2nd Annual Club Challenge 5K – 2/9 at Lum’s Pond
1 week until the 2nd annual DE Interclub challenge, race, fun run and after party. Please sign up for this free 5k and join in the fun!
The 2nd annual Delaware Interclub 5k Challenge will be held on Saturday February 9th at Lum’s Pond State Park. Web registration available here. Registration opens @ 10:30, Race time 11:30.
New for this year we will be collecting non-perishable food donations to support Sojourner’s Place in Wilmington, DE. Please consider bringing a can of food, box of pasta or similar item to assist Sojourner’s mission to help the homeless.
Post-race will be at the newly renovated Schaefer’s Canal House in North Chesapeake City, MD. Come out to run, cheer or just for the post-race gathering @ Schaefer’s.
Questions contact – Tom Steenkamer
Sign up for Annual Club Awards Banquet March 2
Registration for our banquet is now open. See menu choices and register either online with credit card, or download form to send check at www.pcvrc.com/banquet.php
Please sign up as much in advance of 2/22 deadline as possible. Event starts at 6pm on Saturday 3/2 at Hartefeld National Golf Club in Avondale. We had 70 people last year and would like to see as many as possible, especially if you haven’t fit in many club events! It’s also important since we’ll be electing club officers. Cost is $30 for members and family of members, $40 for non-members. We’ll announce the guest speaker shortly and will also provide info on give-aways that you must be present for, so don’t miss our big event!
PCVRC highlights from the MA-USATF luncheon:
Received two checks for $300 each: 4th in the Grand Prix and 3rd in the Off-Road Series. Club members in attendance were recognized for their achievements, including Beth Howlett and John Schultz. An announcement was made about Don Monagle, who had won the 80-84 age-group and had planned to attend the banquet before passing away. At the end of the awards, Norm Green, who has served in multiple capacities for MA-USATF for 30 years and is retiring, who presented with a life-time achievement award. A bench is going to be placed in Valley Forge National Park in his honor. Norm in accepting his award pointed out that he had already received a life-time award in 1998.
Hugh: But the big story was Hugh Campbell: His world best age-group(85-89) time of 26:45 in the 5K, plus his national age group record in the 8K (47:40) were the foundation of his receiving not only the age-group award and Masters Male Athlete of the Year, but the Frank Percival Award(Outstanding Athlete). National USATF has named him Runner of the Year(2012) for his age-group. A search of all the age-graded records (dating back to 1989) reveals that his age-grade of 101.93 in the National Masters 5K in Syracuse was the highest age-grade ever recorded by an American athlete in any event. None of the other men over 70 in that race knew who he was and so, when they saw a fellow, with the age 88 pinned to his back, running away from them, they ignored him, figuring he didn’t know how to pace himself. Needless to say, he beat them all.
Race Results and acccomplishments:
If we missed your results, please let us know.
I am particularly interested in acknowledging significant other accomplishments that may not get noticed otherwise – someone who ran a “first” (5K to a marathon, a tri, etc.) or ran in a “destination” race (like a Ragnar, Big Sur Marathon, etc.) So please, tell on your friends! And I am always in need of race reviews!
Broad St. Registration 2013
IMPORTANT for anyone wishing to gain entry to Broad St. for this year please read the following procedures. Note that you must renew your USATF membership prior to 2/4/13.
From the Mid-Atlantic USATF long distance committee: The Broad Street Run registration for 2013 will be by lottery. The lottery will be open for registration from Monday Feb. 4, 2013 at 12:01am until Friday Feb. 15, 2013 at 11:59pm.
Similar to last year when race registration reached its maximum in less than one day, we realize that some USATF Mid-Atlantic members may not be selected for entry in the lottery. To address this possibility, the Mid-Atlantic LDR Committee, in cooperation with the Broad Street Run race organizers, have established the following process:
1. This process is only available to 2013 USATF Mid-Atlantic members of record as of Feb. 4, 2013. i.e. the day the Broad Street Run lottery opens. Not sure if you are a member? You can check your membership via the National USATF web site here: Membership Number Lookup
2. USATF Mid-Atlantic 2013 members interested in running the Broad Street Run must enter the lottery! Those who are not selected in the lottery (the race web site indicates all lottery entrants will be notified by email and via published lottery results online on Feb. 19, 2013 after 10:00am) should immediately notify our Grand Prix coordinator, Ed Maher, by email at:
3. Our Grand Prix coordinator will verify the individual’s membership (USATF membership record as of midnight Feb. 4, 2013) and provide the member with a code, specific to that member, which will enable them to register for the race within five days.
We cannot emphasize enough the importance of individuals ensuring their 2013 Mid-Atlantic membership is current, prior to Feb. 4, 2013, in order to be accommodated with this process!
Haddonfield Adrenaline: Signup for the Haddonfield Adrenaline Run 5K in March will be done only online. The website is runsignup.com. The limit for this event this year is 1,100. Several hundred have signed up already. While there is no rush, the director will NOT be reserving last minute sign-ups for USATF members so sign up in advance.
From Denise Boyle, club fun runs:
We thought it would be a good idea this year to introduce more fun runs! These would include not just 5K’s but 5 milers or 10K’s too. We want everyone to consider participating in these runs since it bring us all together socially for runs, food, beverages and games as well!
As a host, you can use your creativity and design the course of your choosing!
Here are some details. If you are interested in hosting one of these runs, please contact Denise Boyle at
– Runs would be on the third Friday of each month so it would be easy for everyone to remember.
– People can choose if they want to host at their homes or at a local gathering spot near the course.
– Club funding would be available for expenses like beverages and group food (like pizza)
– Dates would be: April 19, May 17, July 19, August 16, September 20
Board Meetings:
PCVRC Board meetings are scheduled for these dates in 2013 – Mar 19, Apr 23, Jun 18, Aug 06, Sep 17, Nov 12. Board meetings are open to all members – we do ask that you contact a board member of your interest to attend before the meeting to confirm the date and location. All meetings are at 6:30 pm.
Remember to renew your PCVRC membership for 2013 if you have not already. Mail your $25 check payable to “PCVRC” to PCVRC, PO Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804 or pay $26 online by credit card at www.pcvrc.com/join.php. Consider inviting someone new to join. Some of the benefits (shirt, free food & drink, discounts, etc.) are listed at www.pcvrc.com/joinbenefits.php