Send your form for Annual Awards Banquet
From Social Coordinator, Rachel Bleacher:
This year the Pike Creek Valley Running Club’s annual awards banquet will be held at the Ed Oliver Golf Club in Wilmington on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 6:00 pm until 9 p.m. There will be cocktails and appetizers followed by a plated meal and the award ceremony. The cost per person will be $30.00 for club members and $40.00 for non-club members. Please RSVP by filling out the banquet form that can be found attached to this E-bulletin and on the pcvrc website. Please RSVP by February 20, 2011. If you have questions regarding this event please feel free to contact me at . I look forward to seeing everyone there and having a fantastic night!
The guest speaker will be one of the leaders from the organization Back on My Feet, to which the club contributed a donation from the money raised through the Delaware Distance Classic. For those not familiar with it, “Back on My Feet, founded by Anne Mahlum in Philadelphia in 2007, is a nonprofit organization that promotes the self-sufficiency of homeless populations by engaging them in running as a means to build confidence, strength and self-esteem.” Club member Austin Gee worked for this group for a while when he moved to Philadelphia.
Award Recipients announced:
Deciding whom should receive awards this year proved to be a difficult task as there were more people deserving of awards than usual. Due to costs, the club needs to limit major award plaques to less than ten per year. In a vote by the board, eight recipients were chosen for those awards. Other members will be given a Notable Achiever Pike Creek glass.
Major Award recipients: Chris James, Theresa Kauffman, Lynn Knothe, Josh Loren, Dave McCorquodale, Dan Simmons, Tom Steenkamer and Mark Vilardo.
Notable Achievers: Epi Camacho, Carle Feole, Dave Farren, Kelly Horowitz, Tom Jermyn, Claire Neilan, Adam Shilling, Fred Shufflebarger and Dirk Sweigart.
Go to the link below (or see Events page to download registration form. Mailing address (which is not on attachment is: PCVRC, P.O.Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804.
Anyone wishing to have a vegetarian meal, please write in the open area to the right of the other meal options.
Sunday Fun Run well attended
On Sunday 18 to 20 club members showed up at Delcastle Recreation Area for a group run. Originally intended to be a competitive run at Carousel Park, the snow first forced a change to just a group run and then a change of location. As it was, although the pathway was plowed, there were iffy areas of asphalt with packed snow and slush. However, everyone got around without any problems.
I heard that several people, who hadn’t run there before heard, the story of how Coach’s Corner got its name, apparently told by people who actually remember it. (Short version for those who don’t know what I’m referring to: This occurred years ago, when the Half-Marathon Training Group, some of whom had nicknamed me “Coach, was still running. In similar post-snow storm conditions, I was running with Jack Horowitz and Rich Szymanski. When we got to the corner, I was on the inside and. as we turned, I slipped on black ice, went down, and sustained a concussion.)
When the run ended. most of those gathered went over to Ruby Tuesday’s in Pike Creek S.C. for a Sunday brunch.
Tuesday Night ‘Fun Run’ Honoring Coach Fischer
The following report is from President Ray about the group run on Tuesday in Newark. Vicky Huber Rudawsky wrote this in the News-Journal yesterday:
New PCVRC club member Mike Digennaro and others invited local runners to come out Tues 2/1 in a show of support and appreciation for Coach Fischer in the wake of the controversial decision to eliminate UD Mens XC and track programs. Their message stated:
“Every Tuesday at 6 P.M., a group of runners meets under the direction of Delaware Cross Country and Track & Field Coach Jim Fischer. Even after putting in a long day of coaching at the Delaware Field House, Coach Fischer gives his full attention to the Tuesday night group each week. He has been volunteering his evenings to coach local runners in the community for more than 20 years.”
They even printed up special t-shirts honoring Coach Fischer and are
renaming the weekly workout ‘Fischer Running Club.’ (for details contact Mike at )
Living right next to Delcastle and being too lazy to fight the traffic, I’d never attended the track workout (as several club members regularly do), but was happy to attend on this bittersweet occasion. At least a dozen club members were among the 80 or so people present. After a couple quick
speeches, most of us filled the UD Field House track. I had maybe once or twice been on a 1/8 mile loop and thought that my watch had stopped after going around so often that it seemed like lots more time had gone by. It
was also easy to get pulled into an uncomfortable pace with so many young
speedsters on the inside lanes (and old guys too, like Tom J.)
Throughout the run, a constant stream of people spoke with Coach, either thanking him as usual for being there, saying hello for the first time in a
while, or of course, getting some running tips.
PCVRC shares the appreciation of the entire Delaware running community for the work done by Jim Fischer and is proud to have him as a member.
See photos & news coverage
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Note: The Tuesday UD workouts will continue for now, so runners are
welcome. And don’t forget our club group runs Wed & Thurs 6pm at Delcastle and 8am long run on Main St. Newark.
Links for Runners:
PCVRC Coming Events:
PCVRC News Bulletins:
New Balance Brandywine & Christiana stores offer a 20% discount to current
club members.
Club member Joanne Hennessy Slawter offers 10% discount to PCVRC members: http://www.MassageForAthletes