DDC: Why the 15k Matters
Joel Schiller comments:
The 15K is a useful and exciting racing distance. It’s a ‘between’ distance. The 15K offers a challenge for those who have run their first 5K and 10K races and want to go a bit further without quite committing to a marathon, or even a half marathon.
Experienced runners enjoy the 15K because it offers a different distance, one to relieve boredom. I always have liked running 15K races and have had some of my best times and performances at this 9.3-mile distance, as well as in slightly longer 10-mile races.
Think of the 15k as three 5k races. You know how long a 5k is so this is just three strung together. You get warmed up in the first 5k, setting your pace, checking your health and how you feel. At the Wilmington Riverfront the first three miles took you through the Browntown neighborhood, around the Riverfront and back to the start at Frawley Stadium. All areas you’ve done before so you didn’t have to think too much about the course. You could just make sure you were geared up for the race.
In the 2nd section you’re maintaining your pace, not wanting to slack off but not ready to push either. You’re only 1/3 of the way through so this is the time you get to admire the scenery, chat with fellow runners and make sure everything’s in place for that final stretch. At the Riverfront you’d be heading down to the Peterson Center, up the entire length of the Riverwalk, out the far side past Tubman-Garrett Park (site of the always wonderful Delaware Marathon!) and down 7th Street past the Kalmar Nyckel Shipyard.
You start the third 5k full of fire and ready to give it your all. You’ve seen the course, you’ve admired the scenery, now it’s a race! The Delaware City location adds to the excitement because you’ve headed out to the country. Now you get to run back, making sure to get water and/or Gatorade at the 5k turn-around spot, you round the bend and head down Clinton Street to the finish! You did it! As Joel said above, lots of people have done half-marathons, marathons and more but few people have done a 15k! You’re one of the few, the proud, the Pike Creek Valley Running Club 15k runner!
So you’re saying “Wow, that sounds great! What do I need to do to make sure I’m ready?”
1) You could join the C25k program this Monday at 6 p.m. at the Newark Reservoir and run with folks there. The Distance Classic 5k is the graduating race for the C25k participants so there will be lots of people who can run a 5k or longer this Monday.
2) Hal Higdon has a training program that has the longest distance as 8 miles. If you can do 8 miles you can do a little more. (Don’t go from zero to 8 miles of course. There’s no shame in walking parts of the course. I walked the entire course the time I did the race!)
Volunteers Needed
Our annual 15K is almost upon us – DDC is Sunday Oct 12th at 9am. If you are not running, please consider volunteering as this is our BIGGEST club fundraiser and is highly dependent on club members to make it a success. This year should be a lot more fun in our new location in DE City! The course is flat and fast, and is an out an back, taking in portions of the canal trail. The post-race party will be at Crabby Dick’s.
We desperately need more volunteers. Specifically, we need a number of folks to help with registration, we need someone to transport water to DE City (preferably someone with a pick-up truck!), someone else to be a lead cyclist……and more. Check out the following link to sign up. THANK YOU!
PCVRC’s Delaware Distance Classic 15k/5k
From Joel Schiller:
Registration is now open for the 32nd Annual Delaware Distance Classic 15K & 5K presented by New Balance Brandywine & Christiana and M&T Bank. We invite you to run with us!
When: 9:00am start, Sunday, October 12, 2014 (race day registration opens at 7:30am)
Where: Clinton St and Battery Park, DE City, Delaware. Plenty of free parking.
15K Cost: $35 (before Oct 5); $45 (starting Oct 6, including race day); 5K Cost: $25 early; $30 late
Event Registration: www.ddc15k.org
The Course: This new 15K (9.3 miles) course is USATF-certified, flat and fast. The loop begins and ends on Clinton Street in downtown Delaware City and runs out into the historic Fort DuPont and onto Cox Neck Road. This race serves as the 2014 Mid-Atlantic USATF 15K Championship and is part of the Mid-Atlantic USATF Grand Prix running series. It is one of the oldest races in Delaware, started by the Pike Creek Valley Running Club as the Pike Creek Classic 15K in 1983.
2014 Highlights: The 15K race will feature $750 in prize money; 5-year age categories, plus random and middle-of-pack awards. Each participant will receive a quality long-sleeve technical shirt (from New Balance), other giveaways, and post-race refreshments at Crabby Dicks. We will have an Awards Ceremony, Sponsor Exhibits, and Music with a live DJ. We invite you to stay and tailgate with us! Plenty of free parking in and around the start and finish.
Charity Proceeds will go to the Mike Clark Legacy Foundation and local Delaware City charities
PCVRC Speaker Series w/Duncan Outslay
From Paula Jermyn:
Hey Pike Creek Valley Running Club Members!
Our Fall Speaker Series has been scheduled and we are so excited to have Duncan Outslay as our presenter on Sunday, October 19th starting at 6:00 p.m. Great timing- the weekend after PCVRC Delaware Distance Classic on the 12th!
Since this seminar is at Christiana Care Rehabilitation Services, formerly PT Plus, space is limited to 20 people. The seminar is free for active PCVRC members.
Please RSVP to Paula Jermyn at as soon as possible to save your spot!!
Topic for presentation:
Prevention and Management of Common Running Injuries + a treadmill video analysis
Duncan Outslay MSPT, ATC, USA Triathlon Coach – Level 1
Duncan Outslay is a physical therapist for Christiana Care Rehabilitation Services in Wilmington, Delaware. He has been employed by Christiana Care for nearly 10 years. Duncan holds a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy from the Institute of Physical Therapy Education at Widener University in 2001. He also holds a Certification in Athletic Training from the the University of Delaware in 1991. He has a specialty in Lower Extremity Injuries and Biomechanics with a special interest in the endurance athlete.
Duncan is also USA Triathlon Certified Coach – Level 1. He has coached numerous endurance athletes to completing their goals from sprint triathlons to full Ironman distance races as well as running races from 5Ks to full marathons. He coaches athletes of all abilities from beginners to National Championship qualifiers. As an athlete he has enjoyed running since early childhood. Duncan’s philosophy of coaching is “happy training”. In order to find joy in running you need to focus on the journey, not the destination.
The seminar will be held at:
Christiana Care Rehabilitation Services
5311 Limestone Road Ste 101
Wilmington, DE 19808
We look forward to seeing you there!
Race Results, Reviews and Accomplishments:
Pike Creek continues to field competitive athletes. Let’s see how we did!
Andy Jakubowitch came in 2nd overall in the 3rd Corn to Run this past Saturday, finishing in 17:07.0. Way to go Pokey!
Carole Feole continues to amaze, winning her age group in the Ocean City (NJ) Half Marathon, finishing in 1:45:15. Awesome job Carole!
John Schultz continues to slack off, competing in the Conestoga Trail Race. He completed all 10 miles in 5:06:49. Think that’s slow? Here’s what he had to put up with (in his words): “10 insane and brutal miles, with several steep ascents and descents between elevations of 200 and 700 feet”. The race web page describes the course as “hillish” and then says “arguably the toughest 10-mile race on the East Coast”, noting that participants climb nearly 3,000 feet over those ten miles. We all remain in awe of you, John!
Ben Mack competed in the Pittsburgh Great Race 10k, finishing in 57:23. (His gun time was 1:03:08, showing just how many runners there were!)
Ben’s wife Mary Lynn Mack competed in the 5k, finishing in 43:47. (Her gun time was 47:49!) I also want to note that Mary Lynn e-mailed me Ben’s results but not her own! You’re allowed to toot your own horn here once in a while!
3rd Corn to Run
(September 27th – Millsboro, DE)
Andy Jakubowitch 17:07.0 (2nd Overall)
Ocean City Half Marathon
(September 28th – Ocean City, NJ)
Carole Feole 1:45:15 (1st AG)
22nd Conestoga Trail Run
(September 28th – Pequea, PA)
John Schultz 5:05:49
Pittsburgh Great Race 10k
(September 28th – Pittsburgh, PA)
Benjamin Mack 57:23
Pittsburgh Great Race 5k
(September 28th – Pittsburgh, PA)
Mary Lynn Mack 43:47
Calling all XC runners:
Save the Date – 12/13/14 USATF Club Nationals
PCVRC is planning to have extensive representation at this year’s USATF XC Club National race to be held @ the Lehigh University cross country course. This race is one of the biggest and most exciting annual USATF events and this year is being held only 2 hours away from us. The race rotates around the USA – 2015 is in San Francisco, 2016 in Lexington – so you see why this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity to participate with other clubs from the East Coast and across the USA..
What is required to participate? A current USATF membership. If you are not a current USATF member consider joining on or after November 1st since this will provide membership for the remainder of 2014 and 2015.
I hear a few folks saying I’m not that competitive so why go? Consider the following –
The race is fantastic. You line up across a giant field with your matching uniformed teammates next to you, and you can look left or right to see the arc of the starting line in a rainbow of team colors on either side of you. Masters competitors wearing a race number bib on their chest and their age group on their back you identify your fellow competitors. At the gun everyone charges across that field to take on the challenge of the hills, grass, and ensuing oxygen debt . So pack up all your race singlet, shoes, and maybe a pair of spikes and there you go—road trip to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania—relaxing comfortably in your team van. Gather with club members from near and far as you stay cozy and warm in the MAUSATF heated tent sharing your racing stories, food and beverages.
XC Nationals Warm-Up on October 4th
Paul Short Cross Country meet offers a preview of Club Cross Country meet at Lehigh University in December:
New Jersey runners have a wonderful opportunity to preview the courses of the USATF National Club Cross Country Championship on October 4th at Lehigh University. The Paul Short Cross Country meet opens in the morning with an “open” women’s 6km at 10:00 a.m., followed by an “open” men’s 8km at 10:10 a.m. The features of the course allows this to be done as the men’s 8km takes them off the 6km course at about a mile and a third. The women will have finished by the time the men return from their race that is 2 kilometers longer.
“Open” in this context refers to any collegiate runner not affiliated with a collegiate team, and post collegiate runners including masters runners. In 2013 the fields were around 500 finishers in the “open” races. There is no team scoring for the open races and no awards.
For information on the meet and the open races, follow this link, http://www.lehighsports.com/news/2014/9/19/PaulShort_0919141321.aspx
To register click on “Coaches” then scroll down to “Post HS Unattached women athlete registration” or “Post HS Unattached men athlete registration”
You will be able to register using your credit card. The registration fee is $30.00.
You must also print out the waiver and sign and bring with you to pick up your timing chip on race day.
The national club meet on Saturday December 13th features a 10km for open and master’s men and a 6km for open and masters women. Below are the links to the course maps:
Here is the link to the national club cross country meet: