From President Ray
“DDC / B+ Weekend” Activities
When PCVRC and The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation decided to promote each other, we realized that we could link several activities to become a “weekend of events”. Today’s News Journal article explains one of them. Besides noting Hugh Campbell’s record-setting performance last weekend (that will be recognized at DDC), it highlights an interesting event Saturday. See today’s NewsJournal article at|topnews|text|Sports for info on Eric Suro’s Ironman Tri B+ fundraiser on Saturday right here in the Newark area.
But the weekend activities kick off with:
Guest Bartender at BBC Thursday 10/4
Mark your calendars for October 4th from 6-9pm to join us at the BBC Tavern and Grill! BBC will be hosting a “Guest Bartender Night” along with the SceneTap B+ Racing Team (our 5k race sponsor) to help raise money to fight childhood cancer. You can meet our partners as well as participate in a live auction for some fabulous racing inspired items. For more information please call Jim Steele (302) 530-7274 or visit We’ll be recruiting more runners and volunteers for Sunday’s DDC.
DDC 15K & 5K Volunteers Still Needed
Delaware Distance Classic is just days away. We’ve got 300 already registered for 15K and just a handful for 5K. If not running one of the events, we could really, really use your help. Nearly twice as many are needed due to the 2 concurrent events.
To volunteer, please reply or contact one of the following (double duty is welcome):
– Registration (meet at 6:45am): Rachel B.
– Course Marshals (meet at 8:00am): Vince M.
– Finish area/food tables (starting 8:15am): Dave M.
DDC is Rain or Shine Event!
Race day regisration starts at 7am Sunday. Pre-registered people will receive info email today. Invite friends to run or walk the 5K for decent chance at age-group medal since this is an inaugural race! Race day prices are:
$40 for 15K and $25 for 5K. Shirts for all. Party for all.
The 5K starts first, at 8:30am, followed immediately by the 15K. 15K runners should gather near the start inside the parking lot until the 5K runners pass by. 5K runners should proceed to their start, 200 yards down the third base side of the stadium. Volunteers will direct you. As soon as last 5K participants are clear, you’ll be invited to come to start line. Course maps will be posted and also at
“Like” Us on Facebook
If you haven’t already, visit both “Pike Creek Valley Running Club” and “Delaware Distance Classic” on Facebook, where we invite you to post comments as often as you like.
5K Age Group Record for Hugh Campbell
Hugh Campbell shattered his own record and set a new standard for age-group in an age-grade world record run on Sunday at the National Masters 5K Championships in Syracuse, N.Y. He had previously set a new standard at the Miles for Melanoma 5K on the Wilmington Riverfront a couple weeks ago with a time of 27:17. Sunday he broke through and knocked another 32 seconds off to run 26:45.
As Hugh told me, before the race, the people at the Festival of Races thought he was just another old runner, competing for an age-group win. Afterward, having run a race that age-graded above 100 – 101.93 to be exact – he became a celebrity. Naomi Campbell told me that they really enjoyed the time at the event and that all of the runners were “so welcoming”.
Here are several links to articles from Syracuse:
This is a link to the Men’s Results:—Calendar/2012/USA-Masters-5-km-Championships/Results/Men-Age-Graded.aspx
Hugh Campbell intends to be present to watch the events and MA-USATF will honor his achievement before the awards ceremony for the races.
Funny Running Moment: Eliza Tibbetts, the women’s winner of the Maine Marathon, which was run this past weekend in Portland, literally worked up a lather while winning in 3:03:50. Apparently when her running shorts were last laundered, she used too much detergent. With the race being run in a persistent drizzle, after 20 miles a white foam began to appear on her legs, which persisted through the finish. While having her picture taken, wearing the laurel wreath of the victor, Tibbetts quipped, “Well, this kind of ruins the Kodak moment.”
From Lynn Knothe:
Club members Enos Benbow, Greg Cauller, Lisa Jalot, Darlise DiMatteo and myself all participated in the Dogfish Dash 5K on Sunday. (If I missed anyone, I apologize). Enos was second overall in the 10K in 34:49 and Lisa was second female and first master in the 10K in 42:12. Greg and I were overall winners in the 5k in 18:08 and 19:58, respectively. We all had the incentive of Dogfish brews at the post race party to run a little bit faster!
Race Results:
St. Francis Foundation 5K:
17:42 Dan Suher, Overall Winner
21:37 Sheri Herrmann, 3rd Overall Female and 2nd Master
Hands On House Half-Marathon:
1:37:52 David Baca
1:40:15 Ray Christensen