President’s Message
The 35th annual Delaware Distance Classic 15K/5K was held on Sunday October 8, 2017. On behalf of Jim Steele, Ray Christensen, and the race management team, I want to thank the 271 race participants, the vendors, everyone who volunteered, the City of Delaware City, and Fusion Racing for helping us put on a really nice event. The weather held, the new course was positively received, and the post-race party was its typically fun affair. Hundreds of race photos are at:
The next PCVRC board meeting is Monday November 6, 2017 at 6:30 at Dirk Sweigart’s house. We’ll be recapping the DDC, planning the holiday party, and discussing the possibilities for the 2018 Board and Officers roster. The club really does need your help, so please let us know if you can attend this important meeting.
As I begin the last two months of my term as Club President, I want to let you all know how enjoyable these last several years have been. I’ve made a lot of great running friends and I truly appreciate all the efforts of the Board and Committee members. I’m not leaving the club or the Board but I do feel it is time for me to hand the reins to a new administration.
Best wishes and continued happy running!
The club currently stands at 140 family memberships with 246 club members.
Membership is only $25 and is good for your entire family. As a 501c(3), PCVRC membership is also tax deductible. Any member who races for PCVRC in 4 or more USATF races a calendar year, and is a member of USATF, will receive complimentary PCVRC membership for the following calendar year. We will notify these members in January.
New members who join on or after June 1 but before October 1 may pay a reduced rate of $15 to cover membership for the remainder of the current calendar year. All members who join or renew before October 1 are subject to our standard renewal policy. Anyone who joins on or after October 1st pays $25 that includes the remainder of current calendar year plus the following calendar year. Renewals will be accepted beginning December 1 and are due by March 31.
To renew your dues online go to: Or you may send a $25 check or money order (payable to PCVRC) to: PCVRC, PO Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804
Treasurer’s Report
Lenora reports that the 2017 DDC generated $12,920 in revenue ($3800 in sponsorships) and incurred $11,586 in expenses. The club anticipated some additional expenses to bring in Fusion Racing to help with the event and registrations were somewhat lower than we had hoped for. We continue to maintain a year’s worth of reserves in the bank and a fuller financial report will be presented in November.
Social Activities
Hey everyone! Here is your “Save the Date” for the Tuesday December 5 Holiday Party at Timothy’s Newark. More details in the November newsletter!
Also, our running meet-ups continue: Tuesdays at the Newark Reservoir at 6PM; Thursdays at 6PM at Delcastle Recreation; and Sundays 8AM at Panera on Main Street Newark. Now that the weather has begin to cool, please come on out and join us for a group run!
USATF Report
The USATF Fall Racing season is in full swing. I know the club is always looking for more runners in both the on-road and off-road series; and we especially need additional female runners. If you would like to participate and help the PCVRC defend its two-time regional championship, please contact Tom Steenkamer (). Runners of all ages and abilities are welcome!
Other News:
Current and all past News Bulletins are online:
Race Results & Recognition
Fall temperatures make racing exciting, so please let us know what you’ve been up to. For inclusion in the next newsletter, send us your race results, PRs, and stories about conquering a new distance or other milestones. You can do so by replying to this message or by sending an email to: .