As we continue through these unprecedented times, the one thing that remains constant is that we will enjoy running and find ways to keep it interesting, while staying safe. The generally nice weather through the first half of fall has been welcomed, but we’ll be out on the roads and trails regardless what winter brings. To some degree, PCVRC has been a beacon of camaraderie and grown its membership to over 200 families and individual members. We are a social club and very supportive of all our member’s running goals. Most importantly, we have a great time running and welcome runners of all backgrounds regardless of race, nationality, religion, sexual preference and of all levels of ability from beginner joggers to the highly competitive road racer to marathoners.
Renew Your Membership for 2021
Renew online or mail check. Only new members need to submit a member form.
10K race with Tri-Dawgs an Overwhelming Success
- PCVRCer Mike DiGennaro was the overall winner in 33:54, an unofficial 40-44 AG record for Delaware, followed by two other PCVRCers, Pete LoBianco (35:46) and Steve Sinko (36:21).
- PCVRCer Elizabeth Swierzbinski was top woman in 38:42, followed closely behind by Tri-Dawg Stéphanie Vanniar (38:52) and PCVRC Abby Dean (39:42). Abby’s time was an unofficial 45-49 AG record for Delaware.
- Greg Cauller (40:09) and Tom Steenkamer (40:16) finished within a few seconds of unofficially breaking the Delaware 10K record for 60-69 AG.
A big thank you to Dave Anshen, Glenn Moore, Alison McCann, Andrea Riley and Christina Xia for organizing and recruiting participants for this inaugural event. The beautiful weather was an added bonus allowing for old and new friends to catch up afterwards (socially distanced of course). We hope to make friendly competitions and eventually social events with the Tri-Dawgs a regular occurrence.
We welcome all Tri-Dawgs to join PCVRC as our members would love the opportunity to expand our athletic community and help enrich the running aspect of multisport training and competition. For PCVRC membership information and benefits, please click HERE
Several of our PCVRC members are also Tri-Dawgs so if you are looking to add biking and/or swimming to your program or just want to support a local club, consider joining the Tri-Dawgs and entering a duathlon or triathlon next year (Note: join after Nov 15, 2020 and 2021 membership is included). Their members have graciously offered to loan equipment and provide guidance to new members. For more information about the Tri-Dawgs.
Group Runs continue every Sunday & Thursday and track workouts every Tuesday
Sundays 8:00am – meet in front of Panera on Main St., Newark (free parking); run in White Creek Park and back up to 14 miles or more round trip.
Thursdays 6:00 pm – meet at start/finish of Delcastle Rec Area; Run 1 or more laps of the 1.75 mile loop
Click here for details
Tuesday evening track workouts with a Delaware Hall of Fame running coach, Jim Fischer, at St. Marks High School are back for you to get up to speed!
Social Activities
PCVRC held a couple successful social events in the fall including an outdoor happy hour at Dew Point Brewery, the Not The Delaware Distance Classic Fun Run & Social at Constitution Yards on the Riverfront and the aforementioned 10K race with the Tri-Dawgs.
PCVRC is planning a Saturday group run before the end of the year as well as a “lights run” through a local neighborhood after dark (properly illuminated, of course) to enjoy the holiday decorations.
For sure, spring will allow us to hold more outdoor fun runs and social events. Check the website for updates on events and planned virtual seminars on training, fitness and health – PCVRC Events Calendar
Discounted Gait Analysis by Omega Project Nov 18
Omega Project is offering 3D gait screens on Wednesday Nov 18 starting at 6:45pm at 1806 N. Van Buren St, Wilmington, DE 19802. The screens are $75 for PCVRC members and $50 for students (regularly $100). To sign up, click HERE
For Your Information
The surge in Covid cases are likely to put a damper on the spring race season, particularly larger events (ie. Boston Marathon, Broad Street), but as many of our members can attest, smaller races of all distances are being conducted successfully. For those interested in half and full marathons, is a good place to check out what’s still on.
As the days get shorter, running in the dark becomes a necessary evil. For information and tips on night running, click HERE and HERE
C25K Program to Restart in the Spring
Lee and Michelle Dresser plan to restart the Couch to 5K program at Paper Mill Park in the spring. The approximately 10-week program is free and culminates with a goal 5K race in May or June. Please bring a mask to wear before and after running and walking and stay 6 feet away from anyone not in your immediate family at all times. We believe if we do all of these things, we should be able to run safely.
Please check the website for updates HERE.
USATF Race Series Update
Unfortunately, the 2020 season was cut short, but we expect races to start up for the 2021 season. Please check out the website for updates HERE
Delaware Distance Classic Will be Back in 2021!
Given the current restrictions, the DDC was cancelled for 2020. Please check the website for updates for next year’s race at
Urban Bike Project
PCVRC & Tri-Dawgs are partnering to support Urban Bike Project. We will be collecting donations and Rich Szymanski has offered to pick up donations, details and specifics to come.
Urban Bike Project Mission Statement:
“Urban Bike Project supports Wilmington communities by providing access to bicycling as a healthy, affordable and practical means of transportation and recreation. Our work is guided by three core principles: open access for all Wilmington residents, opportunities for residents to build self-sufficiency, and community-driven programming that is responsive to resident needs”.
“What Donations Are Accepted? Used Bicycles – any type, any size, any condition, Frames, Parts, Bicycle Accessories, Tools – please only donate tools in good working order”
Your PCVRC Board needs you!
Events Coordinator and board members needed!
Please consider joining the board and helping our club become more beneficial and enjoyable to current and prospective members with group runs, socials and other activities. You’ll have plenty of support.
Contact Us!
President: Wes Stafford
Vice President: Adam Shilling
Secretary: Alison McCann
Treasurer: Andrea Riley
Membership coordinator: Christina Xia
Events coordinator: Open
USATF Team coordinator: Lynn Knothe
Sponsorship coordinator: Dirk Sweigart
Webmaster: Ray Christensen
C25K coordinator: Lee Dresser
DDC Race Director: Dan Suher
Social Media: Alison McCann
Communications/marketing: Open
Visit our wonderful sponsors by clicking their logo on our website!