Delaware Track and Field Hall of Fame
From Tom Fort:
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Cavaliers Country Club
The Delaware Track and Field Hall of Fame will be honoring four inductees this year, as follows:
Jim Gano, Shayla Baine Gosa, Keith Saddler, Don Wood.
You are invited to join in the celebration of their induction with a social hour at 6:00 pm and dinner at 7:00 pm.
Tickets are $50.00 for the general public and $40.00 for Delaware Track and Field Hall of Fame members and previous inductees. Deadline for tickets is Thursday, November 15, 2012
For tickets, please contact Tom Fort at 302-234-7803 or .
Ticket Order
Name:__________________________ Hof F Member?______Inductee?______
Name:__________________________ Hof F Member?______Inductee?______
Name:__________________________ Hof F Member?______Inductee?______
Name:__________________________ Hof F Member?______Inductee?______
Tickets for the general public are $50. Tickets for previously inducted members and 2012 paid and Life Hall of Fame members are $40. A ‘2012’ on your label indicates current paid membership, an ‘I’ indicates previous inductees and a ‘L’ indicates a life member.
Number of tickets at $50____________Number of tickets at $40_____________
Make checks out to Delaware Sports Club.
Mail to Tom Fort, 11 Revelstone Drive, Newark, DE 19711-2982
Please pay for tickets with your reservation. Tickets will be available at the door.
The Evansburg Challenge From Lisa Jalot:
The 7th USATF Off-Road Running Series Race, The Evansburg Challenge, took place this past Sunday, October 28th. After a short period of speculation on whether the race would be held, due to the early effects of Hurricane Sandy, we received reassurance from Ron Horn of Pretzel City Sports, that “No, we were not “Girlyboys” or “Weenies” and of course, the race would go on.”
Seven brave Pike Creek Valley members participated and were pleasantly surprised that conditions were much better than anticipated (low 50’s, with rain mostly holding off until after the race). Some of the more treacherous water crossings were removed from the course with only one waist deep (or higher for Rich and I who unintentionally slipped/swam across the Skippack Creek) crossing. With that said, the course was definitely the muddiest of the 6 trail races preceding and that seems to be the trend, based on the years I’ve run it. As a trade-off to the mud and water, the course is fairly flat and only moderately technical with roots and rocks very dodge-able.
The race was intended to be ten miles but ended up being a 15K as a result of the weather driven course change and elimination of water crossing(s) – another change I believe most of us didn’t mind. Pike Creek scored competitively in this race, solidifying our 3rd place spot in the Off-Road Running Series. The last race of this 2012 Series will be the November 24th Delaware Open XC Championship 5K. For those of you considering participating in the finale, please come out and join the fun!
State Records Set
Two club members set state records over the weekend. Don Monagle completed the Radnor Run Five Miler, marking the first time a male 80-84 completed this race distance. Don completed this tough course in 1:24:23 and no doubt both he and John Schultz could post a better time for five miles.
At the E-racing The Blues 10K, Hugh Campbell posted a time of 1:02:24, which is an age-graded mark of over 90.5, a world class effort. Not only is this a Delaware State Record, it appears to also be a single-age(88) world record. The American and World age-group record, set by an 85 year-old, is about six minutes faster. Hugh ran this event in preparation to compete for the club in the Ben Franklin Bridge Challenge 10K this Sunday.
NYC Marathon
Of interest to runners, amidst all the devastating news in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, is the fact that the New York City Road Runners Club, with the cooperation city, is still intent on putting on the New York City Marathon this Sunday. While the marathon course itself avoids low-lying areas, the problems to be overcome are getting about 20,000 international runners into the country with air travel having been delayed and transporting the athletes to Staten Island for the start with the subways down and possible ferry service limited. The event will be telecast on ESPN2.
Hershey Half From Victoria Acker:
Just wanted to send a note letting you know I finished the Hershey Half in Hershey PA on Oct 21st in 2:05:05, which ties a personal best. The weather was great, and an entire mile of the race is run through Hershey Park. The surrounding area is beautiful and we had several great cheering sections of Milton Hershey students, but the BEST was the chocolate aid station at about mile 11 handing out Reese’s candies!
Race Results:
Caffe Gelato Ten Miler:
1:22:36 Andrea Rubinoff, 1st 55-59
ATI Physical Therapy 5K:
19:33 Kelly Horowitz, 2nd Overall Female
Radnor Run Five Miler:
PCVRC did not field a team for this event, but results count for age groups.
AgeGr – Time
75.260 36:51 Dan Simmons
73.973 34:04 Lee Kauffman
57.532 49:34 Jerry Herman
43.393 1:24:23 Don Monagle
E-Racing the Blues 10K:
40:15 Sarah Rusk, Overall Female winner
E-Racing the Blues 5K:
18:17 Greg Cauller, Overall Winner
21:01 Lynn Knothe, 2nd Overall Female
Kudos to Michael Peyton and David Baca for doing these two races back-to-back.
Evansburg 15K Challenge:
AgGr – Time
68.70 1:20:08 Carol Giampietro
68.70 1:09:50 Tom Steenkamer
66.53 1:28:30 Andrea Rubinoff
64.06 1:35:56 Carole Feole
62:54 1:16:49 Lisa Jalot
56.99 1:20:44 Rich Szymanski
37:52 2:57:43 John Schultz
Marine Corps Marathon:
5:01:39 Stacey Schiller
5:06:57 Joel Schiller