From President Ray
Post to PCVRC Facebook Group
You’re always invited to post and comment at our Facebook page. Link is on our site or go to Post a photo of yourself, comment on a cool race, find carpoolers to area events, give a plug for an upcoming race. There are 220 in the Group as we continue to grow. Tell local friends to join. Club membership isn’t required.
Nominations for Club Awards
If you think a club member had an exceptional year, nominate that person for an annual awards to be presented at our banquet in a couple months. Date & location will be announced within weeks. Just contact any board member with a list of their accomplishments. See recent winners info at for ideas.
Yes, you can nominate yourself.
Help Improve PCVRC
Would you like to help make the club better? If you’d consider getting more involved (become a board member, coordinator, host a group run, assist any of the above, etc.) please see our bylaws at and see samples of positions at Then contact any board member, even if you just have questions.
When more of us are involved, it gets easier for all.
Holiday Party Scheduled for Wed. 12/12/12 at Timothy’s
We’ve again reserved the upstairs room at Timothy’s, 100 Creek View Rd. off Paper Mill Rd. in Newark for the club’s Holiday Party. It will be on Wednesday, December 12 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. You buy your drinks and the club provides food. This is always a good time to renew your dues for 2013. Invite prospective club members to come as well. Your input will be appreciated on potential award winners for 2012 and club events for 2013. Get your club shirt if you’ve never received one. Please RSVP to Rachel () (see Events page) so we have an idea of how much food to order. Last two years, over 50 attended.
Pike Creek runners have a great Philadelphia Marathon weekend!
There were many notable achievements two weekends ago for PCVRC runners in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Marathon weekend featured three different races and the club had some runners in all of them. The races represented the last event(s) of the MA-USATF Grand Prix series for 2012.
Among the accomplishments were:
* Hugh Campbell set a National Age-Group record with a time of 47:40 in the Rothman 8K. This was more than three minutes faster than the previous record. MA-USATF made sure it had the proper officials on hand to certify the effort. Hugh became a media star and it is said that, if he had stuck around rather than leave with the other Pike Creekers, Mayor Nutter would have provided a limo to take him home.
* John Schultz set two Delaware state men’s 80-84 records, breaking his own mark for 10K at the Turkey Trot in Newark on Saturday, which he had set the previous week, and setting the first-time standard for the marathon on Sunday.
* Jordan Fridman and Jamie Graham each ran their first half-marathon.
* Greg Cauller ran in both the Rothman 8K on Saturday and the Philadelphia Half-Marathon on Sunday, placing second in his age group in the 8k and winning the age-group on Sunday. Both results yielded high age-grades, but the current MA-USATF rules prohibit the use of two results from one runner. I believe that rule could be modified to allow a second result to count in a second group of five team members. Combined with the Run for the Diamonds he did on Thanksgiving day and the Delaware XC Championship this past Sunday, that was over 28 miles of quality racing over an eight-day period
* Even without Greg’s second age-grade, the team’s top five scored 426+ points, it’s highest total in any event this year. Overall the team finished fourth in the Grand Prix, moving up from fifth with this final result.
* In the overall individual Grand Prix standings, Tom Steenkamer was fourth male, Dan Simmons was 10th and Lee Kauffman was 13th. Beth Howlett was the club’s highest placed female at 10th and Sheri Herrmann was 12th.
* The following members placed in the age-groups in the Grand Prix. Points are awarded by finishing 1st, 2nd or 3rd in individual events. Note that people stay in the age group they were in at the beginning of series.
Sarah Rusk, 1st 30-34
Lynn Knothe, 1st 35-39
Elena Kupchik, 4th 35-39
Claire Neilan, 8th 35-39
Sheri Herrmann, 6th 40-44
Carole Feoled, tied for 4th, 50-54
Lori Fencer, tied for 6th 50-54
Carol Giampetro, tied for 10th, 50-54
Beth Howlett, 2nd 55-59
Deborah Compton, 6th 60-64
Chris Steenkamer, tied for 1st, <19
Austin Gee, tied for 13th 25-29
Andy Jacubowitch, tied for 8th 30-34
Matt Cutrona, 5th 40-44
Jay Coughenour, 2nd 45-49
Greg Cauller, 2nd 50-54
John Costello, 6th 50-54
Tom Steenkamer, tied for 7th 50-54
Lee Kauffman, tied for 11th 50-54
Epi Camcho, tied for 2nd 55-59
Dan Simmons, 3rd 60-64
Jerry Herman, 4th 65-69
Dave McCorquodale, 5th 65-69
Vic Zwolak, tied for 2nd, 70-74
Jim Durkin, tied for 4th 70-74
John Schultz, 1st 75-79
Don Monagle, 1st 80-84
Hugh Campbell, 1st 85-85
Delaware Cross Country Championship – From Tom Steenkamer:
This past weekend marked the closing of the 2012 Mid Atlantic USATF off – road racing season with running of the Delaware Cross Country Championship.
The DE XC Championship is held annually the Saturday following Thanksgiving on the Brandywine Creek State Park 5k cross country course. The course is often simply referred to as “The Creek” and is widely regarded as one of the most challenging XC courses on the East Coast due to its net uphill terrain. After a modest opening mile the course progresses through a series of ascents and while “Maintenance Hill” at the 1.2 mile mark is often the most debated obstacle the “Mole Hill”, the long grind parallel to RT. 92 and the finishing “Box” all serve notice those who may have over extended themselves early in the race.
Sixteen members of the PCVRC team took to the challenge on an atypical late November morning. Initial temperatures at starting time were in the upper 30’s but with winds a steady 10 mph it felt colder. The day progressed brief periods of sunshine only to be followed by strong gusts over 20mph during the final race of the day. Good times are relative here but PCVRC did well in all 3 races placing several individuals in the top 10 in the Women’s, Men’s Masters and Men’s Open races.
The best part of the race comes after the cash awards are delivered to the top finishers. A lottery drawing for clothing items (Gore Running Apparel, gift cards and more). Many club members came away with new running gloves, jacket or perhaps a needed pair of pants to protect them from the ever present wind.
The official USATF results for the race, and the season ending individual age group and club status should be published on the MAUSATF web site later this week. PCVRC is firmly entrenched in 3rd position and we will also have several top age group performers. (Note: Results still not posted.)
Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this season a huge success!
Editor’s note: Three of the top six PCVRC runners in this event were named Steenkamer!
Berwick Run for the Diamonds – From Lynn Knothe:
While most in Wilmington are participating in the PNC 10k/5k events, Greg and I have run the Berwick Run for the Diamonds. This year we also convinced Sarah Rusk to race it after discussing how far (or close, depending on how you think of it) Berwick is from her hometown of Stroudsburg, PA. The Run for the Diamonds is currently the third oldest road race in the United States behind Boston and the Delaware YMCA Turkey Trot 8k in Buffalo, NY. This year was the 103rd running. Instead of a traditional distance of 5k, 5 miles, or 10K, Berwick is a 9 mile race. The top seven men win diamond rings while the top seven women win diamond pendants. Diamonds are also awarded to the first master, first 50-59, first 60+ along with some local winners. Eighth through fifteenth places receive plaques. In addition to any weather conditions that may present on Thanksgiving day (heat, snow), the course also features a 600+ foot climb from the 1.8 mile mark to just about the 4 mile mark. Once you turn for home at 4.5, there are significant downhills along with some rolling uphills to keep it challenging.
Greg Cauller, 55:28, 2nd 50-54
Sarah Rusk, 58:09, 10th female
Lynn Knothe, 61:45, 16th female (1st, 35-39)
Race Results:
Turkey Trot 10:
39:52 Epi Camacho, 6th Overall, 55-59 A.G. Course Record (breaking his own)
40:56 Kelly Horowitz, 2nd Overall Female
1:15:56 John Schultz, 80-84 Age Group State Record
Rothman 8K:
93.916 47:40 Hugh Campbell, 2nd 75+, National age-group(85-89) record
87.084 28:31 Greg Cauller, 2nd 50-54
85.879 28:55 Tom Steenkamer, 3rd 50-54
81.213 28:02 Matt Cutrona, 2nd 40-44
78.696 30:40 Sarah Rusk, 2nd 30-34
75.850 27:57 Austin Gee
75.178 32:46 Dirk Sweigart
74.174 32:47 Lynn Knothe, 2nd 35-39
72.433 35:04 Sheri Herrmann, 3rd 40-44
61.990 44:45 Jerry Herman
42.367 85:55 Don Monagle
Philadelphia Half-Marathon
83.209 1:22:55 Greg Cauller, 1st 50-54, this age-grade excluded
81.249 1:20:21 Jay Coughenour
75.067 1:51:46 Beth Howlett
63.885 1:45:22 Claire Neilan
1:44:52 Jordan Fridman
2:57:05 Jamie Graham
Philadelphia Marathon:
64.161 3:39:19 David Baca
57.189 4:07:08 Elena Kupchik
49.549 6:44:17 John Schultz, Delaware State age-group(80-84) record
3:27:55 Adam Schilling
Delaware Open XC Championship 5K:
Age Gr – Time
77.369 17:14 Chris Steenkamer, 5th 18-39
76.994 19:38 Greg Cauller, missed Masters race, ran in Open.
76.936 19:48 Tom Steenkamer, 3th 50-59
75.744 23:20 Carol Giampetro, 2nd 50-59
72.829 17.51 Josh Loren, 9th 18-39
69.647 21:15 Katrina Steenkamer, 6th 18-39
69.347 21:58 Lee Kauffman, 10th 50-59
68.041 24:31 Dan Simmons, 3rd 60+
67.391 22:14 Dirk Sweigart
67.101 23:00 Lisa Jalot, 4th 40-49
65.612 21:37 Keith Crispin
65.810 22.43 Lynn Knothe, 7th 18-39
64.584 24:17 Sheri Herrmann, 6th 40-49
62.030 23:58 Ray Christensen
55.795 30:55 Dave McCorquodale
44.417 47:19 John Schultz
40.243 42.27 Ralph McKinney
– – – 28:34 Bruce Hubbard, 8th 60+
MS 10K Run:
36:57 Matt Cutrona, 1st Master