Membership Dues are due
This is the time of year when races are few and far between. Consequently there has been little news to report for the past few weeks. So this is a good time, as we are about to head into 2012 with fresh running dreams, to give some reminders.
Club Dues are due! Unless you recently joined the club (within the past four months), it’s time to renew your dues for 2012. However, not if you are a USATF member and ran for the club in at least four events. Simply send $25 to Pike Creek Valley Running Club, P.O. Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804. Don’t have us still reminding you in May to pay your dues. If, for some reason, you don’t wish to renew, let us know, either by replying to this message or e-mailing President Ray, . Please let us know of any changes to your address or e-mail address.
Club Award Nominations
At the next board meeting of the club, we will be picking winners of 2011 awards, which will be given at our awards banquet in early March. If you believe someone deserves an award let us know by replying to this e-mail, including your reasons why, so that we may consider the person.
Send Event Recaps
Club Members are encouraged to contribute to this bulletin. If you have a penchant for writing and would like to tell the club about a running event, please write and send to this editor, . Similarly, if you have race results that you would like others to know about, please send them. Generally, I try to report the results of all club members in longer distance events, such as the half and full marathons, all club members in USATF events, and a few prominent local events. There are too many results of 5Ks to report them all, so results of those are confined to club members who are among the top finishers. However, if a result of your 5K race is a PR or, perhaps one of the few times you won an age-group award, please let me know.
USATF Awards Banquet is set: The annual USATF Mid-Atlantic Award Luncheon to honor athletes whose performances in 2011 have been particularly noteworthy will be held on January 28, 2012. The flyer is online on the Mid-Atlantic LDR page. Space is limited and already half the tickets have been sold.
Free Gait Analysis
With the increased interest in barefoot running the past few years, club member, podiatrist Dr. Ray Feehery has been studying the issue. Below is his offer of a free gait analysis:
Barefoot running (traditional shoes vs. minimalist) / avoid injuries
Tuesday evenings in Jan/Feb – call 302-999-8511