b>Holiday Party Scheduled
Club Social Director Rachel Bleacher has secured the upstairs room at Timothy’s, 100 Creek View Rd. off Paper Mill Rd. in Newark for the club’s Holiday Party. It will be on Wednesday, December 7 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. This is always a good time to renew your dues for 2012. Invite prospective club members to come as well. There will be a donation box towards food in case they are not prepared to join at that time.
Your input will be appreciated on potential award winners for 2011 and club events in 2012.
From President Ray:
Philadelphia Marathon Expo & Bibs
PCVRC leads off the Philadelphia Marathon Health & Fitness Expo Seminar Series with a Friday 1pm presentation of ‘Better Results by Joining a Running Club’. Call Ray (302-633-1482) if you’d like to participate by answering questions or if you’d like to carpool or have your race bib picked up for the 8K, Half or Full. Also contact me if you’d like to carpool on Sunday.
USATF Discount Plan – Join Our Team!
For the past 2 years, the club has given all of our USATF Series money awards directly to participants in the form of FREE club dues for the following year. We will likely win a smaller amount this year (due to increased competition), but the board has decided that all club USATF members who’ve represented us in at least 4 road and/or trail series events will receive free club membership for 2012. A list of eligible members will be printed in next eBulletin. This will remain a year-to-year decision.
As a further bonus, anyone on that list who has not yet received a club singlet will get one at no cost. They will be distributed at the Holiday Party. Those not eligible for a free singlet can purchase one at a discount price of just $10. So consider joining USATF ($29) for 2012 and run some interesting races with our team. Carpool with us!
Club Shirts at Holiday Party
For those who have never received a PCVRC tech shirt, please pick yours up at Timothy’s on 12/7 when you renew membership. New Balance has donated an additional 24 shirts, so most sizes are available.
Club Jackets
Orders will be taken at the Holiday Party for our $70 club jacket with your choice of PCVRC logo or DDC 15k logo. Come to check out the nice embroidery. See photos at our Facebook page: www.tinyurl.com/pcvrc Invite local friends to join our Facebook Group, even if not yet a club member. Post photos of interesting races you run!
Successful Surgery
Our USATF Team Coordinator Rich Szymanski had surgery on Wednesday to remove cancer in his kidney.
Tricia says: “Surgery was a success and they were able to keep 80% of his kidney. He’s doing great and we can officially say he’s cancer free. We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Thanks for everyone’s continued prayers!”
From Ed Maher of MA-USATF:
During the Philadelphia Marathon Expo this Friday & Saturday there will be fourteen seminars on various running topics. Mid-Atlantic clubs and individual members have become involved with this and are leading several of the seminars! A schedule should be available on the Marathon web site soon but I’ve attached one with this email so you’ll have advance info on the topics & times.