Newtown Charity 5K Run scheduled for Saturday.
In the wake of the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, CT, Race2Run, Nova Timing and other businesses have scheduled a 5K at Rockford Park. All involved are donated their time and services, so all the proceeds will go to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund. For more information, see:
Condolences: Last week Pike Creek Valley Running Club sent its condolences to Vice President Joel Schiller on the passing of his mother at the age of 92. Stacey Schiller also lost her grandfather several weeks previously.
Congratulations: To club members Ryan Perkowski and Rachel Bleacher, club social director, on the announcement of their engagement.
From President Ray:
Renew PCVRC Membership for 2013
Please renew now for 2013. Thanks to the many who took care of it at the Holiday Party. You’re also set if you ran the 4+ races on our USATF team or if you joined for the first time after Sept. 1. Either mail $25 check payable to “PCVRC” to PCVRC, PO Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804 or pay $26 online by credit card at
Consider inviting someone new to join. List of some of the benefits (shirt, free food & drink, discounts, …) appears at
Nominate Members for Awards
Your input is needed for potential award winners for 2012. Please submit names and reasons before January 1. It’s OK to nominate yourself if others aren’t familiar with you. See for summaries of recent winners.
Annual Club Awards Banquet is March 2
Please note Saturday 3/2/13 on your calendar to join us for the banquet. Location will be announced in January. We had 70 people last year and would like to see as many as possible, especially if you haven’t fit in many club events! It’s also important since we’ll be electing club officers.
USATF Award Luncheon
From Robin Jefferis of Mid-Atlantic USATF:
I am sending you this USATF Award Luncheon application because the luncheon typically sells out in a week or even less. I want to make sure that the Pike members who would like to attend, have time to send their reservations in.
FYI – Hugh [Campbell] was awarded Male Masters Athlete of the Year. He will receive two complimentary tickets.
(See attachment at bottom of e-bulletin. For those who have never attended, for a luncheon this is always a great meal.)