Sign up for Annual Club Awards Banquet March 2
Registration for our banquet is still open but absolute final day to RSVP is Sunday afternoon. See menu choices and register either online with credit card, or download form to send check at
Top 10 reasons for attending PCVRC banquet:
10. Gather with a group of runners when they actually smell good.
9. Enjoy food & atmosphere at Hartefeld National Golf Club.
8. Hang out with “the fast girls”.
7. Meet new club members. Meet veteran club members.
6. The club is subsidizing cost for members.
5. Hear guest speaker Kim Chitty, Executive Director of Girls on the Run Delaware.
4. Free t-shirts & classic PCVRC gear to those in attendance only.
3. Over 20 members to receive club glasses for notable achievements.
2. 9 awards to be presented, with remarks from the recipients.
1. Our 88 years young age-group world record holder will be recognized.
USATF news – Tom Steenkamer
Club members are strongly encouraged to renew their USATF membership for 2013 ASAP. Renew online and avoid the rush on race day! Remember your USATF membership must be current in order to be counted in our club standings.
Off-road series
The Off road series begins this weekend. The first race in the Off-Road Series is the Chilly Cheeks 7.2, this Sunday!
Register Soon for Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail Race, 4/6/13
The race is the second event in Mid-Atlantic’s Off-Road Series. Members who plan to run should get their entries in soon before the race closes out, which has happened the past two years. Race info and registration is available here.
This race continues to grow in popularity each year due its wide, run-able trails and of course the beautiful grounds of the arboretum. I have begun a discussion with the off-road series coordinator about ensuring entries for USATF members but I recommend that anyone interested in running register soon.
Road series – Broad St Run (Ed Maher)
As mentioned in the January Mid-Atlantic Newsletter and posted in this link from our Grand Prix page on the Mid-Atlantic web site, Mid-Atlantic members desiring to run Broad Street were instructed to enter the lottery and if not selected in the lottery and a Mid-Atlantic member as of midnight on Feb. 4, 2013 (same day the lottery opened), instructions are provided for a process that will still enable them to enter the race. This is very similar to the process used last year when some of our members were not able to enter the race before it filled up and registration closed.
Please spread the word to any in your clubs that were not selected in the Broad Street lottery and met the Mid-Atlantic membership condition. I am Mid-Atlantic’s POC for this. It’s been quiet so far.
I recognize that there were also club & corporate team and charity affiliation registration options so perhaps between success in the lottery and other avenues many of our members have been registered.
Thanks, Ed
Group Runs Continue Throughout Winter
As mentioned in several eBulletins, contact Denise Boyle if you’d like to host a Friday Fun Run when the weather gets warmer. In the meantime, you’re always welcome to our Wed & Thurs 6 pm runs at Delcastle and the Sunday morning Panera (Main Street in Newark) runs. It feels warmer with greater numbers. There is always someone to run with.
Race Results and accomplishments: If we missed your results, please let us know.
Race Results
DJ and Dave Farren ran a 10k (turned into a 6 mile) race in Miami. 232 finishers in a very cold day for Miami, 50 and windy
41.29 Dave Farren, 1st in 45-49 (9th overall)
43:29 DJ Farren, 1st in 14&U (16th Overall)
Valentine Couples Run 5K:
17:46.2 Greg Cauller, 2nd Overall, 1st Master
20:30.5 Lynn Knothe, 1st Overall
Valentine’s Day Chocolate Lover 5K:
23:34 Theresa Kauffman, 1st 50-59
Theresa reports that this race in Dover was a “Yummy first time event, which was really well done and different.” Chocolate treats from the culinary students of Deltech were served after the race.
George Washington’s Birthday Marathon Relay (3-person teams):
3:23:++ Bean Runners(David Baca, Joe Richardson, David Noddin), 13 out of 75+ teams, 2nd male masters.
George Washington’s Birthday Marathon:
4:36:14 David McCorquodale, write-up is posted here:
I am particularly interested in acknowledging significant other accomplishments that may not get noticed otherwise – someone who ran a “first” (5K to a marathon, a tri, etc.) or ran in a “destination” race (like a Ragnar, Big Sur Marathon, etc.) So please, tell on your friends! And I am always in need of race reviews!