Hi everyone,
The USATF Club Cross Country Championship race is approaching fast with only 12 days to go. USATF site preparation and our team-building have been going on for months. This event will be the largest USATF Club XC Championship in history with over 1750 registered participants.
PCVRC is setting its own attendance records with 65 members competing across the 4 races! With such a large group we do have some logistics to cover and ask that everyone spends a couple minutes to review the following content. Contact me () or Rich () if there are any questions.
Bus Transportation
The club-sponsored charter bus will be departing the Wilmington Riverfront parking lot @ 7AM. (The parking/meeting area is in the back lot across from Timothy’s. Look for the Krapf’s Charter bus.)
Please arrive promptly between 6:30 and 6:45 to facilitate gear stowing and seating. It is a 2-hour trip to Lehigh and we need to arrive with plenty of time to prepare for the 1st race of the day. Departure from Lehigh will be between 3:30 and 4PM to return to the Riverfront by 6PM. Please bring $5 to contribute to the driver’s tip.
Bring your own food for the day and any non-alcoholic beverages. If you are bringing a cooler to stow on the bus please make sure it has your name on it. Food trucks will be on site but with 1750 people plus guests it may be a long wait for food service.
We have several club benefactors donating beer. If you have a favorite personal beverage I suggest you bring it with you.
Other Items You May Need
A folding chair and or blanket for use in the heated team tent.
A change of clothing appropriate for the anticipated weather conditions.
There are showers available in the building located in the Lehigh football stadium north end zone. Plan accordingly if you wish to take advantage of the shower facilities.
Race Gear
As previously stated all team members must have a matching uniform top as their outermost layer. Only those within the designated team must match. Do not forget your singlet!
Additional layers that you want to add to dress for the weather are at your discretion. For example, hat, gloves, arm warmers, long sleeve shirt, tights are permitted and do not need to match your teammate. See attached spread sheet for team roster details. Please note that some age groups have more than 1 team.
If your team is wearing the new PCVRC grey or black singlet you are strongly encouraged to attend the club Christmas party on 12/8 (6:30 p.m.) at Timothy’s in Newark to pick up your gear. One less item for me/us to manage on race day! (Even if you aren’t wearing the gear please come to the party to be part of the send off and well wishes from the club members!) RSVP to Rachel Perkowski () if you are planning to come to the party.
The Lehigh University Paul Short course is all grass with a few short road crossings. Spikes are recommended but not required. If you choose to wear spikes suggested spike length is 3/8”. Road flats may be a better choice for those not accustomed to XC spikes.
Course Info
Please spend a few minutes to read through the course description; review the course maps and elevation details on the following web site: http://www.mausatf.org/2014ClubXC/2014-Club-XC-Championships-coursedescription.htm
For those who are driving themselves to the Lehigh athletic complex: Please ensure that you arrive early and have adequate time for parking, locating the team tent, warmup, etc. Look for the heated PCVRC Team tent – our club banner will be proudly displayed. Tent locations are expected to be in the field near the mile mark. You will have a 5 minute walk from the parking lots to the tents. (See the 6k course map for location.)
Race Day Schedule
10:30 AM : Masters Women’s 6-K
11:30 AM : Masters Men’s 10-K
12:45 PM : Open Women’s 6-K
1:30 PM : Open Men’s 10-K
Rich S. has offered to be the designated driver for a maximum of 7 people. If you plan on celebrating post-race and into the evening Rich is happy to drive you home. Contact Rich ASAP for the RichZ taxi service.