-freezing temperatures and strong winds along the course. The women’s team of Sarah Rusk, Brenda Hodge, Katrina Holloway, and Lynn Knothe placed as the 2nd place women’s 40+ team again! The men’s 60+ team of Dave Wiechecki, Greg Cauller, and Bill Rose placed 4th against a strong field.
Our racing team wants you! Any club member who joins USATF can participate and represent our club, both in our regional series and in National Championship events! The annual cost to join USATF is $55 at https://usatf.sport80.com/public/wizard/a/941/home, select Pike Creek Valley Running Club as your club affiliation. USATF members can enjoy discounts on series races, win end of year series awards, and are guaranteed entry in the Broad Street Run. Members of the club who are members of USATF and compete in at least 4 races total among both series will receive a complimentary membership to PCVRC for the following year. Please contact Lynn Knothe () for more information.
For the racing calendars for the road and off-road series, please go to https://mausatf.org/grad-prix-events/ and https://mausatf.org/off-road-events/.
Social Activities
Holiday Social – The annual PCVRC holiday party on Wednesday December 13 at Klondike Kate’s on Main Street in Newark, DE was highly attended. Members and their families enjoyed food and drink, while socializing and a few lucky folks won a raffle prize. Many members also used the opportunity to renew annual membership dues for 2024, which are just $25 for the year.
Annual meeting – The PCVRC annual meeting is scheduled for March 14 from 6:00-9:00pm at Timothy’s in Newark. RSVP on Facebook or . In addition to the usual food, drink and socialization, club members will elect officers for the upcoming year and recognize the past year’s outstanding achievements with various awards, including runner of the year. This is also your opportunity to shape the future of the club, help our club become more beneficial and enjoyable to current and prospective members with group runs, socials and other activities. Board meetings are typically every other month. You’ll have plenty of support and get to help with the future direction the club. Email to nominate a club member for an award or if you would consider becoming a board member.
Boston Sendoff – All members are welcome on Sunday April 7 to join the PCVRC for a run and brunch at the Delaware Running Company on Kennett Pike in Greenville, DE to wish our Boston Marathon participants good luck. You don’t need to be running the Boston Marathon to participate in this fun social event. Run starts around 8:30am, but you can adjust your start time depending on how many miles you want to run and at what and pace. Brunch starts at 10am. See details
Check PCVRC the website for updates on day and location on the PCVRC website on these and other upcoming events: PCVRC Events Calendar
Group Runs continue every Sunday & Thursday, track workouts every Tuesday and Trail runs on Saturdays
Group runs continue at their usual places and times and a great way to interact with your fellow runners while working out. Click here for details
Sundays 8:00 am – meet in the parking lot behind Brew HaHa! in the Main Street Galleria, 45 East Main St., Newark (free parking); run in White Creek Park and back anywhere from 1-14 miles or more round trip. Anyone is welcome to have coffee and breakfast afterwards at Brew HaHa!
Thursdays 6:00 pm – meet at start/finish of Delcastle Rec Area; Run 1 or more laps of the 1.75 mile loop.
Tuesday evening track workouts: Workouts start at 6:00pm at St. Mark’s High School. Participants can warm up off beforehand outside of the track. Please check the PCVRC website weekly for any updates.
Saturday Trail Runs at Brandywine Creek State Park 7:30am. Meet at the trailhead at the end of Garden of Eden Road, Wilmington, DE 19803. Anyone is welcome to join, runs are typically 8-9 miles, but can accommodate anywhere between 5-12 miles. For more info check out the FB page HERE
For Your Information
It had been so long, we forget that it does snow and get cold in the Mid-Atlantic region. For those who want to continue training when the snow and ice persist for several days, there are precautions that can be taken to help you make the most of your runs in the snow. A few articles describing considerations and how to dress for the snow are HERE, HERE, HERE.
41st Delaware Distance Classic Registration is open
The 41st annual DDC will be held on October 20. This is the seminal race supporting your Pike Creek Valley Running Club as well as a local charity sponsor so please support the race by running and/or volunteering to help with registration, handing out food and water and keeping runners on the course and safe. Course is flat and fast with many top runners in the region participating, including a number of other USATF clubs.
For details on the race and more pictures, go to the DDC website at ddc15k.org.
Your PCVRC Board
Please contact us with any questions.
President and Webmaster: Ray Christensen
Vice President; OPEN
Secretary and Social Media: Alison McCann
Treasurer: Andrea Riley
Membership coordinator: Cindy Alms
Sponsor coordinator: Dwight Swaney
Events coordinator: Mike Janis
USATF Team coordinator: Lynn Knothe
C25K coordinator: Caitlin Reilly
DDC Race Director: Alison McCann